Home Symptoms Childhood eating problems

Childhood eating problems


Frequent eating disorders in childhood and adolescence are usually initiated as a reflection of an emotional problem, such as the loss of a family member, parents' divorce, lack of attention and even social pressure for the ideal body.

The main types of eating disorders in childhood and adolescence are:

  • Anorexia nervosa - Corresponds to the refusal to eat, which compromises physical and mental development, which can lead to death; Bulimia - One eats excessively in an uncontrolled way and then provokes the same vomit as compensation, generally, with fear of gaining weight; Food compulsion - There is no control over what you eat, you overeat without ever being satisfied, causing obesity; Selective Eating Disorder - When the child consumes only a very small variety of foods, he may feel sick and vomiting when he feels obliged to eat other foods. See more here and learn how to differentiate from children's tantrum.

The treatment of any eating disorder usually includes psychotherapy and nutritional monitoring. In some cases, admission to specialized clinics and the use of medications prescribed by the psychiatrist are required.

Some associations, such as GENTA, Group Specialized in Nutrition and Eating Disorders, inform where are the specialized clinics in each region of Brazil.

How to check if your child has an eating disorder?

It is possible to identify in childhood and adolescence some signs that may indicate an eating disorder, such as:

  • Excessive concern about weight and body image; Sudden weight loss or excess weight; Doing very strict diets; Doing long fasts; Do not wear clothes that expose the body; Always eat the same type of food; Use the bathroom frequently during and after meals meals; Avoid having meals accompanied with the family; Practice excessive physical exercise.

It is essential that parents pay attention to their children's behaviors, as isolation, anxiety, depression, aggression, stress and mood changes are common in children and adolescents with eating disorders.

Childhood eating problems