Home Symptoms How to totally remove gluten from food

How to totally remove gluten from food


The diet for celiac disease should be totally gluten-free, which is a protein present in grains of wheat, barley, rye and spelled. When in contact with the celiac intestine, gluten causes inflammation and degradation of intestinal cells, causing complications such as diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients.

In children, this malabsorption of nutrients when the disease is not identified and treated properly, can lead to underweight and reduced height that the child could reach.

Foods to Avoid

The foods that should be avoided in the disease are all those that have gluten or that may be contaminated with gluten, as shown below:

Foods that naturally have Gluten

Foods that naturally contain gluten are:

  • Wheat flour; Barley; Rye; Malt; Spelled; Semolina; Pasta and sweets: bread rolls, savory, desserts with wheat flour, cookies, pizza, pasta, pastries, lasagna; Alcoholic beverages: beer, whiskey, vodka, gin, ginger-ale; Other drinks: ovomaltine, drinks containing malt, coffee mixed with barley, chocolate. Porridge pasta containing flour.

All of these foods must be completely eliminated from the diet, as they can lead to the symptoms of celiac disease.

Foods that are contaminated with Gluten

Some foods do not have gluten in their composition, but during manufacture they may come into contact with products containing gluten, which leads to contamination. Thus, these foods also end up having to be avoided by celiacs, as they can aggravate the disease.

This group includes oats, processed cheeses, instant soups, frozen meatballs, frozen french fries, shoyo sauce, beans, sausages, powdered drinks, vegetarian hamburger, malt vinegar, ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise and nut mix. See the full list of what to eat and what to avoid in celiac disease.

Care at home

In addition to avoiding foods that contain gluten, you also need to be very careful at home so that there is no consumption of gluten due to contamination. For example, pots, cutlery and other household items, such as a blender and sandwich maker, must be separated to produce food for the person with celiac disease.

The same blender that beat a cake with wheat flour cannot be used to make juice for the celiac, for example. The same care must be taken to avoid food contact in the refrigerator, oven and pantry. The ideal is that in the home of the celiac patient do not enter gluten, as this is the only way contamination will be completely avoided. Here's how to make homemade gluten-free bread.

Care outside the home

The person with celiac disease should be even more careful when eating outside the home. It is necessary to look for restaurants that are totally gluten-free, it is very common that kitchens contain flour and are easily contaminated with gluten.

In addition, in the home of friends, one should avoid using the same dishes, cutlery and glasses that were used to put food with gluten. If necessary, the ideal is to wash these utensils well, preferably with a new sponge.

Watch this video to learn more about the celiac disease diet:

How to totally remove gluten from food