Home Symptoms Sore throat: know what to take to heal faster

Sore throat: know what to take to heal faster


Sore throat, scientifically called odynophagia, is a common symptom characterized by inflammation, irritation and difficulty swallowing or speaking, which can be relieved with the use of painkillers or anti-inflammatories.

The sore throat can be transient and appear during a flu or cold, for example, or it can be persistent, which is especially true in people who suffer from tonsillitis.

When in addition to redness in the throat, other symptoms may be present, such as thrush, swelling, or very large tonsils and even specks of pus, where it is advisable to go to the doctor to indicate the appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, in addition to pain relievers. and anti-inflammatory drugs. Find out what are the most common causes of sore throat.

Pharmacy remedies

The remedies for sore throat, should only be taken if recommended by the doctor, since there are several causes that may be at their origin, that need to be treated and, in some cases, certain medications can mask a bigger problem.

Some examples of medications that may be recommended by the doctor to relieve pain and inflammation are analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol, dipyrone, ibuprofen or nimesulide. However, these remedies only treat the symptom and may not solve the problem, whether it is a bacterial infection or an allergy, for example.

Home Remedies

In the following video, nutritionist Tatiana Zanin indicates the best home remedies to fight throat inflammation:

Some of the home remedies that can be taken to relieve the discomfort of sore throat are:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey enriched with 5 drops of propolis; ginger tea with cinnamon; gargles with pomegranate peels;

When sore throat is frequent and pus is present, the doctor may even recommend surgery to remove the tonsils. Learn more about this surgery.

Treatment for sore throat in pregnancy

Medications in general are not advised during breastfeeding because they can cause complications in pregnancy and pass to the baby through breast milk, so in these cases, one should consult the doctor before deciding to take a medicine for sore throat. The safest medicine to take during pregnancy to relieve pain is acetaminophen, however, it should only be taken if recommended by your doctor.

In addition, the pregnant woman can choose home remedies, which are safer, as is the case with lemon and ginger tea. To make the tea, just put 1 4 cm peel of 1 lemon and 1 cm of ginger in 1 cup of boiling water and wait for about 3 minutes. After this time, add 1 teaspoon of honey, let it warm and drink up to 3 cups of tea a day. Alternatively, you can also gargle with water, lemon and salt.

Common causes of sore throat

Some of the most common causes of sore throat are allergies, flu, pharyngitis, stomatitis, excessive use of cigarettes, reflux or tonsillitis. However, in some cases, although it is very rare, sore throat can be a sign of cancer in the region. Other common causes are:

1. Constant or persistent sore throat, which lasts more than 4 days, is usually caused by an infection, such as tonsillitis, and must be evaluated by a family doctor in order to start taking antibiotics;

2. Sore throat and ear can be an indication of inflammation of the middle ear and, therefore, it is recommended to consult a family doctor or otorhinolaryngologist to assess its cause, since it may be necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics;

3. Sore throat when speaking can be related to pharyngitis or laryngitis and must be observed by a family doctor or otorhinolaryngologist, in order to start the appropriate treatment with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs;

4. Frequent sore throat, which is an important sign that the immune system may be weakened, due to excessive use of cigarettes, or due to dryness due to climatic changes, and therefore, the patient should consult the family doctor and increase the eating foods with vitamin C, such as orange or kiwi, which help to increase the body's defenses, in addition to changes in lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, for example. Here's what to do to strengthen the immune system.

Sore throat: know what to take to heal faster