Home Symptoms Nutritionist indicates liquid diet to lose weight in 2 days

Nutritionist indicates liquid diet to lose weight in 2 days


The liquid diet is a diet where only fluids such as water, teas, sugar-free juices, soups and vitamins are allowed. This type of diet should be maintained for a maximum of 5 days, so that nutritional deficiencies do not occur and the metabolism does not become slower, which can lead to increased fat accumulation.

The intake of fluids rich in vitamins and minerals helps to detoxify the body, deflate the body, and improve bowel function, helping with weight loss.

Detox juice with carrot

Detox vegetable soup

There are several versions of the liquid detox diet, which can last from 2 days to a week, but in just 2 days you can have results of better functioning of the intestine and elimination of toxins.

Liquid detox diet menu

The menu of the liquid diet can be very varied, however, there is an example of a liquid detox diet to be done for two days.

Meals Day 1 Day 2
Breakfast 200 ml of juice of 1 orange + 1/2 apple + 1 kale leaf + 1 col of flaxseed soup 200 ml of watermelon juice + 1/2 pear + 1 kale leaf + 1 col of ginger tea
Morning snack 200 ml of pineapple juice + 1 col of chia soup 200 ml of coconut water + 1 slice of papaya with pumpkin seed
Lunch dinner 4 shells of potato, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach soup 4 shells of pumpkin soup, amaranth grain, chayote, carrot and cabbage
Afternoon snack 200 ml of strawberry juice and grapes + 1 kale leaf 200 ml of guava juice + 1 carrot + 1 slice of melon 1 col of flaxseed soup

Before starting any diet, it is important to advise a health professional, such as a nutritionist, so that the diet is not harmful to your health.

Here's how to make a detox soup with the best ingredients:

When not to do the detox diet

People with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure or who are undergoing treatment for cancer should not eat this diet, as it is low in calories and the lack of nutrients can make the disease worse. In addition, people on the liquid detox diet and who experience signs of weakness such as dizziness, low blood pressure or blurred vision should resume normal eating.

It is important to remember that detox juices can be taken in a normal diet, as their benefits to the body will be maintained. In addition, the liquid detox diet should not be used as an exclusive way to lose weight, as it does not bring permanent long-term results. Thus, the ideal is that detox foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are part of the daily diet of people, without restrictions of other essential foods for the proper functioning of the body, such as meat and carbohydrates.

If you want to lose weight, see also:

  • Detox Juice

Nutritionist indicates liquid diet to lose weight in 2 days