To treat type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes, it is necessary to use drugs that lower blood glucose levels, and it is also recommended to adopt changes in habits, such as diet control and physical exercise. Check out what are the remedies, diet and tips for ...
Treatment for atopic dermatitis should be guided by a dermatologist as it usually takes several months to find the most effective treatment to relieve symptoms. See which remedies are most used and some natural options to relieve symptoms
The treatment of ectodermal dysplasia is not specific and this disease has no cure, but cosmetic surgery can be used to resolve some of the malformations caused by the disease. Ectodermal dysplasia consists of a set of rare hereditary problems that arise in the ...
To combat dysmenorrhea, which is intense menstrual cramps, which prevent women from even working and studying, the gynecologist can prescribe medication, pills or surgery. But there are still homemade and alternative treatments that work, learn more.
Chronic kidney disease should be treated with care with food, avoiding salt, excess protein and phosphorus, use of drugs to control pressure, diabetes, supplements and use of diuretics, for example. Check out other essential recommendations and how to live longer and better ...
The treatment for ADHD is done with medications, such as Ritalin, in addition to psychotherapy and home measures, such as organization of the environment. Know how.
Treatment for scleroderma consists of reducing the symptoms of patients and, therefore, may include the use of: Anti-fibrotic drugs, such as Penicillamine, which reduce the accumulation of collagen; Vasoactive remedies, such as Nifedipine, Diltiazem or Pentoxifylline, which dilate the veins; Medicines...
Treatment for Ménière's Disease consists of the use of drugs that reduce vertigo, physical therapy and in more severe cases it may be necessary to resort to surgery. see more
Treatment for pulmonary fibrosis usually involves the use of corticosteroid drugs, such as Prednisone or Methylprednisone, and immunosuppressive drugs, such as Cyclosporine or Methotrexate, prescribed by the pulmonologist, to relieve shortness of breath and improve breathing. In some cases, the ...
Ectopia cordis is a rare disease in which the heart develops outside the chest. Understand what can happen, what are the risks to the baby's health and what are the treatment options.
There is still no cure for endometriosis, however, the treatment guided by the gynecologist helps to relieve symptoms. See when to use medicine or when to have surgery
The treatments for getting pregnant depend on what is causing the infertility. Once you have difficulty ovulating you can take medication. Know more.
Treatment for bacterial endocarditis is done with the use of antibiotics that should be recommended by the cardiologist. When treatment with medication is not sufficient, surgery may be recommended. Understand how the treatment for bacterial endocarditis is done.
Treatment for wounds and eye blows depends on the type and severity of the injury, and can be done at home or in the hospital. Know when to go to the doctor.
Pulmonary emphysema treatment is indicated by the pulmonologist, and usually includes the use of bronchodilator drugs, corticosteroids and oxygen, in addition to physical therapy. Check out the main treatment options available
The treatment for erythema multiforme is established by the dermatologist according to the cause of the appearance of the lesions. Understand how the treatment for erythema multiforme is done.
The treatment of gingivitis is done by the dentist in his office, but it must also be continued at home through proper mouth hygiene and flossing, as it is thus possible to prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and, consequently, gingivitis
Treatment of bed sores should be guided by a doctor or nurse, and various products such as sugar, papain ointment or laser can be used.
As there are no specific drugs for fat in the liver, the treatment of this disease is done mainly through changes in lifestyle. Find out everything you can do to permanently eliminate fat from your liver.
The treatment for swollen gums depends on its cause and, therefore, the person with this symptom should consult a dentist to make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, it is essential to maintain correct oral hygiene. In addition to the treatment indicated by the dentist, to reduce swelling ...
The treatment for gardnerella can be done with antibiotic remedies in pill or ointment, in addition to homemade options. Check out which ones.
To treat gases naturally, more fiber should be consumed to empty the intestine, in addition to avoiding foods that promote gas formation and modify certain habits. Check out all the natural options
The treatment for gastritis can be done with the use of remedies like Omeprazole and diet, but there are medicinal plants such as espinheira-santa that can help fight gastritis symptoms, such as pain in the stomach or heartburn, being useful to achieve the cure. Treatment of gastritis ...
Glaucoma can be controlled with the proper treatment prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Treatment may include the use of eye drops, pills and even surgery. Check out all the treatment options available to avoid serious complications, such as blindness
Treatment for gynecomastia can be done with medication, ultrasound devices, exercise or surgery. Understand the options
To treat pimples, you must keep your skin clean and use cosmetic products or medicines, in addition to homemade techniques to help. See the options.
Treatment for hypertension, popularly known as high blood pressure, is done with the intake of antihypertensive drugs prescribed by the cardiologist, which must be taken daily. The treatment also includes some important measures, such as physical activity, ...
To end the internal hemorrhoid, you can take painkillers, such as paracetamol, use ointments like Ultraproct, do sitz baths with warm water and witch hazel, for example. Learn about the most used treatment options for internal hemorrhoids
Treatment for genital herpes does not cure the disease, however, it does help to decrease the severity and duration of symptoms. See what are the best treatment options and what care you should take to facilitate healing and speed recovery
Cleaning with saline, applying merthiolate and an antibiotic ointment are the necessary steps in the treatment of impetigo. See more care
Exercise, physiotherapy or surgery can be used to treat urinary incontinence. See tips that can help in your day to day.
Bubonic plague is a serious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Infection with this bacterium is treated with antibiotics and preventive measures to control rodents and pests. Learn more about the treatment of Yersinia pestis infection and the life cycle ...
The treatment is done with drugs prescribed by the neurologist, to relieve the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and delay its evolution, however, physical activity and physiotherapy are also indicated. Find out more details.
Hemophilia treatment is done with injections to correct the lack of blood clotting factors, and to prevent bleeding. See how it's done.
Psychological pregnancy happens when a woman has symptoms of pregnancy but there is no fetus in the womb. See how is the treatment how to deal with the problem.
The treatment for lung infection varies according to the microorganism, however, there are some precautions that can be taken at home. See which ones.