


Topamax is a medication used to treat epilepsy, Lennoxx-Gastaut syndrome, in children over 2 years of age, and is also used in the preventive treatment of migraine in adults. This medicine uses topiramate as an active substance, and is available on the market in the form of ...


Topotecan is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Hycamtin. This injectable drug is indicated for cancer in the ovary and lung, changing the functioning of cells during cell reproduction and preventing the cancer from spreading ...
Although dizziness may indicate a sick heart, there are other causes than cardiac disorders such as labyrinthitis, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, hypotension, hypoglycemia and migraine, which can also cause frequent dizziness. So if you have more than 2 episodes of dizziness a day, check ...
To lighten, leave a thinner, discreet and almost imperceptible scar, care must be taken, which varies according to the time of the scar. Check out the best strategies to remove an old scar.
What it is: Myoma is a kind of benign tumor, consisting of muscle tissue and fibrous tissue that grows on the wall of the uterus that normally grows faster during pregnancy and menopause. The severity and need for removal is determined by the gynecologist. There are 3 types of fibroids ...
There are 3 main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, which can be divided into melanoma or non-melanoma. Understand which are the most dangerous, how to identify each type, what to do and how to protect yourself
Hypothyroidism can cause menstruation to increase, while hyperthyroidism can suppress menstruation. Check other changes that may happen and the warning signs to go to the doctor
Tivicay is a drug indicated for the treatment of AIDS, which should be taken 1 or 2 times a day under medical guidance. Know its effects
Diarrhea is characterized by an increase in the number of bowel movements during the day and a change in the consistency of stools, which may have different characteristics according to its cause. Know the main types of diarrhea and what to do in each situation
There are several types of insulin used to treat diabetes, such as Regular, Lispro or NPH, for example. Know what they are for and how to use them.


Torsilax is a combination of muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and caffeine that potentiates the medication's analgesic action. Other drugs that use the same combination of active ingredients are Tandrilax or Trilax. The active ingredients are carisoprodol, ...
Gastritis can be classified into several types according to its cause, duration and location of the stomach affected. See what are the main types of gastritis, symptoms and how the treatment is done.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a disease that causes inflammation of the thyroid, leading to weight gain and tiredness. See other symptoms and how to treat.
Taking medicine during pregnancy can, in most cases, harm the baby because some components of the medicine can cross the placenta, causing miscarriage or malformations, can induce uterine contractions ahead of time or even cause undesirable changes in the pregnant and ...
Tolterodine is a modern remedy used to treat overactive bladder, as it relaxes the bladder muscles. Learn how to use and where to buy.
Trabectidine is an anti-cancer drug that works by preventing the process of tumor cell multiplication and, therefore, is used as a chemotherapy treatment in some types of cancer. The commercial name of Trabectidine is Yondelis, but it cannot be bought in pharmacies ...
Topiramate is an anticonvulsant remedy known commercially as Topamax, which acts on the central nervous system, stabilizes mood, and protects the brain. know more


Tracrium is a medication that has Atracurium as its active ingredient. This medication is an injectable muscle relaxant, widely used to decrease muscle tension during surgery. Indications for Tracrium To provide muscle relaxation during surgery.
Trandolapril is a medicine known commercially as Gopten. This medication for oral use is an antihypertensive, which reduces the contraction of blood vessels, improving circulation and keeping blood pressure stable. Indications for Trandolapril High blood pressure; failure...
Toragesic is an anti-inflammatory with potent analgesic action that is available as a sublingual tablet, oral and injectable solution. See how to take each of them and what are the most common side effects
Cough is a vital reflex of the organism, usually caused by the presence of a foreign body in the airways or inhalation of toxic substances. Dry coughs, cough with phlegm and allergic cough can still be one of the symptoms related to the flu, cold, pneumonia, crises ...
Allergic cough is a type of dry and persistent cough that arises whenever a person comes into contact with an allergenic substance, which can be dust (household dust), cat hair, dog hair or pollen from herbs and trees, for example. Treatment can be done with medicine and ...
Thoracentesis is a procedure for removing fluid from the pleural space causing symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath, which can be caused by diseases such as congestive heart failure, infections and others. Learn more other causes, how it is done, possible complications ...
To keep your skin healthy, free from wrinkles or blemishes, it is important to know the characteristics of different types of skin, which can be oily, normal or dry. This way it is easier to know which soap, sunscreen or cream to buy. Check out the tips for each skin type
The treatment for acne varies with grade 1,2,3,4 or 5 and can be done with ointments, pills or skin surgeries by the dermatologist.
Dysthymia or bad mood disease, is a type of chronic depression that causes constant bad mood, get tested and find out if you have this disease.
Coughing in pregnancy is normal and can occur at any time, because during pregnancy the woman undergoes hormonal changes that make her more sensitive to allergies, flu and other problems that can cause coughing. What can be done when there is a cough in pregnancy is to avoid cold places, ...
Irritability, headache and changes in sleep are symptoms of PMS and stress. Know how to identify each one.
Cough and runny nose (runny nose) are common symptoms of allergies or typical winter illnesses, such as colds and flu. See the treatment options and which remedies can be indicated by the doctor
What it is: Tramal is a drug that has tramadol in its composition, which is an analgesic that acts on the central nervous system and is indicated for the relief of moderate to severe pain. This medicine is available in drops, tablets, capsules and injection, and can be ...
The various types of diabetes cause similar symptoms, but they appear at different stages of life and have different treatments. Know how to differentiate.
Phobia is an exaggerated fear of seemingly harmless situations like talking to someone or being on high ground. See the most common phobias.
The knot in the intestine occurs when the intestine is twisted, causing intense inflammation and symptoms such as pain, vomiting and constipation. It is caused by several causes, such as tumor or adhesions in the intestine
There are several types of absorbent, such as the external, internal, menstrual cup or even panties that absorb the menstrual flow and that must be chosen according to the characteristics of each woman. See everything about pads and how to use each one
Taking medicine unnecessarily masks symptoms, harms the kidneys and liver and also facilitates the development of superbugs. Know more.