Home Symptoms What to eat and what to avoid in pancreatitis

What to eat and what to avoid in pancreatitis


During a pancreatitis crisis, when the patient feels a lot of pain and cannot digest any type of food well, the recommendation is that the diet be zero until the crisis improves. Thus, the person who is in crisis cannot eat anything, so that the intestine rests and the pancreas can recover.

Running out of food is necessary because the pancreas is the organ responsible for producing digestive enzymes, which will digest and process all the food ingested. In this way, any type of food would stimulate the pancreas to work, which would worsen pancreatitis.

After the major crisis, easy-to-digest foods should be consumed in small quantities, as shown below:

Diet after the Pancreatitis crisis

After the pancreatitis crisis, feeding in small quantities must be resumed, starting with strained fruit juices, to remove the bagasse, coconut water and well-diluted vegetable and meat broths, beaten in a blender. In addition, the doctor may prescribe supplements with digestive enzymes that facilitate the digestion of food, helping the work of the pancreas.

Gradually, the food can become pasty, with mashed soups, mashed potatoes or pumpkin, boiled eggs, shredded chicken and lean ground meats. Everything should be done with small amounts of fat, preferably using extra virgin olive oil, and using only natural spices, such as onions, garlic, basil, parsley, cilantro and chives.

As the patient tolerates and digests better, solid low-fat foods such as lean meats, fish and skinless chicken should be offered. Vegetables should initially be cooked, as it facilitates digestion.

Allowed foods

After the crisis and during the beginning of the feedback, the following foods should be preferred:

  • Skimmed milk and yoghurt; Lean cheeses such as mines, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese; Boiled eggs; White rice, soft noodles; Potatoes, especially in the form of puree; Lean meats such as fish and skinless chicken; Cooked vegetables such as pumpkin, chayote, carrot, beetroot, sautéed zucchini; Peeled fruits without bagasse.

This diet lasts about 1 to 2 weeks after the crisis, according to the patient's acceptance and evolution.

Prohibited foods

In order to prevent further attacks of pancreatitis, the following foods should be avoided:

  • Alcoholic beverages; Foods that stimulate the intestine, such as coffee, mint and pepper; Foods rich in processed fats, such as biscuits, pasta ready for cakes, fried foods, ice cream, margarines; Processed meat such as sausage, sausage, bacon, ham, bologna; Frozen frozen foods, hamburgers, lasagna, fast food in general.

It is always important to check the label of processed foods, checking if the product contains vegetable fat or hydrogenated fat, excess dyes, preservatives and other additives that irritate the intestine and increase inflammation.

Pancreatitis Diet Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day diet menu for pancreatitis:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast Strained apple juice + 3 starch biscuits 1 low-fat natural yogurt + 1 col of honey bee soup 1 glass of skim milk + 1 slice of white bread with ricotta or cottage pate
Morning snack 1 low-fat yogurt 6 strawberries + 1 slice of diced ricotta 1 mashed banana with 1 col of oat soup
Lunch dinner boiled egg broth with beaten vegetables in a blender chicken soup with rice and mashed vegetables 1 small slice of tilapia + mashed potato
Afternoon snack 1 glass of strained orange juice 1 cup of oatmeal: 200 ml of skimmed milk + 2 col of oat soup 1 skimmed plain yogurt with strawberries

In addition to changes in diet, find out how treatment for pancreatitis is done, including medication and surgery.

Watch the following video and check out these and other foods suitable for pancreatitis sufferers and which supplementation is best for these cases:

What to eat and what to avoid in pancreatitis