
The lateral safety position is indispensable for many first aid techniques and should be used whenever the person is unconscious, but continues to breathe, and does not present any problem that could be life-threatening. So, to put someone in this position: ...
Postec is an ointment for phimosis indicated for children and adults up to 30 years of age. Just apply the ointment 2 times a day, for about 3 weeks. know more
Although not harmful to health, Antibiotics are remedies that should not be taken with milk, because the calcium present in milk decreases its effect on the body. Fruit juices are also not always recommended, as they can interfere with their action, increasing their ...
The toothpick has been used for many years to clean teeth after eating, helping to remove pieces of food. But, it can also cause problems
Marigold ointment is a natural product used to treat first-degree burns, sunburn, wounds, insect bites and even diaper rashes caused by the baby's diaper. That's because the cream has analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and ...
What it is: Litocit is an oral medicine that has potassium citrate as its active ingredient, indicated for the treatment of renal tubular acidosis with calcium salt calculations, calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis with hypocitraturia of any origin and lithiasis by salts of ...
Povidine, known as PVPI, is an antiseptic used to clean wounds and prepare the skin before surgery, preventing infections.
Find out what are the best positions for the baby to breastfeed, ensuring the greatest milk extraction and avoiding problems such as cracked nipples.
Prazosin is a remedy for high blood pressure that belongs to the group of alpha 1 antagonists, which can be used to treat prostate hypertrophy.
Late skin porphyria is the most common type of porphyria that causes small lesions to appear on skin exposed to the sun, such as the back of the hand, face or scalp, due to the lack of an enzyme produced by the liver that leads to the accumulation of iron in the skin. blood and skin. Cutaneous porphyria ...
Precedex is a sedative and analgesic remedy, widely used by doctors in the ICU. know the indications, how it is used and side effects.
Predsim is indicated to reduce inflammation caused by bone, muscle and skin problems and can be used in tablets or oral solution.
Prednisolone is an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant medication indicated to treat allergic, respiratory, hematological, infectious, skin and rheumatism problems, for example. See more indications, how to take and what are the most common side effects
Prednisone is a corticoid that can be used against several diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, allergy, among others. See how to use and its effects
Pre-diabetes indicates that glucose is not being used well and is accumulating in the blood, but it still does not characterize diabetes.


Priligy is a drug indicated for the treatment of premature ejaculation, which should be taken 1 to 3 hours before sexual activity, under medical advice.
Lip filling is an aesthetic procedure that allows you to increase the volume of your lips, giving them more shape and structure. Understand how it is done, who can do it and what are the side effects of this technique
Standing still in the superman posture for 2 minutes can change the way you think and act, increasing self-confidence. Understand why
First aid in case of allergic reactions help to reduce swelling of the throat, avoiding suffocation, and include: Immediately give allergy drugs if the victim brings them with her; In the case of insect bites, remove the stinger and apply ice on the spot; Call help ...
The menstrual cycle becomes shorter and the woman may become more irritated and have insomnia. Check out other signs and symptoms that may indicate pre-menopause and everything you can do to feel better
Washing the area with clean water and placing gauze on the bite are important steps to avoid infection.
The decrease in menstrual flow, also known as hypomenorrhea, is generally not a cause for concern, however, it can also indicate that there is a problem that is altering hormone production, such as the polycystic ovary. See the main causes and what to do
Injuries, muscle bruising and fractures are frequent in football games and other sports, see what to do in each situation.
Calling an ambulance is the first step, but it is also important to avoid touching the victims so as not to aggravate injuries.
Pressotherapy, or lymphatic drainage with a device, serves to deflate the body after cosmetic procedures or situations such as varicose veins or pregnancy. See the advantages and disadvantages of this method
Pregabalin is a drug indicated for the treatment of neuropathic pain, epilepsy, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Fibromyalgia. See how to use in each situation and what are the most common side effects
Acupuncture points are present in meeting places for numerous nerve endings, muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments and joints, also known as meridians. See the map of the main points on the body, hands, feet and ears
Childhood heart surgery is recommended when the child is born with a serious heart problem, such as valve stenosis, or when he has a degenerative disease that can cause progressive damage to the heart, requiring replacement or repair of parts of the heart. Normally,...