Home Symptoms What to eat to ensure a good mood

What to eat to ensure a good mood


To ensure good mood, consumption of foods such as Brazil nuts, milk and pumpkin seeds should be increased, as they are rich in tryptophan, a substance that participates in the formation of serotonin, which is essential to maintain a good mood.

Serotonin is a very important substance for the brain and its lack is related to irritability, mood disorders, depression, drowsiness and tiredness. In addition to serotonin, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and vitamins C and B complex also work to combat stress and prevent tiredness. These nutrients are present mainly in milk and dairy products and in citrus fruits, such as orange and lemon.

What to eat to improve mood

This video indicates what you need to eat to be more humorous:

Other mood-enhancing foods are those rich in tryptophan, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamin C and B vitamins, such as:

  1. Milk and dairy products; Eggs; Meat, fish and seafood; Pumpkin, sunflower and oat seeds; Oilseeds such as cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds, peanuts and nuts; Fruits such as pineapple, avocado, banana, orange, mandarin and passion fruit; dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli; beans, peas and chickpeas; chocolate, especially dark chocolate.

Low-carb diets impair mood because they decrease serotonin production. Therefore, it is important to have a balanced diet, where all nutrients are present. See more tryptophan-rich foods.

Good mood diet menu

The table below shows an example of a 3-day diet menu to improve mood.

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 glass of milk + whole grain bread with ricotta 180 ml of yogurt with whole grains + 3 whole toasts 1 glass of milk + 1 brown bread with egg
Morning snack 1 banana + 4 crackers 3 chestnuts + 4 Maria biscuits 1 tangerine + 3 peanuts
Lunch dinner 130 g of chicken + 4 col of rice soup + salad with broccoli + 6 strawberries 130 g of meat + 3 col of rice soup + 2 col of bean soup + salad with cabbage + 1 orange 130 g of fish + 2 medium boiled potatoes + salad with spinach + 15g dark chocolate
Afternoon snack 3 peanuts + 1 yogurt with oats 200 ml of avocado vitamin 1 yogurt with sunflower seeds + 3 toast

In addition to changes in diet, you should also practice physical activity regularly to decrease stress and improve mood more quickly.

If you are feeling depressed check out What to Eat to Get Out of Depression

Know when bad mood is not normal

Answer the following questions and find out when the bad mood is no longer normal, and needs specific treatment:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Start the test

Do you feel sad more than 4 times a week or do you feel neither happy nor sad almost every day?
  • No, never. Yes, but that's not very often. Yes, almost every week.

Do you get sulky even in situations where everyone seems happy?
  • No, when others are happy, so am I. Yes, I often get in a bad mood. Yes, I don't know what it means to be in a good mood.

Are you critical or very critical often?
  • No, I never criticize anyone. Yes, but my criticisms are constructive and indispensable. Yes, I am very critical, I do not miss an opportunity to criticize and I am very proud of it.

Are you constantly complaining about everything and everyone constantly?
  • No, I never complain about anything and my life is a bed of roses. Yes, I complain when I think it is necessary or I am very tired. Yes, I usually complain about everything and everyone, almost daily.

Do you find everything boring and boring?
  • No, never. Yes, I often wanted to be somewhere else. Yes, I am rarely satisfied with things and I wanted to be doing something else more interesting.

Do you feel tired daily?
  • No, only when I'm really working hard. Yes, I often feel tired, even if I haven't done anything all day. Yes, I feel tired every day, even when I'm on vacation.

Do you consider yourself a pessimistic person?
  • No, I am very optimistic and I can see the good side of things. Yes, I have some difficulty finding the good side of something bad. Yes, I am pessimistic and I always think that everything will go wrong, even if there is a lot of effort involved.

Do you sleep a lot or have trouble sleeping?
  • I sleep well and consider that I have restful sleep. I like to sleep, but sometimes I have some difficulty falling asleep. I think I don't get enough rest, sometimes I sleep many hours, sometimes I have trouble sleeping well.

Do you think you are being wronged?
  • No, I never worry about that. Yes, I often think I am wronged. Yes, I am almost always thinking: This is not fair.

Do you have difficulty making decisions?
  • No, never. Yes, I often feel lost and I don't know what to decide. Yes, I almost always find it difficult to decide and I need help from others.

Do you tend to isolate yourself?
  • No, never because I enjoy being with family or friends. Yes, but only when I get upset. Yes, almost always because it is very difficult for me to be with other people.

Are you easily annoyed?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, I almost always get angry and upset with everything and everyone.

Are you very critical of yourself?
  • No, never. Yes, sometimes. Yes, almost always.

Are you always dissatisfied with something?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, almost always.

Are you too rigid or inflexible?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, almost always.

Do you have low self-esteem?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, almost always.

Do you only see the negative side of things?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, almost always.

Do you take everything personally?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, almost always.

Do you have a hard time feeling happy and satisfied?
  • No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, almost always.

What to eat to ensure a good mood