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What does degenerative discopathy mean


Degenerative discopathy is an alteration commonly found in imaging exams, such as X-ray, magnetic resonance or computed tomography, which means that the intervertebral disc present between each vertebra in the spine is degenerating, that is, losing its original shape, which increases the risk of having a herniated disc, for example. Thus, having a degenerative discopathy does not mean that the person has a herniated disc.

Some characteristics of degenerative discopathy are the presence of:

  • Fibrosis, which causes the disc to become more hardened; Reduction of intervertebral space, which makes the disc more flattened; Decrease in the thickness of the disc, which becomes thinner than the others; Disc bulging, which makes the disc apparently curved; Osteophytes, which is the growth of small bone structures in the vertebrae of the spine.

These changes are more frequent in the lumbar region, between the L4-L5 and L3-L4 vertebrae but can affect any region of the spine. When no treatment is performed to improve the quality of the intervertebral disc, the most common consequence is the development of a herniated disc. Dical hernias are more common between the C6-C7, L4-L5 and L5-S1 vertebrae.

What causes disc degeneration

Disc degeneration, as it is also known, occurs due to factors such as dehydration of the disc, fissures or ruptures of the disc, which can happen due to sedentary lifestyle, trauma, the practice of vigorous exercise or work with physical effort, in addition to aging itself. Although it can affect young people, the most affected are over 30-40 years old.

People who spend many hours sitting and who need to tilt their bodies forward, repeatedly throughout the day, such as truck drivers, secretaries and dentists, are more likely to have some alteration of the vertebral disc.

There is no need for a major traumatic event to start disc degeneration, because it can also develop silently and progressively throughout life.

Symptoms of disc degeneration

Degeneration of the intervertebral disc may not show symptoms, especially in younger people, who have not yet developed herniated discs. It is usually found on an imaging exam, especially MRI or CT scan. However, there may be symptoms such as back pain that gets worse or when making efforts.

Learn the symptoms and treatment for Herniated Disc.

Is disc degeneration curable?

It is possible to improve the quality of the disc, completely eliminating the pain, if it exists. The treatment to improve the quality of the intervertebral disc consists of two hypotheses: surgery, when there is already a herniated disc, or physical therapy when there is pain and limited movement.

Some important guidelines in case of degenerative discopathy, without symptoms and without herniated discs are to preserve the spine, maintaining good posture when walking, sitting, lying down, sleeping and standing. In addition, it is also important to avoid making physical efforts, and whenever you need to lift heavy objects, you must do it correctly, without forcing your spine. Practicing physical exercise such as weight training, under professional guidance, 2-3 times a week is recommended for all sedentary people who spend a lot of time in the same position during work. Check out the 7 posture-impairing habits you should avoid

What does degenerative discopathy mean