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What to eat on the paleo diet (with full menu)


The Paleolithic diet, also known as the paleo diet, is a type of food whose foundations are based on the diets that our ancestors performed in the stone age, which was based on hunting, so that 19 to 35% of the diet consists of proteins, 22 to 40% of carbohydrates and 28 to 47% of fats.

This diet is an option for people who want to reduce weight or better control blood sugar levels, making some changes in their lifestyle. This diet is based mainly on the consumption of fresh and natural foods, avoiding processed foods and being rich in healthy fat sources, nuts, low-fat meats, fish and seafood.

It is important to mention that this type of diet is not for everyone, and it is important to consult the nutritionist so that an individual assessment can be carried out and a nutritional plan adapted to your needs and health conditions is indicated.

What to eat

Based on game and food collection, the Paleolithic diet is composed of:

1. Fruits and vegetables

In the Paleolithic diet, large amounts of vegetables and fruits should be consumed, preferably raw, with skin and bagasse.

2. Low-fat meats

The meat came from hunting animals and fishing in the Paleolithic era, and can be eaten in large quantities. Increasing this consumption of protein foods helps to strengthen muscle mass and give more satiety to the body, helping to control hunger.

Ideally, meats should be low in fat, without visible fat, and frog meat, pork, chicken, turkey, egg, lamb, goat meat, liver, tongue and marrow can be eaten. In addition, fish and seafood can also be eaten.

However, it is important to remember that in some situations excessive meat consumption should be avoided, as are the cases of chronic kidney disease and gout.

3. Dried fruits, seeds and fats

Dried fruits are rich sources of monounsaturated fat, so it is possible to include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds.

In addition, it is also possible to consume olive oil, avocado and flaxseed, as well as avocado itself, however it is important that these types of oil are used sparingly, at most 4 tablespoons per day.

4. Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea can be included in the diet, but in moderation, preferably once a day and should be taken without adding sugar. In addition, it is also possible to include honey and dried fruits, but in small quantities.

Foods to Avoid

The following foods are not present in the Paleolithic diet:

  • Cereals and foods containing them: rice, wheat, oats, barley, quinoa and corn; Grains: beans, peanuts, soybeans and all products, such as tofu, peas and lentils; Tubers: cassava, potatoes, yams, celery and derived products; Sugars and any food or preparation that contains sugar, such as cookies, cakes, pasteurized juices and soft drinks; Milk and dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, sour cream, condensed milk, butter and ice cream; Processed and packaged foods; Fatty meats such as bacon, bologna, sausage, turkey and chicken skin, ham, pepperoni, salami, canned meat, pork and ribs; Salt and foods that contain it.

Depending on the person, it is possible to adapt the Paleolithic diet to the person, being able to consume meats bought in supermarkets, buy olive oil and flaxseed and flours that come from oilseeds, such as almond and flaxseed flour, for example. Find out which foods are high in carbohydrates.

Difference between the Paleo diet and the Low Carb

The main difference is that in the Paleo diet one should avoid all types of grains rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, wheat, corn and oats, for example, while in the Low Carb diet these grains can still be consumed in small quantities a few times a week..

In addition, the Low Carb diet allows the consumption of processed foods, as long as they are not rich in sugar, flour and other carbohydrates, while at Paleo the ideal is to reduce the consumption of processed foods as much as possible. Learn how to do the low carb diet.

Paleo diet to lose weight

The Paleolithic diet is a great option for those who want to lose weight, as the removal of grains and processed foods helps a lot to naturally reduce calories from the diet and improve the body's metabolism.

In addition, it is rich in vegetables, fibers and proteins, nutrients that increase satiety and reduce the desire to eat. Gradually, the body adapts to the reduction of carbohydrates and no longer misses foods like sweets, breads, cakes and snacks.

Paleo Diet Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day paleo diet menu:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast Sugar-free coffee + 2 scrambled eggs with diced tomato and onion + 1 apple Unsweetened coffee with natural almond milk + spinach omelet + 2 slice of avocado + 1 orange Unsweetened coffee with natural coconut milk + fruit salad
Morning snack 1 handful of fruit if 30 grams of coconut pulp Avocado smoothie with natural almond milk + 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
Lunch dinner 150 g of meat + chard + tomato + grated carrot and beet + 1 drizzle of olive oil + 1 tangerine 150 grams of salmon accompanied by asparagus sautéed in olive oil + 1 pear Pasta with zucchini with 150 grams of ground beef with natural tomato sauce + raw salad seasoned with olive oil + 1/2 cup chopped strawberries
Afternoon snack 1 roasted banana with 1 teaspoon of chia seeds Carrot and celery sticks with homemade guacamole 1 boiled egg + 2 medium peaches

The amounts present on the menu vary according to age, sex, physical activity and whether the person has any associated disease or not, so it is important to go to the nutritionist to carry out a complete assessment and establish the most appropriate nutritional plan. according to your needs.

It is important to remember that before starting any diet it is necessary to speak with the doctor and the nutritionist to assess health and receive specific guidelines for each case. In addition, drinking plenty of water and practicing physical activity regularly are attitudes that also help to lose weight and prevent diseases.

What to eat on the paleo diet (with full menu)