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Weight loss without hunger eating fruit


The fruit diet promises to lose weight fast, between 4 and 9 kg in 3 days, using fruits and vegetables preferably raw in the diet. It also favors the detoxification process which further accelerates weight loss.

According to the author of this diet, Jay Robb, which should be done for only 3 days in a row, the only recommended physical activity is a maximum of 20 minutes of light walking per day, and you should not drink coffee or black tea on those days, just water, about 12 glasses a day that can be with lemon.

However, in order for this diet to increase fat burning and cause rapid weight loss, it is important to eat foods rich in protein such as soy milk, grilled chicken breast, white cheese, boiled egg, or powdered protein to put in soup or in juices, for example. And that is why this diet is also known as fruit and protein diate.

Foods prevented in the diet

Foods to Avoid in the Diet

In addition, another fundamental point for the fruit diet to work is that vegetables are organic or biological, free of pesticides so that they really help to eliminate the accumulated toxins and detoxify the body and in addition to losing weight it also improves the skin, circulation and bowel function.

3-day fast weight loss menu

Day 1 Day 3

Day 3

Breakfast 1/2 papaya 1 cup of soy milk

1 boiled egg

1 bowl of fruit salad

Melon smoothie, 1 kale leaf, 1 lemon and 1 glass of oat milk


1 glass of beaten almond milk with banana and strawberry

1 mashed banana with oats and cinnamon

Pineapple smoothie

50 ml coconut milk, 1/2 pineapple. (Stevia to sweeten)

Lunch Boiled egg with grated carrot, lettuce and onion Steamed fish with broccoli and 1 roasted tomato with pesto sauce lettuce salad with tomato and cucumber and canned tuna preserved in water.
Snack Oat pancake (egg, oats, soy milk, rice flour) Guacamole, with carrot sticks (crushed avocado with tomato and onion) and celery Papaya cream with chia seed
Dinner Tomato salad with basil and grilled chicken breast Spinach and beet salad and apple with peel

Zucchini pancake (100 g of flaxseed flour, 2 grated zucchini and salted water and aromatic herbs) small grilled steak

The weekend and vacation periods should be the best times to submit to this type of food restriction.

What to eat in the fruit diet

The fruit diet provides about 900 -1, 000 calories per day, with about 100-125 grams of protein on the first day and about 50 grams of protein on the following two days and you can eat:

  • Fresh fruits; Preferably raw vegetables; Sources of lean protein such as chicken, tofu and hake for example.

What not to eat in the fruit diet

In addition to the listed foods, one should not consume food supplements while dieting the fruit.

  • Caffeine; Coffee; Black tea; Alcoholic beverages; Soft drinks including light.

According to the American Jay Robb what makes this fast weight loss regime different from the others, is that it includes lean protein to save the body muscle and help burn fat while eating a lot of fruit that provides a lot of water, fiber and vitamins that the body needs.

Weight loss without hunger eating fruit