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Diet to define the abdomen


The biggest food secret that allows you to define and develop your abdominals is to increase your protein intake, reduce your intake of fatty and sweet foods and do localized physical activity, to decrease fat on your abdominal area and allow your muscles to be more defined and visible.

So, to complete this meal plan, see also 6 exercises to define the abs, suggested by our personal trainer.

Foods to increase muscle mass

The most recommended foods for those who need to increase muscle mass and burn abdominal fat are:

  • Meat, especially skinless grilled chicken breast and turkey: they are rich in protein and contain low fat. However, red meat, such as pork or beef, can also be an option, preferably removing visible fat; Fish and seafood, mainly tuna, salmon, trout or mussels: they contain a lot of protein that contributes to muscle development, in addition to omega 3, which guarantees the health of muscle fibers; Eggs: they are a food rich in proteins of high biological value, present in egg whites, easily used by muscles. Thus, it is recommended to eat at least one egg a day, except in the case of individuals with a history of high cholesterol, but who can only eat white; Milk and dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese or ricotta cheese: they are another great source of protein and usually contain low salt content, which prevents water retention. However, it is important to avoid yellow cheeses because they have a lot of fat and salt; Soy: it is an excellent way to obtain amino acids of high biological value with little fat, important for the development of muscles. Good ways to eat soy are soy milk or tofu, for example; Oilseeds, like walnuts or hazelnuts: they are rich in protein, but they also contain a lot of calories and, therefore, you should only eat about two tablespoons of ground oilseeds.

Another way to get good quality protein from plant sources is to mix grains and cereals such as beans and rice.

In addition, to define the abdominal fast and dry the belly, one should drink about 8 glasses of water a day, in addition to the water ingested during training, to prevent cramps, improve kidney function and eliminate the products resulting from metabolism of proteins.

Example of a diet menu to define the abdomen

The recommended amount of protein per day is 1 gram for each kg of weight, which, for an individual of 70 kg, can be the equivalent of about:

Foods Amount of proteins Calories
2 yogurts 8.2 g 108
100 g of beef 26.4 g 163
2 slices of cheese 10 g 126
100 g of grilled salmon 23.8 g


A good strategy to increase muscle mass may be to eat 1.5 grams of protein for each kg of weight. But this should only be done when doing intense physical activity, under the guidance of a physical advisor and a nutritionist, so as not to harm the kidneys.

To complete this diet, vitamin or protein supplements can also be used before and after training, however, they must be recommended by a nutritionist so that they are well adapted to individual needs. See a list of the main supplements used to gain muscle mass.

Diet to define the abdomen and increase weight

The diet to define the abdomen and increase weight should be similar to the diet presented previously, however, it is important to exceed the body's metabolic rate so that there is no more unnecessary burning of muscle mass. So, some important tips are:

  • Eat every 2 or 3 hours to maintain the body's energy reserves, preventing muscle wasting; Eat protein with every meal, using foods such as curd, nuts or tuna for snacks between main meals; Avoid training without eating, as it depletes energy reserves and causes muscle wasting during training. A good tip is to eat a banana with a handful of oilseeds 30 minutes before training; Drink a protein shake after training or eat a protein bar immediately to boost muscle growth; Eat a plate of food 1 hour after training, containing meat or fish + rice, pasta, potato or 2 eggs + 2 slices of whole grain bread and accompanied by vegetables.

Thus, to gain weight without gaining a belly, it is necessary to increase caloric intake. See how many calories you should eat a day by putting your data into this BMI calculator and also find out how to increase calories in a healthy way with this video:

Diet to define the abdomen