Home Symptoms 800 calorie diet

800 calorie diet


This 800 calorie diet is a low calorie diet that can be used by overweight people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. In this diet, only 800 calories per day should be ingested, which are distributed among the various meals.

But, to know what your ideal weight should be and if 800 calories per day is what you should be eating to achieve your best shape, according to your weight, height and physical activity, put your data in this calculator:

800 calorie diet menu

An example of an 800 calorie diet menu is:


200 ml of skimmed milk or 2 skimmed yoghurts + 1/2 bread (20 g)


1 fruit (100 g) such as apple, pear, peach, orange or kiwi

Lunch and dinner

vegetable soup or 1 serving (150 g) of vegetables: carrots, brussels sprouts, beets and green beans, chard, spinach, eggplant, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms or 1 serving (100 g) of potatoes or 1 serving (50 g) of rice or pasta or 1 plate (150 g) of salad


1 serving (100 g) of lean fish such as hake, hake or sole or 1 serving (80 g) of lean meat such as turkey, chicken or veal or 1 egg

Dessert: 1 fruit - 100 g of apple, pear, kiwi, peach, orange or 300 g of melon, watermelon or strawberries


100 ml of skimmed milk or 1 skimmed yogurt

In this 800 calorie diet, it is also important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day and use only 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of oil per day to season the food. In addition, fruits and vegetables can vary, as long as their quantities and schedules are maintained.

See other simple diet tips to lose weight:

Also check out the 1200 calorie diet.

800 calorie diet