Always offering water, misting with whey and onion peel tea are good options. See what else can relieve your baby's cough.
Although it is not so common, bloody cough is usually a little alarming symptom, and it can happen due to simple situations like the appearance of a small sore on the nose or throat. However, it can also be a sign of serious problems, such as pneumonia. Understand the main ...
Intestinal transplantation is used to try to maintain nutrition and save the lives of people with serious bowel diseases. Understand how it is done
Cough with phlegm and fever can be pneumonia, coughing up blood can be tuberculosis and a persistent dry cough can indicate heart disease. But there are also other causes to watch out for. Check out the most common causes for each type and when to go to the doctor
This homemade treatment consists of just 2 steps that can be followed daily, with great results on the skin, and consists of: 1st. Eating more zinc Every day you should eat some food that is rich in zinc, such as rice bran, wheat germ, garlic, chicken, pork, ...
There are several ways to extract it, which can be done by hand or with a manual or electric pump. Check out the steps necessary to get the most milk
Transpulmin is a remedy that is available in suppository and syrup for adults and children, indicated for cough with phlegm, and in balm, which is indicated to treat nasal congestion and cough. See how to use each one
Corneal transplantation, which is the transparent tissue that lines the eye, is a surgery to replace the diseased cornea with a healthy one that allows good vision. The rejection of the transplanted cornea can happen to anyone who has had this transplant and despite being more ...
Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by mood changes, varying between periods of euphoria and periods of depression, and can be considered a mild form of bipolar disorder. Understand what cyclothymia is, main symptoms and how treatment is done
Bipolarity is a disorder in which the person has alternating periods of mood, with depression or excessive joy. Learn to identify when bipolar disorder may be, symptoms, types and how to treat.
Conduct disorder is a psychological disorder characterized by the child's aggressive, challenging and manipulative behavior. Know how to identify conduct disorder and see how treatment should be
What it is: Schizoid Personality Disorder is characterized by a marked detachment from social relationships and a preference to perform other activities alone, feeling little or no pleasure in performing these activities. This disorder usually appears in early age ...
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by a behavior of social inhibition and feelings of inadequacy and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation by other people. Usually, this disorder appears in early adulthood, but even in childhood it can ...
The Eyebrow Transplant is a natural, definitive and painless option, which allows you to obtain thicker eyebrows, covering the existing flaws.
What it is: Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by an excessive emotionality and search for attention, which usually manifests in early adulthood. These people generally feel bad when they are not the center of attention, they use their physical appearance to capture ...
What it is: Dependent personality disorder is characterized by an excessive need to be cared for by other people, which leads the person with the disorder to be submissive and to exaggerate fear of separation. Generally, this disorder appears in early adulthood, ...
What it is: Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by an excess of distrust on the part of the individual and suspicion in relation to others, in which his intentions are, in most cases, interpreted as malicious. Generally, this disorder arises at an early age ...
Dissociative disorder, also called conversion or conversion disorder, is a psychological disorder that causes changes in consciousness, memory and behavior. Learn to identify the types, symptoms and what to do to treat.
What it is: Schizotypal personality disorder is marked by a reduced capacity for intimate relationships, in which the person feels great discomfort in relating to others, for presenting social and interpersonal deficits, distorted ways of processing information and. ..
Toxoplasmosis is an infection transmitted by cat feces, in addition to contaminated meat, milk and water. Learn how to identify, what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done. Know also what preventive care to take during pregnancy
The opposing defiant disorder, also known as TOD, usually occurs during childhood, and is characterized by frequent behaviors of anger, aggression, revenge, challenge, provocation, disobedience or feelings of resentment. Learn how to identify TOD and how the ...
Tracheitis is the rare inflammation of the trachea normally caused by bacteria and which causes respiratory symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing and sound when inhaling. Understand what tracheitis is, main symptoms and how treatment is done.
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs during the winter period and causes symptoms such as sadness, discouragement and excessive sleep. It is caused by a reduction in substances linked to mood and the treatment can be carried out with phototherapy. Learn other symptoms and ...
An excellent home treatment for damaged hair is the natural moisturizer of honey, egg yolks and essential oils. Ingredients 2 tablespoons of honey 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil 1 egg yolk 3 drops of rosemary essential oil 3 drops of lavender essential oil Mode ...
Heart transplantation consists of replacing the heart with another one, coming from an individual who is brain dead and compatible with the patient who has a potentially fatal heart problem. Find out how the surgery is done, its risks, how is the recovery and ...
Translatation is a breastfeeding technique that consists of placing the baby to suck at the breast using a tube. Understand how the translocation is done and some precautions that must be taken during the procedure.
When the child has difficulty eating, and always eats the same foods, having a little varied diet, this can be a psychological disorder called Selective Eating Disorder, which needs treatment. See how to properly identify and treat.
What it is: Some healthy people want to be amputated because they have a syndrome called Disorder of identity and body integrity, although it is not recognized by DSM-V. This psychological disorder may be associated with apotemnophilia, in which people, despite being ...
The 5s treatment to lose weight is done with diet, dietary reeducation and aesthetic treatment that activates fat burning and prevents sagging. Understand what this method is and how it works
There are several types of mental disorders, the most common of which include anxiety, depression, psychosis and eating disorders. Know others, and understand how to identify and treat. Check out the full list at the end
Tracheobronchitis is an inflammation of the trachea and bronchi that causes symptoms such as hoarseness, coughing and difficulty breathing due to excess phlegm. Its treatment is done with antibiotics and can be done at home or in the hospital, see more details and how it can be treated ...
Antisocial personality disorder is a mental disorder, also known as psychopathy, characterized by behaviors of indifference and violation of the rights of others. See the causes, symptoms, treatment and how to identify an antisocial person.
A great home treatment to combat hot flashes, common in menopause, is the consumption of Blackberry (Morus Nigra L.) in the form of industrialized capsules, tincture or tea. See how to use it correctly
Home treatment to improve a woman's fertility includes a set of tips that can help women achieve pregnancy faster, as well as home remedies that help regulate menstruation, increase vitality and sexual desire. The causes of infertility are not always ...
This example of home treatment for cellulite should be done 3 times a week and can be useful to eliminate cellulite of grades 1 and 2, but it also helps to combat cellulites of grades 3 and 4, which are more evident and profound. However, to improve the result it is advisable to drink tea ...