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Protein diet


The protein diet, also called a high protein or protein diet, is based on increasing consumption of protein-rich foods, such as meat and eggs, excluding foods rich in bread and pasta. Eating more protein helps to decrease hunger and increase the feeling of satiety, because it acts directly on the levels of ghrelin and other hormones responsible for regulating appetite.

In this way, proteins can increase metabolism, helping to burn more calories, and the absence of carbohydrates in food would cause the body to use other sources of fat to produce energy.

It is normal that at the beginning of the diet the person feels a little weak and dizzy in the first days, however these symptoms usually pass after 3 or 4 days, which is the time necessary for the body to get used to the lack of carbohydrates. A more gradual way to remove carbohydrates and not suffer is to eat a low carb diet. Learn how to eat a low carb diet.

Allowed foods

The foods allowed in the protein diet are foods that are high in protein and have a low carbohydrate content, such as:

  • Lean meats, fish, egg, ham, turkey ham; Skimmed milk, white cheeses, skimmed yogurt; Almond milk or any nutAcelga, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, arugula, watercress, chicory, carrot, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, radish; Olive or flax oil, olives; Chestnuts, walnuts, almonds; Seeds such as chia, flax, sesame, pumpkin, sunflower; Avocado, lemon.

The protein diet can be carried out for 15 days with a 3-day interval, and can be repeated for a maximum of 15 more days.

Foods to Avoid

Foods banned during the protein diet are sources of carbohydrates, such as cereals and tubers, such as bread, pasta, rice, flour, potatoes, sweet potatoes and cassava. In addition to grains such as beans, chickpeas, corn, peas and soy.

It is also recommended to avoid sugar and foods that contain it, such as cookies, sweets, cakes, soft drinks, honey and industrialized juices. In addition, although healthy, fruits contain a large amount of sugar, and should therefore be avoided or not consumed in large quantities during the protein diet.

It is important not to consume these foods during the protein diet to avoid changes in metabolism that stop the body from using protein and fat as an energy source.

Protein diet menu

This is an example of a complete protein diet menu to easily complete a week.

Breakfast Lunch Snack Dinner
Monday Skimmed milk with avocado and scrambled eggs with onion and paprika Cooked fish with spinach seasoned with lemon drops 1 low-fat yogurt with peanut butter

Lettuce and tomato salad with tuna, seasoned with yogurt cream with cilantro and lemon

Tuesday Skimmed yogurt with flax seeds, accompanied with a cheese roll and turkey ham Grilled chicken with cucumber, lettuce, tomato salad, seasoned with olive oil and lemon Boiled egg and carrot sticks Grilled salmon with broccoli, carrot and tomato salad, seasoned with lemon and flaxseed oil
Fourth Skim milk coffee and 1 boiled egg Omelet with cheese and ham and arugula salad seasoned with olive oil and lemon Skimmed yogurt with chia seeds and 2 slices of cheese Zucchini noodles with ground beef and natural tomato sauce
Fifth Avocado smoothie with skim milk Fresh tuna grilled with chard and seasoned with flaxseed oil Lemon juice with egg and 1 slice of turkey ham Roasted turkey breast with tomato and grated cheese with olive oil, accompanied by arugula and grated carrot salad and seasoned with lemon
Friday Skimmed yogurt and scrambled egg with chard and cheese Eggplant stuffed with shredded chicken breast and sautéed with paprika, onion au gratin in the oven with grated cheese Avocado smoothie with almond milk Omelet with spinach and sautéed onions
Saturday Skim milk with 2 cheese and ham rolls Lettuce, arugula and cucumber salad with chopped avocado and grated cheese and boiled egg with yogurt dressing, parsley and lemon 3 walnuts and 1 low-fat yogurt Carrot cream with pieces of diced white cheese and cilantro
Sunday Coffee with almond milk and a ham and cheese omelet Grilled steak with asparagus sautéed in olive oil Avocado slices with peanut butter Smoked salmon salad with green and purple lettuce, chopped avocado, chia seeds and nuts, seasoned with olive oil and lemon

The proportions of the foods on the menu presented vary according to age, sex, physical activity and whether the person has diseases or not, so it is important to seek a nutritionist to carry out a complete assessment and calculate the most appropriate proportions. according to the person's need.

What to know before starting the protein diet

Before starting any diet, it is important to consult a doctor or a nutritionist in order not to harm health. The nutritionist can recommend another more personalized menu, taking into account personal preferences and possible dietary restrictions.

This diet should not be performed by people who have kidney problems, as consuming large amounts of protein can cause even more damage to the kidneys. The diet should only be carried out for a maximum of 1 month, after that it is possible to maintain a low carbohydrate diet to maintain weight and avoid the deficit or excess of some nutrients in the body.

In the case of being vegetarian there are foods that are rich in vegetable proteins, such as beans, chickpeas and quinoa, for example.

Watch in this video what are the best foods that combine to form proteins, as well as meat:

Protein diet