Home Symptoms Spinal deviation: what it is, types and treatment

Spinal deviation: what it is, types and treatment


The main spinal deviations are hyperkyphosis, hyperlordosis and scoliosis, which are not always serious, needing treatment because in some cases these deviations are mild and do not have great consequences for the individual. The deviation in the spine may show no symptoms or cause pain at certain times.

The spine has 33 vertebrae, 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 4 that form the coccyx. When viewed from the side, the healthy spine has smooth curves, in the chest area and at the end of the back. When viewed from the back, the spine must be exactly in the middle of the back, but when the vertebrae are misaligned, scoliosis can then be observed. When viewed from the front despite not being able to see the spine, it is possible to observe the changes that the deviations in the spine cause: unevenness of the shoulders and / or hips.

1. Hyperkyphosis

Hyperkyphosis occurs when the vertebrae of the thoracic spine curve backwards, forming a 'hunchback' appearance, with the shoulders slumped in front. This deviation is more common in older people, and is also closely related to osteoporosis in the bones of the spine.

How to treat: It is recommended to perform corrective exercises, which strengthen the back muscles, and stretch the pectoralis major and minor, in addition to better positioning the head. Clinical Pilates and RPG exercises - global postural reeducation, are highly recommended, achieving excellent results. The use of a posture vest is usually not a good option, because it does not strengthen or stretch the muscles involved in the cause of hyperkyphosis. Certain factors that favor the formation of hyperkyphosis in children and adults are low self-esteem, tiredness, lack of motivation, which is directly linked to the body's posture. If you want to know more details about kyphosis, see here.

In the most severe cases, when the baby is born with this alteration, or when the curve is very pronounced, the orthopedic doctor may indicate the need to perform surgery to help correct the spine, however, as a complementary form of this treatment, still orthopedic vests and physiotherapy sessions are recommended for long periods.

Check out some exercises that can help combat mild hyperphosis by correcting posture in the following video:

2. Hyperlordosis

Hyperlordosis occurs when the lumbar spine vertebrae curve forward, forming an 'upturned butt' appearance. This deviation can be noticed since childhood and adolescence, and can be related to other changes such as protruding abdomen, which is more globose, due to weakness of the abdominal muscles, and flat foot, although not all of these changes are always present at the same time. The diagnosis can be made only by looking at the individual from the side, observing the increase in lordotic curvature.

How to treat: The most suitable treatment is through corrective exercises, it is important to strengthen the abdomen, to stretch the lower back. The manipulation of the spine can be performed by the physiotherapist, helping to correct the curvature. Exercises that can be performed on the ground as in Pilates with or without equipment, or in water, in the case of hydrotherapy or hydro Pilates are a great option to improve the overall posture and correct the curvature of the spine. Spine mobilization and global postural reeducation exercises - RPG - can also be part of the treatment.

Check out how to perform some exercises to correct hyperlordosis here

Example of orthopedic vest

3. Scoliosis

Scoliosis occurs when the vertebrae of the thoracic spine, and / or are laterally deviated, rotated, forming a C or S, which can affect the cervical, dorsal, and / or lumbar. This change can be severe when it affects babies and children, and there may be a need for surgery.

How to treat: When the curvature is very severe, the doctor may recommend that surgery be done, which does not invalidate the need to complement the treatment through physiotherapy, strengthening exercises, manipulation of the spine joints, clinical Pilates, RPG. In many cases it is possible to cure scoliosis, especially when it is mild and does not have serious consequences for the individual's health. Find out more details of the treatment for scoliosis.

When column deviation is dangerous

A small deviation in the spine is not serious and can only result in back pain at certain times, such as standing or sitting for a long time. However, in the most severe cases, when the deviation in the spine is severe and can be seen with the naked eye, the individual may experience severe back pain, paresthesia, when the nerves are affected, which gives rise to symptoms such as muscle weakness, tingling or burning. These people are more likely to develop herniated discs and parrot beaks, with intense discomfort.

When you need to treat

It is always recommended to treat deviations in the spine that are serious, and can be seen with the naked eye, just by observing the body in a mirror. Doing physical therapy through corrective exercises, practicing certain sports such as swimming and gymnastics can help the child or adolescent to correct their posture and 'centralize' the spine. It is also recommended to treat if symptoms such as pain, discomfort, stiffness, lack of stretching and low self-esteem or difficulty in acceptance are present.

Usually surgery to correct deviations in the spine is the last resort, when there is no improvement in the condition with other means, such as exercise, traction and physiotherapy, or when the deviation in the spine is very large, being present in the baby or child, and better surgical results are seen when surgery is performed during the growth phase.

What causes deviation in the spine

Spinal deviations are not always explained, but they can happen due to postural changes or serious illnesses. These deviations can cause symptoms such as back pain, stiffness in the spine, and when the nerves are affected, tingling symptoms may appear in the arms, hands and fingers, or legs, feet and fingers.

Treatment is not always necessary, being at the doctor's discretion. Pain relievers may be recommended for symptom relief, physiotherapy sessions, specific exercises to do at home, use of orthopedic vests, and in the most severe cases, surgery may be recommended, especially when there are large deviations in the spine since childhood.

Spinal deviation: what it is, types and treatment