Home Symptoms How to do the ketogenic diet against cancer

How to do the ketogenic diet against cancer


The ketogenic diet has been studied as an additional treatment against cancer that, together with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, can help to reduce tumor progression. It was disseminated in Brazil by the physician and nutrologist Lair Ribeiro, but there are still few data and studies that confirm the effectiveness of this diet against cancer.

The ketogenic diet is based on a diet with severe restriction of carbohydrates, which are present in foods such as rice, beans, fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is rich in fats such as olive oil, nuts and butter, with an average protein content such as meat and eggs.

Why diet can help fight cancer

When taking a ketogenic diet, the level of glucose, which is blood sugar, is greatly reduced, and this is the only fuel that cancer cells can process to grow and multiply. Thus, it is as if the diet made the cells run out of food and thereby help to control the progress of the disease.

In addition, the low carbohydrate content can also lead to lower levels of circulation of the hormones insulin and IGF-1, which can cause cancer cells to have less signals to grow and divide.

On the other hand, healthy body cells are able to use fatty acids and ketone bodies as sources of energy, nutrients that come from dietary fat and the body's fat stores.

Recipe for Cauliflower Soup with Chicken

This soup can be used for both lunch and dinner, it is easy to digest and can be used in periods when the side effects of the treatment, such as nausea and vomiting, are strongest.


  • 1 cup of coarsely chopped cooked chicken breast1 cup of sour cream (optional) 4 tablespoons of diced onion2 tablespoons of olive oil1 chopped or crushed garlic clove3 cups of cauliflower tea2 tablespoons of garlic- salt and pink pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

Sauté the onion, olive oil and garlic and then add the cauliflower and leeks. Add water to cover the entire contents and cook for about 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer the content and process in the blender. Add 200 ml of water or sour cream and the chicken. Season to taste, adding grated cheese and oregano.

Cheese Biscuits

Cheese biscuits can be used in snacks, for example.


  • 4 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese2 eggs2 tablespoons of butter1 / 4 cup of sesame beaten in a blender1 tablespoon of sour cream1 pinch of salt

Method of preparation:

Beat all the ingredients in the blender until it is a homogeneous mixture. Spread the mixture forming a very thin layer on a medium baking sheet greased with butter and take to bake in an oven at 200ºC for about half an hour or until golden brown. Allow to cool and cut into pieces.

Stuffed omelette

The omelet is easy to eat and can be used for breakfast and snacks, and can be filled with cheese, meat, chicken and vegetables.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the oil, salt, and pepper to taste, and cook until golden brown.

Method of preparation:

Beat the egg with a fork, season with salt and oregano. Grease the pan with oil, pour in the beaten eggs and add the cheese and tomatoes. Cover the pan and leave for a few minutes before turning to bake the dough on both sides.

Cautions and contraindications

The ketogenic diet should only be done in cancer patients after the doctor's consent and with the nutritionist's monitoring, being necessary to observe the appearance of side effects such as dizziness and weakness, especially in the first days.

It is also important to remember that studies related to the ketogenic diet and cancer are not yet conclusive and that this diet is not suitable in all cases of cancer. In addition, it does not replace conventional treatments with medication, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormone therapy.

How to do the ketogenic diet against cancer