Home Bulls Remedies, shampoo and tips to stop dandruff

Remedies, shampoo and tips to stop dandruff


The secret to stop dandruff is to keep the oiliness of the scalp under control, washing your hair daily with anti-dandruff shampoos or containing ingredients such as selenium sulfide, cyclopirox olamine or ketoconazole, such as:

  • Anti-dandruff shampoo from Bio-Médicin, Ducray anti-dandruff shampoo and Kerium DS anti-dandruff shampoo.

They can be useful to stop dandruff, but topical solutions that contain salicylic acid, antifungals or corticoids, are the most indicated in case of dandruff with inflammation and itching.

In addition, it may also be indicated to resort to the use of remedies such as spironolactone because although it is not indicated for this purpose, its side effects decrease the oiliness of the hair, being useful to eliminate dandruff.

Another form of treatment is to use phototherapy, which consists of sessions of exposure to a special bluish light, in dermatological clinics, can be very effective. Find out more details of this treatment by clicking here.

The scaling and itching of the scalp may occur in a mild, medium or intense manner. In all three situations, the dermatologist should be consulted to indicate the appropriate treatment.

Home remedy to eliminate dandruff

To end dandruff with home remedy, you can take daily carqueja tea for example, as it acts in cleaning the blood, causing the body's impurities to be eliminated, bringing a positive effect in the treatment of dandruff. See other home remedies and how to use them here.

The use of natural shampoos made from herbs such as rosemary, thyme, celery, sage and eucalyptus can be effective against dandruff, due to their antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. See how to prepare in: natural shampoos for dandruff.

A diet with healthy food is an important factor for the prevention and treatment of dandruff, fruits and vegetables should be part of the menu, avoiding citrus fruits, nuts and preserved foods.

Tips to end dandruff

Some useful tips to get rid of dandruff faster are:

  • Avoid bathing with very hot water, as it stimulates the oiliness of the hair root; Avoid foods rich in fat; Drink at least 1.5L of water per day; Avoid stress; Avoid sleeping with wet or damp hair; Do not rub the scalp with your nails, as this may cause head injuries. Massage with your fingertips, in gentle, circular movements, and Avoid wearing caps and hats.

Dandruff is the excess flaking of the scalp skin, often causing itching and inflammation. It tends to occur more frequently in men, and can manifest itself on the scalp, and in the region of the face as in the beard, eyebrows and near the nose.

Dandruff also affects babies, forming the so-called milky crust, which generally does not cause itching. To end the baby's dandruff, it is recommended to apply a little mineral oil or almond oil to the hair root, comb it with a fine comb, and then wash the baby's hair with neutral shampoo.

See also: How to use vinegar to stop dandruff

Remedies, shampoo and tips to stop dandruff