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Low carb diet: the complete guide (with recipes and menu)


The Low Carb diet is defined by the UK Diabetes Organization as a diet where there is a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates, with less than 130 g of this macronutrient to be ingested per day. Since this amount of carbohydrates represents only 26% of the energy needed by the body, the rest must be provided by the consumption of good fats and proteins.

In addition to this diet, there is another, known as the ketogenic diet, in which the amount of carbohydrates ingested is even smaller, being between 20 and 50 grams per day, which causes the body to enter a state known as "ketosis", in which it starts to use fats as the main source of energy, instead of carbohydrates. However, this diet is very restrictive and is only indicated for some cases. Better understand how the ketogenic diet is and when it can be indicated.

The Low Carb diet is very efficient to lose weight because the metabolism starts to work better with the increase of proteins and good fat in the diet, also helping to reduce the inflammation of the organism and to fight the fluid retention. Check out the practical tips in the following video:

Health Benefits

Following a Low Carb diet can have several health benefits such as:

  • Giving greater satiety, since the increase in the consumption of proteins and fats keeps hunger away for longer; Regular control of cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as increasing good HDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases; Help control diabetes by regulating blood sugar; Improve bowel function by containing more fiber-rich foods; Favor weight loss, due to reduced calories, increased amount of fiber and glycemic control; Combat fluid retention by stimulating urine production, eliminating excess fluid accumulated in the body.

However, to make this type of diet safe it is very important to have guidance from a nutritionist, since the calculation of carbohydrates varies according to the needs of each person and their history. In addition, the nutritionist can also help to recognize the amount of carbohydrates present in each food, so as not to exceed the established daily limit.

How to do the Low Carb Diet

To make the Low carb diet, you should remove especially simple carbohydrates from your diet, such as sugar, refined flour, soft drinks and sweets. In addition, and depending on the amount of carbohydrates you are trying to target, it may also be necessary to restrict the consumption of complex carbohydrates, such as bread, oats, rice or pasta, for example.

The amount of carbohydrate that must be eliminated from the diet varies according to the metabolism of each one. A "normal" diet is usually high in carbohydrates, including around 250 g daily, and for this reason, the Low Carb diet should be done progressively, so that the body gets used to it and side effects such as headaches, dizziness or changes in mood.

It is important that when making this diet, 3 main meals and 2 snacks are eaten, to allow the consumption of small portions of food throughout the day, reducing the feeling of hunger. These snacks should include eggs, cheese, nuts, avocado and coconut, for example. Lunch and dinner should be rich in salad, protein and oil, and may have only a little carbohydrates. See Low Carb snack recipes.

Allowed foods

The foods allowed in the Low Carb diet are:

  • Fruits and vegetables in small quantities, preferably raw, with skin and bagasse, to increase the amount of fiber and improve the feeling of satiety; Lean meats, especially chicken or turkey, without skin; Fish, preferably the fatty ones like salmon, tuna, trout or sardines; eggs and cheese; olive oil, coconut oil and butter; walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts and peanuts; seeds in general, such as chia, flaxseed, sunflower and sesame; coffee and teas without sugar.

In the case of cheese, milk and yogurt it is important to control the quantities correctly. Milk can be substituted for coconut or almond milk, whose carbohydrate content is much lower. It is also important to follow the Low Carb diet with 2 to 3 liters of water per day.

Foods allowed in moderation

Some foods have a moderate amount of carbohydrates which, depending on the daily carbohydrate goal, may or may not be included in the diet. Some examples include lentils, potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, yams, whole grain bread and pumpkin.

In general, people who practice physical activity regularly tend to tolerate more carbohydrates in the diet, without gaining weight so easily.

Amount of carbohydrates in food

The following table shows some foods and their carbohydrate content per 100 g:

Avocado 2.3 g Orange 8.9 g
Raspberry 5.1 g Papaya 9.1 g
Strawberry 5.3 g Wait 9.4 g
Melon 5.7 g Blackberry 10.2 g
Coconut 6.4 g Cherry 13.3 g
Grapefruit 6 g Apple 13.4 g
Tangerine 8.7 g Blueberry 14.5 g
Spinach 0.8 g Chicory 2.9 g
Lettuce 0.8 g Zucchini 3.0 g
Celery 1.5 g Onion 3.1 g
Broccoli 1.5 g Tomato 3.1 g
Cucumber 1.7 g Cauliflower 3.9 g
Arugula 2.2 g Cabbage 3.9 g
Cress 2.3 g Carrot 4.4 g
Other foods
Skimmed milk 4.9 g Mozzarella cheese 3.0 g
Natural yogurt 5.2 g Lentils 16.7 g
butter 0.7 g Potato 18.5 g
Pumpkin 1.7 g Black bean 14 g
Coconut milk 2.2 g Cooked rice 28 g
Yam 23.3 g Sweet potato 28.3 g
Brown rice 23 g Peanut 10.1 g

See another list of carbohydrate-rich foods.

Prohibited foods

In this diet it is important to avoid all foods that have a high amount of carbohydrates. Thus, a good option is to consult the food label before consuming. However, some examples of the types of foods that should be avoided are:

  • Sugar: including foods such as soft drinks, industrialized fruit juices, sweeteners, sweets, ice cream, cakes and cookies; Flours: wheat, barley or rye, and foods such as bread, cookies, snacks, toast; Trans fats: packaged potato chips, frozen frozen food and margarine; Processed meats: ham, turkey breast, sausage, sausage, salami, mortadella, bacon; Others: white rice, white pasta, farofa, tapioca and couscous.

