Home Bulls Glycerin enema: when indicated and how to use

Glycerin enema: when indicated and how to use


The glycerin enema is a rectal solution, which contains the active ingredient Glycerol, which is indicated for the treatment of constipation, to perform radiological examinations of the rectum and during intestinal lavage, as it has lubrication and humidifying properties of the feces.

The glycerin enema is usually applied directly to the rectum, through the anus, using a small applicator probe that comes with the product, specific to the application.

Glycerin is stored in packs of 250 to 500 mL of the solution, with each mL generally containing 120 mg of the active ingredient. This medicine can be purchased at the main pharmacies, with a prescription, costing an average of 6 to 15 reais, depending on the brand and the quantity of the product.

What is it for

The glycerin enema works by helping to eliminate feces from the intestine, as it retains water in the intestine by stimulating bowel movements. It is indicated for:

  • Treatment of constipation; Bowel cleansing before and after surgery; Preparation for an opaque enema exam, also known as opaque enema, which uses x-ray and contrast to study the shape and function of the large and straight intestine. Understand what it is for and how to take this exam.

To treat constipation, glycerin is usually indicated when there is a recurring constipation and difficult to treat. Check out the ills of using laxative drugs frequently.

How to use

The glycerin enema is applied directly rectally, and the concentration, the quantity of the product and the number of applications will depend on the doctor's recommendation, according to the indication and the needs of each person.

In general, the recommended minimum dose is 250 mL per day up to a maximum of 1000 mL per day, for a standard 12% solution, and treatment should not exceed 1 week.

For application, the product does not need to be diluted, and must be made in a single dose. The application is made with an applicator probe, which comes with the packaging, which must be used as follows:

  • Insert the tip of the applicator probe into the tip of the enema packaging, making sure that it is inserted into the base; Insert the drainage tube of the applicator probe into the rectum and press the ampoule; Remove the material carefully and then discard it. Check out more application tips on how to make an enema at home.

An alternative to the enema is the use of glycerin suppository, which is applied in a more practical way. Check when the glycerin suppository is indicated.

In addition, glycerin can be diluted together with saline solution for an intestinal lavage and, in these cases, a thin tube is inserted through the anus, which releases drops in the intestine, over a few hours, until the intestinal content is eliminated and the intestine is clean.

Possible side effects

As the glycerin enema is a locally acting medication, not being absorbed into the body, side effects are uncommon. However, intestinal cramps and diarrhea are expected to arise from increased bowel movements.

Other possible side effects are rectal bleeding, anal irritation, dehydration and symptoms of an allergic skin reaction, such as redness, itching and swelling. In the presence of these signs and symptoms it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately.

Glycerin enema: when indicated and how to use