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Protein-rich vegetarian menu


In order to favor the proper growth of vegetarian children and the proper functioning of the body always, making a vegetarian diet, it is important that it is rich in vegetable protein, and balanced in all nutrients that are present in foods such as soy, beans, lentils, corn, peas, quinoa and buckwheat. In addition, it is also possible to opt for the consumption of Nutritional Yeast, which is rich in proteins, fibers, B vitamins and minerals.

In the case of ovolactovegetarians, the consumption of eggs and milk guarantees the intake of high quality animal protein. In addition, in the same way as in conventional diets, vegetarians should also prefer the consumption of whole foods and rich in fiber, avoiding breads and white flour dough, as well as avoiding excess sugar, salt and fats in the sauces of the preparations, for example. And to ensure the proper functioning of the intestine, drinking plenty of water is also essential.

Diet menu

The vegetarian diet should be rich in eggs, milk and dairy products, and foods that are sources of vegetable protein, as shown below:

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of milk with coffee + 1 whole grain bread with tofu + 1 slice of papaya; Morning snack: 1 pear + 5 whole cookies; Lunch / Dinner: Textured soy protein stroganoff + 6 tablespoons of rice + 2 tablespoons of beans + lettuce, tomato and grated carrot salad + 1 slice of pineapple; Afternoon snack: Avocado smoothie + 1 whole grain bread with raw carrot pate.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of milk with barley + 1 tablespoon of oats + egg whites omelet with vegetables + 1 apple; Morning snack: 1 yogurt + 3 toast; Lunch / Dinner: Vegetable Yakissoba with boiled egg + eggplant in the oven + 1 orange; Afternoon snack: 1 glass of green cabbage juice + whole grain bread with lentil hamburger + 1 slice of watermelon.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Banana smoothie + 1 brown bread with cheese; Morning snack: 5 whole cookies + 2 chestnuts; Lunch / Dinner: Vegetable salad with quinoa, tofu, corn, broccoli, tomato, carrot + green arugula salad with grated beets + 1 tangerine; Afternoon snack: 1 glass of milk with barley + 1 tapioca with egg.

In the case of restricted vegetarians, who do not eat any food of animal origin, milk and its derivatives must be replaced by products based on vegetable milks, such as soy or almond milk, and the egg must be exchanged for soy protein. See the full list of foods rich in vegetable protein.

What a vegetarian should not eat

How to combine grains and cereals

To obtain a better quality protein, it is important to combine complementary foods, as shown in the following table:

Grains Legumes
Rice with vegetables Rice and beans
Rice prepared with milk Vegetables with rice
Corn with vegetables Pea soup with wholemeal bread
pasta with cheese Soy, corn and milk
Whole grain with cheese Soy yogurt with granola
Whole toast with egg Quinoa and corn
Nuts and seeds Vegetables
Peanut butter sandwich with milk Peas with sesame
Sesame beans Cauliflower with chestnut
- Broccoli with mushrooms

This combination of foods provides a meal rich in all the amino acids needed to produce good quality proteins in the body. In addition, it is important to know that 30 g of meat is equivalent to consuming about 1 egg, 1 cup of plain milk or soy, 30 g of soy protein, 1/4 cup of tofu or 3/4 cup of yogurt. See more tips on How to avoid the lack of nutrients in the Vegetarian Diet.

How to gain muscle mass

For the vegetarian to gain muscle mass, he must increase the consumption of foods rich in protein, especially soy, quinoa and egg whites, in addition to reducing the consumption of processed and high-fat foods, such as cookies and snacks. In addition, it is important to vary the diet to favor the consumption of nutrients from different types of food.

In the pre-workout, for example, the meal may consist of plain yogurt and whole grain bread with chickpea paste, while the meal after training should contain a rich source of protein, such as egg or soy protein, accompanied of grains such as brown rice, brown noodles or quinoa.

What a vegetarian child needs to eat

Vegetarian children may have a normal development with this type of diet, but it is important that they are accompanied by a pediatrician and a nutritionist so that the feeding is done in a way that allows for adequate growth.

During childhood, it is important not to overdo the fibers, as they hamper the absorption of nutrients in the intestine, and excessive consumption of bran and whole foods should be avoided. In addition, care must be taken to avoid the lack of important nutrients, such as vitamin B12, omega 3, iron and calcium.

Watch the following video and find out the advantages of being vegetarian:

Protein-rich vegetarian menu