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Food to cure candidiasis


Investing in water with lemon, parsley, thyme, cucumber and bear tea or pennyroyal, for example, is a great strategy to help cure candidiasis faster, but it is also important to cut down on sweet foods, as they favor the multiplication of the fungus that causes candidiasis, Candida albicans , which worsens itching and discharge.

Another important thing to speed up treatment and prevent new infections is to improve immunity through strategies such as resting well, adding propolis to tea, and eating more plain yogurt and kefir. In addition, taking probiotic capsules and adding 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast in fruit smoothie, porridge or yogurt, for example helps to balance the pH of the vaginal flora and control the uncontrolled growth of fungi.

Foods That Help Cure Candidiasis

Foods that help cure candidiasis are those that strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal flora and help control vaginal pH, such as:

  • Fermented foods, such as natural yogurt, kefir and kombucha, as they are rich in good bacteria that improve intestinal health and strengthen the immune system; Propolis, which must be taken daily, can be added to teas, water with lemon or just diluted in water. Adults should take propolis in an alcoholic extract, while women and children should use aqueous propolis; Natural herbs, such as oregano, rosemary, thyme, garlic and onion, as they have antifungal action; Good fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, almonds and peanuts, as they reduce inflammation; Seeds, such as chia, flaxseed and pumpkin seed, as they are rich in omega-3, strengthening the immune system; Whole foods, fruits and vegetables, as they strengthen the beneficial intestinal flora that, when healthy, prevents the proliferation of candidiasis.

Natural yogurt can also be used as a home remedy against candidiasis, see how to use it here.

Foods that make Candidiasis worse

Prohibited foods are those rich in sugar, as they alter the vaginal pH, and industrialized foods and rich in preservatives and chemical additives, as they worsen immunity. Therefore, consumption of:

  • Sugar and sweets in general; Drinks: ready-made juices, soft drinks, alcoholic and energy drinks; White flour, cakes, white breads, savory, cookies; Canned and frozen frozen food; Processed meats, such as sausage, sausage, bacon, ham, turkey breast and bologna; Refined grains, such as white rice, white pasta and tapioca; Pickles, hearts of palm and mushrooms, as they stimulate the growth of fungi; Ready-made sauces and diced spices.

These foods also contribute to the imbalance of intestinal flora, one of the main defense mechanisms of the body against invading microorganisms. In addition, the use of antibiotics, corticosteroids and laxatives also worsens the intestinal flora and favors the appearance of candidiasis.

Menu to fight Candidiasis

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu with foods that help fight candidiasis:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of plain yogurt + 1 col of oats + 1 slice of whole grain bread with egg unsweetened coffee + 2 slices of brown bread with cheese 1 glass of orange juice + 2 scrambled eggs seasoned with garlic, oregano and tomato
Morning snack 1 glass of green juice with coconut water 10 cashew nuts 1 mashed banana with 1 spoon of oats
Lunch dinner zucchini pasta with ground beef and tomato sauce + green salad with olive oil 4 col of brown rice soup + 2 col of beans + chicken stroganoff with tomato sauce and chopped vegetables sweet potato puree + oven-baked fish with vegetables drizzled with olive oil
Afternoon snack 1 baked banana + 2 slices of cheese + 1 col of chia tea 1 kéfir yogurt beaten with 5 strawberries + 1 col of oat soup 1 plain yogurt with 3 prunes

In addition, you should take about 15 drops of propolis with lemon daily before bed, diluted in a little water. The nutritionist can also advise on the use of probiotics in capsules, to help improve the intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system.

See more tips on how to get rid of candidiasis with food in the following video:

This candidiasis diet must be followed for at least 3 months to achieve the intended results of improving symptoms and preventing new attacks, and does not exclude the use of medications prescribed by the doctor.

But to make sure it is candidiasis, do a quick test here.

Food to cure candidiasis