Home Symptoms After gymnastics know what to eat to keep everything tough

After gymnastics know what to eat to keep everything tough


After gym class, weight training or even jogging, eating a fruit salad mixed with low-fat yogurt and a little bit of granola can help keep everything stiff because this is a meal rich in lean proteins and carbohydrates, ideal for muscle recovery.

Other good meal options after exercise can be:

  • Fruit smoothie with soy milk, A bowl of açaí, Yogurt with fruit, Tuna salad, Eggnog with egg, yogurt and little sugar, Scrambled eggs.

After finishing physical exercise, tired muscles need nutrients for their recovery, especially proteins that help rebuild muscles and provide anergy.

Providing the ideal ingredients at the right time makes the muscle grow and the fat dries out. Find out more about what to eat before and after exercise at: Healthy eating for physical activity.

See tips from the nutritionist:

In addition to eating after gym, taking caffeine before working out also helps to strengthen your muscles and burn fat. See how: Drinking coffee before training improves performance.

After gymnastics know what to eat to keep everything tough