It is recommended to consume cow's milk during pregnancy as it is rich in calcium, a very important mineral for the good growth and development of the baby and therefore it is advised that during pregnancy the woman takes an average of 800 ml to 1 liter of cow's milk per day. Who can't ...
What it is: The corpus luteum, also known as the yellow body, is a structure that is located in the woman's ovary and that is formed from the follicle, from where the oocyte is released during ovulation. After ovulation, the corpus luteum continues to develop due to stimulation by ...
Brown discharge is common in pregnancy and usually does not harm the baby but you should go to the doctor because it may indicate infection or ectopic pregnancy.
Breast growth during pregnancy begins around the 6th to 8th week of pregnancy. See why this happens, what other changes you may have in your breasts and what to do to reduce discomfort
During high-risk pregnancies, it is important to follow the obstetrician's recommendations, such as rest and a balanced diet, for example, so that the pregnancy runs smoothly for the mother or baby. It is also important that the woman knows how to identify the signs of work ...
During the pregnancy of twins, the pregnant woman must take some precautions, similar to a pregnancy of only one baby, such as having a balanced diet, exercising properly and drinking plenty of fluids. However, this care must be reinforced because the pregnant woman carries two babies ...
Treatment to cure postpartum depression can be done with antidepressants, exercise and psychological support. Understand how treatment for postpartum depression should be
To calculate the expected delivery date, just know the date of the 1st day of the last menstrual cycle and add 7 days and nine months. Therefore, if the date of the last menstruation was, for example, on the 12th of September, the baby must be born on the 19th of June. The account to calculate the date ...
In case of suspected ovular detachment, where the pregnant woman has persistent colic until 12 weeks of gestation and excessive bleeding in the first trimester, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital to have an ultrasound and assess the need to start treatment, which may be. ..
The strange desires that the pregnant woman usually reveals nutritional deficiencies. Understand when cravings arise in pregnancy
The development of the fetus lasts approximately 40 weeks. During this period the fetus, which was initially just an embryo formed by a set of cells, constantly develops until it becomes a fully formed baby. This process is marked by intense transformations ...
Although the baby spends most of his time sleeping, when he is awake it is easier for the mother to notice from his kicks in the belly.
The baby's development in the 27th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester of gestation and the end of 6 months, and is characterized by fetal weight gain and maturation of its organs. During this period, the pregnant woman may feel the baby kicking or trying to stretch inside ...
The baby can already blink his eyes and move them towards the light and he hears everything very well so talk to him a lot.
In the first weeks of pregnancy the baby is smaller than the head of a pin but will change your life forever. See what changes happen in the woman's body and how the baby will develop.
The arms and legs are well developed and a small amount of fat begins to accumulate in the baby's body.
Now the baby begins to notice the difference between day and night due to the light that passes through the mother's belly.
Fainting during pregnancy is usually related to low blood pressure or hypoglycemia and tends to be more frequent in early pregnancy.
The baby's muscles are getting stronger and stronger, it has reactions, memory and brain cells continue to develop.
This is your last pregnant week, the baby needs to be born and is ready to be on your lap.
The mother's nausea may start to appear from this week and the baby's hands can almost touch.
Abdominal diastasis is a condition that usually arises after pregnancy, when the muscles in the belly become more flabby. See how to confirm you have diastasis and what to do to correct it
Treatment for gestational diabetes should be guided by a nutritionist, obstetrician and endocrinologist so that there are no complications for the mother and baby. See how is treatment for gestational diabetes mellitus, possible risks and how to avoid
Diarrhea in pregnancy can have emotional causes or be a sign of something more serious, see what you can do to control the bowel.
No woman should go on a diet to lose weight in pregnancy, she can at most decrease the consumption of fats and sugars, advised by the nutritionist.
During pregnancy, the headache can be constant and very intense, so it is important to go to the obstetrician to check the need for medication. See what the pregnant woman can take for headache.
Groin pain in pregnancy can happen due to a dysfunction of the pubic symphysis, which usually occurs during pregnancy, causing discomfort in the pelvic area. Know what can cause pain and how to relieve
Kidney pain in pregnancy is a common symptom and can have several causes, from kidney stones, urinary tract infection, spinal problems or muscle tiredness. However, kidney worship in late pregnancy may still be a sign of the onset of labor, due to ...
The presence of STDs in pregnancy, such as syphilis, gonorrhea or herpes, can cause problems such as premature birth and childbirth. See how to identify and treat.
Postpartum eclampsia is a rare and serious disease that can happen within the first 48 hours after delivery. Find out what the main symptoms are.
Eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that causes high blood pressure, headaches, seizures, coma, risk of death and complications for the baby.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the symptoms of endometriosis can disappear. Learn why and understand if pregnancy is really a cure for endometriosis.
Sickness is a normal symptom of pregnancy, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. Learn what to do to relieve common pregnancy sickness.
In twin pregnancies, women gain between 10 and 18 kg, and in triplets, the weight can be between 22 and 27 kg. See table with weekly weight gain.
Epilepsy during pregnancy increases the risk of problems such as premature birth, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia and genetic defects in the baby. Know what to do.
The treatment of migraine in pregnancy can be done with changes in diet and use of drugs like Paracetamol, according to the doctor. See more.