Thus, an important tip is to try to avoid all kinds of industrialized products, since they normally contain a high concentration of carbohydrates, giving preference to natural products and fresh vegetables.

3-day Low Carb diet menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day Low Carb menu :

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 120 g plain yogurt + 1 slice of whole grain bread with 1 slice of mozzarella cheese + 1 tablespoon of mashed avocado 1 cup of unsweetened coffee with 100 mL of coconut milk + 2 scrambled eggs with 1 medium tomato and 15 g of basil 1 cup of coffee with 100 mL of unsweetened coconut milk + 1 slice of whole grain bread with 25 g of smoked salmon + 1 tablespoon of mashed avocado
Morning snack Sugar-free coffee with 100 ml coconut milk + 20 almonds unit 120 g plain yogurt with 1 tablespoon chia seeds + 5 nuts 1 medium tangerine + 10 almonds
Lunch 100 g of zucchini pasta with 120 g of ground beef + 1 lettuce salad with 25 g of carrots and 10 g of onion, with 1 (dessert) spoon of olive oil 120 g of salmon accompanied by 2 tablespoons of brown rice + 1 cup of vegetable mixture (peppers, carrots, zucchini, eggplant and broccoli) + 1 tablespoon of olive oil 120 g chicken breast + ½ cup pumpkin puree + lettuce salad + 1 medium tomato + 10 g onion + 1/3 diced avocado, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of oil and vinegar
Afternoon snack 1 cup of strawberry jelly Vitamin of 100 g of avocado with 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and 200 mL of coconut milk 1 glass of green juice prepared with 1 cabbage leaf, ½ lemon, 1/3 cucumber, 100 mL of coconut water and 1 (dessert) spoon of chia
Dinner Spinach omelet prepared with: 2 eggs, 20 g of onion, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 125 g of spinach, salt and pepper 1 eggplant (180 g) stuffed with 100 g of tuna + 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese, au gratin in the oven 1 small red pepper (100 g) stuffed with 120 g of ground beef with 1 spoon of Parmesan cheese, au gratin in the oven.
Amount of carbohydrates 60 grams 54 grams 68 grams

The amounts included in the menu should vary according to age, sex, level of physical activity and history of diseases. Therefore, the ideal is to always consult a nutritionist so that a complete assessment and a nutritional plan appropriate to the needs of each person is made.

See examples of Low Carb breakfast to include in the diet.

Low Carb Recipe Options

Some recipes that can be included in the Low Carb diet are:

1. Zucchini noodles

A 100 gram serving of this pasta has about 59 calories, 1.1 g of protein, 5 g of fat and 3 g of carbohydrates.


• 1 small zucchini cut into thin strips

• 1 teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil

• Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Method of preparation

Slice the zucchini into its length in the shape of spaghetti-type pasta. There are also special slicers that cut the vegetables in the form of spaghetti. In a frying pan, heat the coconut oil or olive oil and place the zucchini strips. Sauté for about 5 minutes or until the zucchini starts to soften. Season with salt, garlic and black pepper. Turn off the heat and add the desired meat and tomato sauce or pesto.

2. Spinach tortilla

An 80 gram serving (¼ of tortilla) provides approximately 107 calories, 4 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 2.5 g of carbohydrates.


  • 550 g of spinach or chard leaves; 4 lightly beaten egg whites; ½ chopped onion; 1 spoon of chopped chives; pinch of salt and pepper; olive oil.

Method of preparation

Place the spinach leaves in a frying pan, cover and keep on a medical fire until they wilt, uncovering and stirring from time to time. Then remove from heat and let stand for a few minutes on a plate.

In the same frying pan, place a drizzle of olive oil, onion, chives, salt and pepper, and let the onion cook until slightly golden. Then add the egg whites and spinach, allowing to cook for another 5 minutes, until the tortilla is golden underneath. Return the tortilla and cook for another 5 minutes on the other side.

3. Stuffed cherry tomatoes

A serving of 4 cherry tomatoes (65 g) has about 106 calories, 5 g of protein, 6 g of fat and 5 g of carbohydrates.


  • 400 g of cherry tomatoes (24 tomatoes approx.); 8 tablespoons (150 g) of goat cheese; 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 clove of crushed garlic; salt and white pepper to taste; 6 basil leaves (for plating)

Method of preparation

Wash the tomatoes and cut a small lid on the top, remove the pulp from the inside using a small spoon and being careful not to pierce the tomato. Stuff the tomatoes with the goat cheese.

In a separate container, mix the oil with the garlic, salt and pepper and place over the tomatoes. Plate with sliced ​​basil leaves.

4. Strawberry and fruit jelly

A portion of this gelatin with about 90 g (1/3 cup) has approximately 16 calories, 1.4 g of protein, 0 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates.

Ingredients (for 7 servings)

  • ½ cup sliced ​​strawberries; ¼ chopped apple; ¼ chopped pear; 1 cup of hot water; 1 powdered strawberry gelatin sachet (unsweetened) ½ cup of cold water.

Method of preparation

Place the gelatin powder in a container and turn the cup of hot water on top. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved and then add the cold water. Finally, place the fruit in the bottom of a glass container and add the gelatin over the fruit. Refrigerate to cool until solid.

Who should not do this diet

This diet should not be made by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as children or adolescents, as they are growing up. In addition, the elderly and people with kidney or liver problems should also avoid doing this type of diet, always following a diet designed by a nutritionist.

Low carb diet: the complete guide (with recipes and menu)