See what else you can do, in addition to resting with your legs raised, to deflate your feet and ankles.
The treatment of angina is done through the use of medications indicated by the cardiologist combined with the practice of exercise and healthy eating. Learn more about the treatment of angina.
An excellent home treatment to close the open pores of the face is the correct cleaning of the skin and the use of the green clay facial mask, which has astringent properties that removes excess oil from the skin and, consequently, minimizes the appearance of the pores on the face. . The pores ...
Ultrasound is a great treatment to eliminate localized fat and fight cellulite, with great results. Check out all about this aesthetic treatment
Brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush, using hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine and turmeric are among the tips. See the step by step.
The treatment of cervicitis is established by the gynecologist according to the cause of the inflammation. Understand how cervicitis is treated
Growth hormone is used to treat children with short stature, to achieve greater height and physical capacity. See in what situations it is indicated, how it is done and what are the possible side effects
Velaterapia is a treatment to remove the split and dry ends of the hair, which consists of burning the ends of the hair using a candle.
The natural treatment for anemia involves a diet rich in foods with a lot of iron, such as black beans, red meats, beef liver, chicken gizzards, beets, lentils and peas, for example. See the amount of iron present in 100 g of these foods in: Foods rich in ...
See what drug, surgical and physiotherapeutic treatment options are available for Peyronie's disease.
Asthma has no cure, since it is caused by a genetic change that, when associated with some environmental factors, can trigger symptoms such as intense difficulty in breathing, due to the narrowing of the places where the air passes until it reaches the alveoli of the lungs. However...
To maintain the beauty of the skin, preventing the skin from becoming oily and shiny, the correct products must be used on a daily basis. Some natural products are excellent for maintaining skin health and can be found easily. Here are 6 homemade recipes that can leave your skin clean and ...
The treatment of candidiasis in men should be done with the use of antifungal ointments or creams. But it is also important to take some specific precautions, such as avoiding tight clothes and avoiding sex. Better understand how the treatment should be done
Understand when pneumonia treatment can be done at home or when it needs to be done at the hospital, and what care is needed.
See how to clean your tongue in the right way and how to use lemon and other fruits to fight bad breath in a practical and natural way.
The treatment of bacterial pneumonia is usually done at the hospital with the use of antibiotics prescribed by the pulmonologist, such as azithromycin, ceftriaxone or levofloxacin, for example, for about 3 to 7 days, although it can be prolonged up to 15 or 21 days, according to the state of ...
Usually pneumonia in babies and children is treated with antibiotics, at home or in the hospital. See remedies and warning signs.
Treatment for viral pneumonia is by using antivirals, such as Tamiflu, in addition to rest. Learn other guidelines and when hospitalization is needed
The treatment of fibromyalgia can be done in several ways, the most common of which include the use of medicines, physiotherapy and acupuncture.
What it is: Root canal treatment is a type of dental treatment in which the dentist removes the pulp from the tooth, which is the tissue that is found on the inside. After removing the pulp, the dentist cleans the space and fills it with its own cement, sealing the canal. This type of treatment is done ...
The treatment of gonorrhea usually involves the use of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, in order to eliminate the bacteria that causes the disease. See which types of antibiotics are most used, signs of improvement and possible complications of treatment
The treatment for depression is done with medicines, such as Sertraline and Fluoxetine, with psychotherapy and natural forms. Understand how and when it is indicated.
For the treatment of amyloidosis the doctor may indicate the use of medication, radiotherapy, use of stem cells, surgery or transplantation.
The Zika virus in the baby can cause uncomfortable symptoms like fever, pain, conjunctivitis or red and itchy skin patches. See how you can treat these symptoms and relieve discomfort
The treatment of autism may include the use of medication but it also involves other strategies to improve the child's communication and socialization.
Treatment for OCD can be done using drugs, such as antidepressants, and psychotherapy sessions, for example. See other options for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder
The natural treatment for Panic Syndrome can be done through relaxation techniques, physical activity, yoga and the use of natural herbs. See more details of each option
Orthomolecular treatment is a natural treatment option that aims to eliminate free radicals and replace vitamins and minerals, and can be used to treat white stretch marks, for example. Understand how orthomolecular treatment for stretch marks is done.
The treatment for respiratory allergy varies according to the symptoms presented by the person, frequency with which it happens and type of allergy, which can be asthma, rhinitis or sinusitis, for example. Usually treatment for respiratory allergy involves the use of antihistamine drugs or ...
Treatment for water in the lung, known scientifically as pulmonary edema, should be done as soon as possible in the hospital to maintain adequate oxygen levels and prevent serious complications, such as respiratory arrest or vital organ failure. Once the lungs ...
Treatment for pernicious anemia is done by supplementing vitamin B12 orally or by injections, in addition to consuming foods rich in vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is a type of anemia characterized by a decrease in the concentration of vitamin B12 in the blood ...
Vincent's angina, also known as acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, is a rare and serious disease of the gums. See what it consists of, what are the most common causes and symptoms and how is the treatment done
The treatment of infarction is done in the hospital with the use of medications to improve blood circulation and surgery for severe cases. See more.
Understand which treatments are used to treat breast cancer in women and men and where they can be done for free.
To treat anxiety psychotherapy, calming remedies and alternative therapies are recommended, as they control symptoms and can even cure.
The treatment of anemia varies according to its cause, so see which treatment is most used for you.
Personality disorders consist of a persistent pattern of behavior, which deviates from what is expected in a particular culture in which the individual is inserted. Personality disorders usually start in adulthood and the most common are: 1. Narcissistic O ...