Home Symptoms Ayurveda diet helps balance body and mind

Ayurveda diet helps balance body and mind


The Ayurveda diet originates in India and aims to promote longevity, vitality, physical, mental and emotional health. It does not work as a diet to cure diseases, but to prevent them and to improve the health of the body and mind, which always go together.

As a consequence, this diet naturally stimulates weight loss, as it promotes less consumption of carbohydrates and fats, helping to balance doshas and improving the functioning of the body and mind.

What are Doshas

Doshas are 3 biological forces or moods, based on natural elements, which lead to the balance or imbalance of the body and mind:

  • Dosha Vata: the air element predominates. When this energy is out of balance, symptoms such as tiredness, anxiety, insomnia, constipation and swelling appear; Pitha Dosha: the fire element predominates. When unbalanced, it can cause irritation, high appetite, acne and reddened skin; Kapha Dosha: the water element predominates. When this energy is out of balance, symptoms such as possessive behavior, weight gain, breathing problems and excessive mucus production can appear.

According to ayurveda, each individual has the 3 doshas, ​​but one of them is always dominant over the others. This combination leads to unique personal characteristics of body, mind and emotions. Based on this and factors such as age and gender, Ayurvedic food seeks to balance the relationship between these three forces to balance the health of the body and mind.

Permitted and prohibited foods

The foods allowed and prohibited in the Ayurveda diet vary according to doshas, ​​but in general are:

Allowed foods

One of the main points is to favor natural foods, fresh and free of preservatives and pesticides. Thus, foods such as organic fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, organic chicken, fish, olive oil, nuts, chestnuts and other nuts, whole grains, spices and natural condiments are also examples of healthy foods. See the main anti-inflammatory foods.

Prohibited Foods

Stimulant drinks, refined coffee, sugar and salt, red meat, white flour, soft drinks, sweets, fried foods, animal fat, alcohol and products with chemical additives are to be avoided. Smoking and overeating are also prohibited, as they also cause imbalance in the body.

Tips and Care

In addition to choosing foods well, the ayurveda diet also recommends other precautions, such as:

  • Avoid exchanging meals for sandwiches; Eat carefully, being aware that that food will influence the body and mind; Be more careful with the quality of the food than with the quantity; Eat calmly and chew the food well; Drink plenty of water between meals.

In addition, it is also recommended to have regular waking and sleeping times, physical activity, seeking good company and harmonious environments, reading good books and developing practices that promote balance such as yoga and meditation. See the benefits of yoga.

Diet Benefits

By balancing body and mind, the Ayurveda diet helps to reduce anxiety, fight depression, increase energy and well-being, bring tranquility and prevent allergies and chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

As this diet favors the use of fresh and natural foods, and encourages a control in the amount of food consumed, it also leads to better weight control, favoring weight loss.

The importance of spices

In addition to food, the Ayurveda diet also highlights the use of spices that, in addition to providing flavor, are allies of digestion. Some of the most used spices are turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, anise, rosemary, turmeric, basil and parsley.

These spices are functional and antioxidant, helping the digestive process and bringing benefits to the body, such as deflating, preventing diseases, strengthening the immune system and improving blood circulation.

Massala recipe

Massala is a combination of spices typical of Ayurvedic medicine, and should be made as shown below:


  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin1 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander seed1 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger1 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 / 2 teaspoon of powdered cloves1 / 2 teaspoon of nutmeg powder

Method of preparation:

Mix the ingredients and store in a tightly closed glass jar.

Ayurveda diet helps balance body and mind