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Diet for cellulite


The cellulite diet consists of improving blood circulation, decreasing fat and sugar intake and also eliminating toxins from the body. To achieve these goals, the diet must be rich in water, fruits, seeds, vegetables and greens because these foods facilitate blood circulation, reducing cellulite and improving the appearance of the skin.

Weight loss, massages and physical exercises at least 3 to 4 times a week are strategies that also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite and therefore should be adopted during the diet.

Principles of cellulite diet

In a diet to reduce cellulite it is important to:

  • Hydrate: Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water or unsweetened green tea a day, but avoid alcoholic beverages as they cause blood vessels to constrict, impairing circulation; Improve the intestine: Eat whole grains, brown rice, vegetables because they have fibers that will prevent constipation and help detoxify the body. See more examples: Foods rich in fiber. Detoxify: Consuming water-rich fruits that help detoxify the body like pineapple, watermelon and citrus fruits. Increase the consumption of antioxidants that help to protect cells and improve the health of the skin, including in the diet of Brazil nuts, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries, guava, cashews, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, for example. See a good juice at: Cabbage juice to lose weight. Combat inflammation: When there is accumulated fat in the body there are always signs of inflammation, which is why you should include foods rich in omega 3 such as seeds and flaxseed oil and fish that have an anti-inflammatory action and improve skin health. See other examples in: Anti-inflammatory foods. Decrease salt: Decrease salt intake as it increases fluid retention, leading to swelling.

This diet should be followed every day, for at least 1 month to be able to evaluate the results. However, a nutritionist will be able to design a specific menu, taking into account the needs presented by the individual.

Cellulite menu

Here is a suggested cellulite menu:

Breakfast banana with hazelnut smoothie: 200 ml of skimmed milk with a small banana and two more tablespoons of oats and a teaspoon of honey. 200 ml of horsetail tea or stone breaker.

watermelon juice with mint: 200 ml.


pineapple juice with mint: 150 ml of water + 2 slices of pineapple and mint. Cold or hot salad with chicken breast with vegetables: 100 g of chicken breast, 1 medium carrot, 1 cup of broccoli or spinach + 1 cup of cauliflower. Cook in half a liter of water with onion, tomato, parsley, various spices and garlic. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce and a tablespoon of light curd. It can be served hot or chilled, sprinkled with roasted sesame. Dessert: 100 g of diet or light gelatin with 100 ml of low-fat natural yogurt.
Snack 1 fruit salad: a dessert jar.

Snack 2

yogurt smoothie: 1 200 ml jar of whipped yogurt with fruit or 200 ml of light soy juice with a fruit. If you exercise, include two tablespoons of granola.


lemon juice: 150 ml of water for 1 squeezed lemon. Raw green salads at will. Heart of palm soup with onion and light cheese.
Supper cabbage or apple juice or melon.

As cellulite is caused by several factors, it is not enough to just adapt the diet to eliminate cellulite. Following the diet alone will probably only prevent the appearance of new cellulite nodules, which is why it is important to follow the complete treatment, using creams, massage and exercises to strengthen the legs and glutes.

See other tips to fight cellulite:

Foods that help fight cellulite

Certain foods help to fight cellulite, the best are:

  • Chestnut-of-ParĂ¡: It is rich in selenium, acts as an antioxidant and prevents cell aging; Brown rice: Aids in the digestion of sugar, and facilitates the functioning of the intestine; Vegetables: They help to detoxify the whole organism, facilitating digestion and providing well-being; Algae: Acts at the thyroid level, preventing hormonal changes, one of the causes of cellulite; Olive oil: It is a natural anti-inflammatory, which reduces the swelling caused by cellulite and when consumed improves its appearance; Teas (green, mint and sage): Herbal teas are diuretics and help to eliminate toxins from the body, being very useful in combating cellulite.

More treatments to eliminate cellulite in:

Diet for cellulite