Home Symptoms Lean protein diet

Lean protein diet


The lean protein diet is based on the consumption of foods rich in protein, but which contain few calories such as poultry, fish, vegetables and legumes, for example and, after two weeks, fruits.

In this diet, foods with carbohydrates such as rice, pasta or potatoes are excluded from the diet for 2 weeks, which can then be consumed again, but in moderation to maintain weight. There, you can eat as much food as you want, with no restriction on the amount.

Foods allowed in the lean protein diet

Prohibited foods in the lean protein diet

What to eat in the lean protein diet

What can be eaten in the lean protein diet

  • Foods rich in lean protein in the amount you want - examples: poultry meat, fish, eggs and light cheesesVegetables and vegetables, maximum 3 variations per day - examples: cabbage, lettuce, tomato, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, cucumber, zucchini, okra, turnip, radish, chard, jiló, parsley, chicory, endive, heart of palm, eggplant, peppers, spinach, kale, watercress and arugula. eat at will. After 2 weeks of starting the diet you can eat fruits, such as: melon, watermelon, avocado, mango, papaya and lemon.

Drinks can be water, teas or coffee, without sugar or with a fructose-free sweetener, such as Stévia, for example.

What not to eat in the lean protein diet

What you cannot eat on the lean protein diet are foods rich in carbohydrates such as:

  • Rice, wheat or corn; Beans, chickpeas, lentils or peas; Banana, grape, fig (dry), plum, persimmon, chestnut, coconut (pulp), jackfruit (seed), quince, loquat, date, almond or tamarind; any type of potato; sugars that are: sucrose (cane or beet sugar), glucose (grape sugar), lactose (milk sugar), maltose (malt sugar), fructose or levulose (fruit sugar); Milk, wafer, biscuit, flour and its derivatives, honey, molasses, beer, peanuts, ham, carrots, beets, cornstarch, pasta, yogurt, pudding, everything containing sugar and chocolate.

After 48 hours without eating carbohydrate foods, the body begins a process in which it seeks the stored fat to produce energy.

Lean protein diet menu

An example of a lean protein diet menu is:

  • Breakfast and snacks - unsweetened gelatin with unsweetened coffee or scrambled eggs with light ham. Lunch and dinner - grilled turkey steak with lettuce and tomato salad or hake cooked with broccoli. Vegetables can be seasoned with oil and vinegar.

The lean protein diet can cause symptoms such as headache, bad breath, muscle pain and constipation in the first days, but little by little the individual gets used to it and these symptoms disappear.

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Lean protein diet