Home Symptoms What to eat to fight inflammation in the intestine

What to eat to fight inflammation in the intestine


The carbohydrate diet is advised to decrease intestinal inflammation caused by problems such as excess gas, poor digestion, Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, as it helps to reduce the symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas and malabsorption, and allows the body to start repairing intestinal cells.

This diet is based on the consumption of foods with carbohydrates that take less work to be digested, such as cooked vegetables and shelled fruits, which helps to calm and regenerate the intestinal wall. Foods that need more work during digestion or that encourage greater gas production, such as milk or beans, should be avoided. Get tested and find out if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

List of allowed foods

The foods allowed in this diet are easily digestible, such as:

  • Meat: chicken, turkey, eggs, cow, lamb, pork; Cereals: rice, rice flour, sorghum, oats, rice noodles; Vegetables that are easy to digest: asparagus, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce, mushrooms, peppers, squash, spinach, tomatoes or watercress; Peeled fruits: banana, coconut, grapefruit, grape, kiwi, lemon, mango, melon, orange, papaya, peach, pineapple, plum or tangerine; Dairy products: plain yogurt, lactose-free cow or sheep cheese or aged for 30 days; Oilseeds: almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts or cashew nuts; Legumes: peanuts; Drinks: teas, natural juices without sugar and water; Others: peanut butter.

Another tip is to prefer cooked vegetables over raw leaves, especially during crises with diarrhea or excessive gas. See more tips to eliminate intestinal gas.

List of prohibited foods

Foods that should be avoided in the diet for inflammation of the intestine are:

  • Processed meats: sausage, sausage, bacon, ham, bologna, salami, turkey breast; Cereals: wheat flour, rye; Dairy products: milk and highly processed cheeses, such as cheddar and polenguinho; Legumes: beans, lentils or peas; Vegetables: brussels sprouts, cabbage, butter sprouts, okra, chicory, carrots; Fruits: apple, apricot, peach, nectarine, pear, plum, cherry, avocado, blackberry, lychee; Industrialized products: frozen ready-made food, cookies, ready-made pasta for cakes, diced spices, ready-made soups, ice cream, sweets and snacks; Drinks: alcoholic beverages.

In some cases, the use of coffee can also irritate the intestines and bring discomfort. Thus, it is important to observe the appearance of symptoms after consuming coffee and, if necessary, to use decaffeinated coffee or to remove that drink from the diet.

Why it works

By eliminating complex carbohydrates, lactose, sucrose and other industrialized ingredients from the diet, the digestive system has less work to do, allowing the body to begin a process of recovering damaged intestinal cells.

In this way, there is a reduction in the amount of toxins consumed and the intestinal flora is regulated, preventing the appearance of inflammations that provoke new crises of symptoms.

To treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome and reduce seizures at once, also know the FODMAP Diet.

What to eat to fight inflammation in the intestine