Home Bulls Why the amber necklace has risks for the baby and is not recommended by pediatricians

Why the amber necklace has risks for the baby and is not recommended by pediatricians


Although the amber necklace is used by some mothers to relieve the discomfort of the birth of the baby's teeth or colic, this product is not scientifically proven and offers risks to the child, and is not recommended by the Brazilian Pediatric Association or by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The risks associated with wearing the amber necklace are as follows:

  • If the necklace breaks, the baby can swallow one of the stones, which can block the airways and cause suffocation; there is a risk of suffocation if the necklace is placed too tight on the child's neck or if it gets stuck in any object, such as in the crib or door handle for example; can cause irritation in the mouth and hurt the baby's gums; increases the risk of infection, as it hurts the baby's mouth can favor the entry of bacteria into the bloodstream, which can be quite serious.

Thus, due to the risks associated with the amber necklace and lack of scientific proof of its benefits and effectiveness, the use of this product is contraindicated, and other safer, more effective and scientifically proven options are recommended to reduce the baby's discomfort.

Does the amber necklace work?

The operation of the amber necklace is supported by the idea that the substance present in the stone, succinic acid, is released when the stone is heated by the body. Thus, this substance would be absorbed by the body and would result in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, relieving cramps and discomfort caused by the birth of teeth, in addition to improving the immune system.

However, there is no scientific evidence that succinic acid is released from the stone when heated, nor that it is absorbed by the body, nor that, if it is absorbed, it is in ideal concentrations to have benefits. In addition, there are no studies that prove the anti-inflammatory, analgesic or stimulant effect of the immune system of this necklace.

The improvement of cramps or discomfort caused by the birth of teeth in babies who used the amber necklace cannot be used as scientific evidence, as these situations are considered natural and improve over the child's development. Thus, due to the lack of scientific evidence related to its operation and benefits, the use of the amber necklace is contraindicated.

Ways to Relieve Baby Pain

One of the safe and recommended ways for pediatricians to relieve colic in the baby is to massage the baby's belly with light, circular movements to stimulate the elimination of gases, for example. In case the colic does not go away, it is recommended to go to the pediatrician so that the cause of the colic in the baby can be investigated and the best treatment can be indicated. Learn about other ways to relieve your baby's colic.

In the case of discomfort caused by the birth of teeth, a light massage of the baby's gum can be done with the fingertip, which must be very clean, or give cold toys, as this, in addition to reducing discomfort, still keeps it entertained. Learn other options to relieve the pain of teeth birth.

Why the amber necklace has risks for the baby and is not recommended by pediatricians