Home Symptoms Difficulty swallowing: what it can cause and how to treat

Difficulty swallowing: what it can cause and how to treat


Difficulty swallowing, scientifically called dysphagia or impaired swallowing, can be caused by both nervous changes and situations related to the esophagus or throat. It is important that the cause is identified so that appropriate treatment can be started and, thus, improve the person's quality of life.

The difficulty in swallowing can be quite uncomfortable for the person and result in nutritional deficiencies. For this reason, it is important to start treatment through exercises that encourage swallowing and changing the diet, giving preference to pasty and crushed foods.

What can cause difficulty swallowing

Although it seems simple, the act of swallowing is complex and highly coordinated between the brain and the muscles present in the throat and esophagus. Therefore, any changes related to the brain or muscles involved in swallowing can cause difficulty in swallowing, such as:

  • Neurological diseases such as Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, stroke; Emotional disorders such as depression or anxiety; Esophageal spasm; Myasthenia gravis; Dermatomyositis; Muscular dystrophy.

The difficulty in swallowing food is a natural change, especially in the elderly, due to the relaxation and uncoordination of the muscles involved in swallowing.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for difficulty in swallowing should be directed against its cause, however, the cause cannot always be solved and that is why it is indicated that the care with this individual's food should be redoubled. To avoid malnutrition and consecutive choking that can endanger the person's life, the diet should be pasty to facilitate swallowing and avoid choking on very solid or very liquid foods.

In addition to changes in diet, exercises can be performed that improve the swallowing process, in addition to the use of some medications. Understand how the treatment for dysphagia is done.

What to eat when you have trouble swallowing

It is important that the food consumed by those who have difficulties to swallow should be crushed, adding liquid to achieve the consistency of puree, and strained after crushing. Cold foods like yogurt, ice cream and vitamins can relieve pain when swallowing.

If the person does not have much appetite it is recommended that at lunch and dinner be offered a single dish containing meat, fish or eggs, and vegetables so that with a single small volume all basic and varied nutrients are offered. Good options are soups with meat beaten in a blender and vegetable purees with egg or ground meat.

Check out a pasty diet menu option for those who have difficulty swallowing.

Difficulty swallowing: what it can cause and how to treat