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Diet to dry and lose belly


In the diet to lose belly you must reduce the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, bread and crackers. In addition, it is also necessary to eliminate sweets, fried foods and the consumption of processed foods such as sausage, powdered spices and frozen ready food.

In addition to food, it is also very important to practice physical activity daily, as it stimulates fat burning and speeds up your metabolism. See below which foods to include or remove from the menu.

Allowed Foods

The foods allowed and used to help dry the belly are:


Protein-rich foods, such as meat, eggs, chicken, fish and cheese, help speed up metabolism and stimulate muscle mass maintenance. In addition, the processing of proteins in the body consumes more calories and they increase satiety, as they take longer to digest.

Good fats:

Fats are found in foods such as fish, nuts, peanuts, olive oil and seeds such as chia and flaxseed, and favor weight loss by reducing inflammation in the body and stimulating the production of hormones.

In addition, bos fats also improve intestinal transit and give you more satiety.

Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals that improve metabolism and function as antioxidants, helping the body to function properly and preventing diseases.

You should always consume 2 to 3 fresh fruits a day, in addition to including greens and vegetables for lunch and dinner.

Thermogenic foods:

Thermogenic foods help to speed up the metabolism and stimulate the burning of fat, being great aids in the burning of abdominal fat.

Some of these foods are unsweetened coffee, ginger, green tea, pepper and cinnamon, and they can be consumed in the form of tea, together with green juices or used as a spice in meals. See the complete list of thermogenic foods.

Prohibited Foods

To dry the belly, avoid the following foods:

  • Refined cereals: white rice, white pasta, white wheat flour, breads, cakes, cookies and pasta; Sweets: sugar of all kinds, desserts, chocolates, cookies, ready-made juices and sweetened coffee; Processed meats: sausage, sausage, bologna, bacon, salami, ham and turkey breast; Tubers and roots: potatoes, sweet potatoes, manioc, yams and yams; Salt and salt-rich foods: diced seasoning, Worcestershire sauce, shoyo sauce, instant noodles, frozen frozen food; Others: soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, sushi, açaí with sugar or guarana syrup, powdered soups.

Diet menu to lose belly

The following table shows an example of a 3-day diet to lose belly:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast unsweetened coffee + 2 scrambled eggs with tomato and oregano 1 natural yogurt + 1 col of honey soup + 1 slice of minas cheese or rennet 1 cup of cinnamon and ginger tea + 1 slice of brown bread with egg
Morning snack 1 glass of green juice with kale, pineapple and ginger 1 fruit 10 cashew nuts
Lunch dinner 1 chicken fillet in tomato sauce + 2 col of brown rice soup + green salad meat cooked in cubes + braised cabbage in olive oil + 3 col of bean soup 1 piece of grilled fish + sautéed vegetables + 1 fruit
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt + 1 teaspoon of chia or flax seed unsweetened coffee + 1 egg + 1 slice of cheese 1 glass of green juice + 6 boiled quail eggs

See a 7-day menu at: Complete program to lose belly in 1 week.

It is important to remember that this diet contains few calories and that all food must be accompanied by a nutritionist, who will adapt the menu according to the needs and preferences of each person.

Diet to lose belly and gain lean mass

In a diet to lose belly and gain muscle mass, the secret is to increase physical exercise and consume more protein-rich foods throughout the day, such as meat, eggs and cheese.

To gain mass, the ideal is that all meals have proteins included, and that until 2 hours after training there is a good consumption of proteins such as meats, sandwiches, boiled eggs or powdered supplements, such as whey protein. See examples of protein-rich snacks.

Watch the video and find out 3 fundamental tips to dry your belly:

If you are in a hurry to lose weight, see also How to lose belly in a week.

Diet to dry and lose belly