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Diseases caused by the tick


Ticks are animals that can be found in animals, such as dogs, cats and rodents, and that can carry bacteria and viruses that are very harmful to people's health.

The diseases caused by ticks are serious and need specific treatment to prevent the spread of the infectious agent responsible for the disease and, consequently, organ failure. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease as soon as possible so that the appropriate treatment can be started according to the disease.

Star tick - causing Spotted Fever

The main diseases caused by ticks are:

1. Spotted fever

Spotted fever is popularly known as tick disease and corresponds to an infection transmitted by the star tick infected by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii. The transmission of the disease to people happens when the tick bites the person, transferring the bacteria directly to the person's bloodstream. However, for the disease to actually transmit, the tick needs to stay in contact with the person for 6 to 10 hours.

It is common that after the tick bite, the appearance of red spots on the wrists and ankles that do not itch is noticed, in addition to the possibility of fever above 39ºC, chills, abdominal pain, severe headache and constant muscle pain. It is important that the disease is identified and treated quickly, as it can have serious health consequences if not properly treated. Know how to recognize the signs of spotted fever.

2. Lyme disease

Lyme disease affects North America, especially the United States of America and also Europe, is transmitted by the tick of the genus Ixodes , the bacterium that causes the disease is the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi , which causes a local reaction with swelling and redness. However, the bacteria can reach the organs causing serious complications that can lead to death if the tick is not removed from the site and the use of antibiotics is not started early in the onset of symptoms.

Learn more about the symptoms and treatment of Lyme Disease.

3. Powassan's disease

Powassan is a type of virus that can infect ticks, which when people bite it transmits it. The virus in people's bloodstream can be asymptomatic or lead to common symptoms, such as fever, headache, vomiting and weakness. However, this virus is known to be neuroinvasive, resulting in the appearance of severe signs and symptoms.

Severe disease caused by the Powassan virus can be characterized by inflammation and swelling of the brain, known as encephalitis, or inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord, which is called meningitis. In addition, the presence of this virus in the nervous system can cause loss of coordination, mental confusion, problems with speech and memory loss.

The Powassan virus can be transmitted by the same tick that is responsible for Lyme disease, the tick of the Ixodes genus, however, unlike Lyme disease, the virus can be transmitted quickly to people, within minutes, while in Lyme disease, transmission of the disease takes up to 48 hours.

How to remove the tick from the skin

The best way to avoid these diseases is not to have contact with the tick, however, if the tick is stuck to the skin, it is important to have a lot of contact when removing it to reduce the risk of infection. Thus, it is recommended to use tweezers to hold the tick and remove it.

Then, wash the skin with soap and water. It is not recommended to use your hands, twist or crush the tick, nor should products like alcohol or fire be used.

Warning signs

After removing the tick from the skin, the symptoms of illness can appear within 14 days after removal, being recommended to go to the hospital if symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, red spots on the skin appear.

Diseases caused by the tick