Home Symptoms 5 Tips to Control Urinary Incontinence

5 Tips to Control Urinary Incontinence


To help control urinary incontinence, care should be taken with food such as avoiding drinking too much coffee throughout the day and avoiding excessive consumption of diuretic foods, as they will increase urinary frequency.

Urinary incontinence is the loss of control of holding the pee, which escapes during small efforts, such as coughing or sneezing, or which comes in the form of a sudden urge to urinate, giving no time to get to the bathroom.

So, here are 5 feeding tips to reduce the frequency and these urine leaks happen.

If you prefer, watch the video that has all this information:

1. Reduce coffee consumption

Coffee is a diuretic drink because it contains caffeine, a substance that stimulates the production of urine and therefore should be avoided. A good tip is to drink decaffeinated coffee or to reduce the size of the cup and the frequency of coffees throughout the day, being careful to notice changes in urinary frequency.

In addition to coffee, caffeine-rich drinks should also be avoided, such as cola and energy drinks, and diuretic teas, such as green tea, mate tea, black tea, parsley and hibiscus. See all caffeine-rich foods.

2. Drink plenty of water

Although water stimulates urine production, it is important to stay well hydrated to avoid problems such as constipation and urinary tract infection. In addition, water is important to maintain control of blood pressure, to eliminate toxins from the body and to prevent dryness in the skin and hair.

3. Avoid diuretic and spicy foods

Diuretic foods stimulate urine production and help fight fluid retention, but they can increase the frequency of urinary incontinence. These foods are: zucchini, melon, watermelon, asparagus, endives, grapes, loquat, peach, artichoke, celery, eggplant, cauliflower. Spicy, pepper-rich foods can irritate the urinary tract, making bladder control more difficult.

Thus, one should avoid consuming 2 or more of these foods at the same time, and observe whether any food on this list has an influence to increase incontinence episodes. See the full list of diuretic foods.

4. Keep your weight under control

Keeping your weight under control is important for better bladder control because excess abdominal fat increases pressure on the bladder, forcing urine out. When losing weight, the size of the belly decreases, reducing the amount of weight on the bladder.

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages

An important point is to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as they have a strong diuretic power and greatly stimulate urine production, also leading the body to a state of dehydration.

The complete treatment for urinary incontinence is done with strategies such as medication, physiotherapy, food and, in some cases, surgery. So, in addition to taking care of your diet, here are also some exercises that help you have better bladder control.

Also watch the following video, in which nutritionist Tatiana Zanin, Rosana Jatobá and Silvia Faro talk in a relaxed way about urinary incontinence:

5 Tips to Control Urinary Incontinence