Home Bulls What is vldl cholesterol and what does it mean when it is high

What is vldl cholesterol and what does it mean when it is high


VLDL is a type of cholesterol considered as bad, as well as LDL, because its high blood values ​​lead to the accumulation of fat in the arteries and the formation of atherosclerosis plaques, increasing the risk of heart disease. Know what are the types of cholesterol.

VLDL cholesterol is produced in the liver and its function is to transport triglycerides through the bloodstream, which are fat molecules to produce energy in cells. Thus, high levels of this cholesterol occur due to excess fat and carbohydrates in the diet, in addition to being overweight and lack of physical activity.

Reference values

The reference values ​​for VLDL cholesterol are:

  • Normal: from 2 to 30 mg / dL; High: above 30 mg / dL.

This cholesterol is measured through a blood test, along with the other types of cholesterol, and, although fasting is no longer necessary for this test, it is recommended by laboratories to fast for 12 to 14 hours before taking the test.. Here's how to understand the cholesterol test result.

Risks of high VLDL

High VLDL cholesterol levels increase the risk of atheromatous plaque formation and blood vessel clogging, which can cause problems such as heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke.

This risk is even higher when the LDL values ​​are also high, as this type of cholesterol also favors the onset of cardiovascular diseases. See tips to lower bad cholesterol naturally in the following video:

Is low VLDL bad?

Having low levels of VLDL does not pose any health risks, as this means that the levels of triglycerides and fat are low, which favors the health of the heart and blood vessels.

How to download VLDL

In order to lower the VLDL, the blood triglyceride levels must be reduced, following a low-fat and high-fiber diet, as shown in the following table:

What to eat What not to eat or avoid
Skinless chicken and fish Red meats and fried foods
Skimmed milk and yogurt Sausage, sausage, salami, bologna and bacon
White and light cheeses Whole milk and yellow cheeses such as cheddar, catupiry and plate
Fruits and natural fruit juices Industrialized soft drinks and juices
Vegetables and greens, preferably raw Frozen frozen food, powdered soup and seasonings such as cubes of meat or vegetables
Seeds such as sunflower, flaxseed and chia Pizza, lasagna, cheese sauces, cakes, white breads, sweets and stuffed cookie

In addition, it is important to control your weight, do physical activity regularly, and go to the doctor at least once a year to assess your heart health and see the need to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Watch the video below and learn how to make a diet to lower triglycerides:

To help control, see Cholesterol-lowering home remedies and recipes.

What is vldl cholesterol and what does it mean when it is high