Home Symptoms Bowen's disease: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Bowen's disease: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Bowen's disease, also known as squamous cell carcinoma in situ, is a type of tumor present on the skin characterized by the appearance of red or brown plaques or spots on the skin and which usually present with crusts and a large amount of keratin, which can be either not scaly. This disease is more common in women, although it can also happen in men, and is usually identified between 60 and 70 years of age, since it is related to prolonged exposure to the sun.

Bowen's disease can be easily treated by means of photodynamic therapy, excision or cryotherapy, however if it is not treated correctly there may be progression to more invasive carcinomas, which can result in consequences for the person.

Bowen's disease symptoms

The spots indicative of Bowen's disease can be single or multiple and can appear on any part of the body that is exposed to the sun, being more frequent on the leg, head and neck. However, they can also be identified on the palms, groin or genital region, especially in women when they have the HPV virus and, in the case of men, in the penis.

The main signs and symptoms of Bowen's disease are:

  • Appearance of red or brown spots on the skin that grow over time; Itching at the site of the lesions; There may or may not be flaking; The spots may be in high relief; The lesions may have crusts or be flat.

The diagnosis of Bowen's disease is usually made by the dermatologist or general practitioner based on the observation of the spots through dermatoscopy, which is a non-invasive diagnostic method in which the lesions present on the skin are evaluated. From dermoscopy, the doctor can indicate the need to perform a biopsy to check whether the lesion cells have benign or malignant characteristics and, from the result, the most appropriate treatment can be indicated.

Through dermatoscopy and biopsy it is also possible to differentiate Bowen's disease from other dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis or fungal infection, which is known as dermatophytosis. Understand how dermoscopy is done.

Main causes

The occurrence of Bowen's disease is often associated with prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet light, not necessarily with the person spending hours exposed to the sun, but with daily exposure voluntarily or involuntarily.

However, this disease can also be favored by exposure to carcinogenic substances, as a consequence of viral infections, mainly HIV, decreased activity of the immune system, due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy, transplantation, autoimmune or chronic diseases, for example, or be the result of genetic factors.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of Bowen's disease is determined by the doctor according to the characteristics of the lesions, such as location, size and quantity. In addition, there is a risk of disease progression to more invasive carcinomas.

Thus, treatment can be done through cryotherapy, excision, radiotherapy, photodynamic therapy, laser therapy or curettage. Most of the time, phototherapy is used in the case of multiple and extensive lesions, while surgery can be recommended in the case of small and single lesions, in which the entire lesion is removed.

In addition, in the event that Bowen's disease occurs as a result of HPV infection, for example, the doctor must indicate the treatment for the infection. It is also recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun to prevent the progression of the disease and the appearance of complications.

See how the treatment for skin cancer is done.

Bowen's disease: what it is, symptoms and treatment