
Poikilocytosis corresponds to changes in the shape of red blood cells, which can happen due to hemolytic anemia, changes in bone marrow or nutritional deficiencies, for example. Understand what is poikilocytosis, types and when it can arise
Pneumoconiosis is a disease that arises from the inhalation of toxic substances, being more common in people who work in coal mines, factories or on construction sites. Learn more about pneumoconiosis, types and how treatment is done
Polydactyly is a deformity that occurs when one or more extra fingers are born on the hand or foot and can be diagnosed when the baby is forming during pregnancy. It can be caused by genetic changes transmitted from father to son. Find out what it is, the possible ...
Blood plasma treatment is a good option to fight wrinkles on your face or neck. Find out how it is done, how long it lasts, care and price.
Atypical pneumonia is different from common pneumonia, as it is caused by other organisms that end up causing symptoms that are more difficult to identify, such as fever below 38ºC and excessive tiredness. See what other signs may appear, who is at greater risk of getting the disease and how is done ...
Bacterial pneumonia is a serious infection of the lungs that causes symptoms such as coughing with phlegm, fever and difficulty breathing after a flu. Learn more about the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia and how treatment should be done


Ultraproct is an ointment for local application that serves to treat several types of problems located in the anal region such as hemorrhoids or superficial anal fissures for example. Ultraproct is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory ointment, capable of relieving pain and inflammation in the region ...
Childhood pneumonia is an infection in the child's lung, which causes flu-like symptoms, but which worsen over the course of days, and can be difficult to identify. Generally, childhood pneumonia is caused by viruses or bacteria that mainly affect babies with ...
This disease causes severe pain in the shoulders and hips, and can prevent movement of the arms and legs. However, treatment relieves symptoms.
Polymyositis is characterized by chronic inflammation of the muscles, causing pain, weakness and difficulty performing simple movements. Learn more about polymyositis, main symptoms and how treatment is done.
Peripheral polyneuropathy is a complication of other diseases, such as diabetes, which causes persistent pain and tingling in the hands and feet. Understand how the treatment is done and what are the options to end the discomfort
The presence of uterine polyp can interfere with pregnancy, making it difficult to conceive and increasing the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, whenever the woman has polyps larger than 1.5 cm, the doctor may indicate withdrawal after a careful evaluation. Although the polyps are not so ...
The sessile polyp is a type of polyp that normally develops in the intestine and has a wider than normal base. There are several types of sessile polyp that vary according to your risk of cancer. See which are the most dangerous and how treatment is done
Noise pollution is characterized by excessive and unwanted noise, capable of causing damage to human health. Know which ones and see the measures that control the problem
Curedermy ointment with Sucupira is indicated for the treatment of pain, swelling and hives on the skin, also helping to relieve the symptoms of rheumatism.
Miconazole nitrate is an anti-fungal substance, available in vaginal ointment that is used to treat Candidiasis. See how to use and what side effects may arise
Pyoderma is an infection of the skin caused by bacteria. Check out the most common types of pyoderma, their symptoms, photos and how treatment can be done, as well as possible complications and signs of improvement and worsening.
What it is: The uterine polyp, also known as the endometrial polyp, consists of an excessive growth of cells on the inner wall of the uterus, forming cysts-like pellets that develop into the uterus. Generally, uterine polyps are more frequent in women ...
To treat the boil faster, antibiotic or natural ointments can be used. Know which
Applying the polaramine or minancora ointment are good options to stop itching due to insect bites. See more options, including for insect bites in babies
In the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery, the patient must remain in the first 2 days in the intensive care unit - ICU so that he is in constant observation and, if necessary, doctors can intervene more quickly. It's in the Care Unit ...


Potaba is a medicine used to treat skin and muscle diseases, such as dermatomyositis or Peyronie's disease, helping to make the skin more flexible and preventing the formation of fibrosis plaques. The active ingredient in Potaba is potassium P-aminobenzoate. Potaba can be sold in ...
Prickles in the vagina may indicate a health problem, such as vaginismus or varicose veins in the vulva, or may occur because of the baby's weight in late pregnancy or due to excessive physical exercise. Learn more what can be stitched in the vagina and what to do
Bypass surgery is a type of cardiac surgery that is used when there is an obstruction of the vessels of the heart that can cause serious complications such as infarction. Better understand how this surgery works, how it is done, what is the recovery and what are the risks
Pravastatin is a medicine known commercially as Pravacol. This medicine for oral use is indicated to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. The action of Pravastatin lowers levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. If taken properly ...
Praziquantel is an antiparasitic remedy widely used to treat worms, especially teniasis and hymenolepiasis. Praziquantel can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Cestox or Cisticid, for example, in the form of tablets with 150 mg tablets.
Prednisolone eye drops are an anti-inflammatory steroid with anti-inflammatory action. This product can also be found in pharmacies under the name of Pred mild or Pred fort. Indications Inflammation of the cornea, bulbar or eyelid conjunctiva. Burning side effects; itching; ...
The best strategy to close the enlarged pores of the face is to clean the skin thoroughly, completely removing all encrusted dirt, and moisturize the skin properly, according to your skin type, every day. See what else you need to do to maintain the health and beauty of ...
The nail can become stuck for different reasons, however, the main cause is the wrong cut of the nails which ends up facilitating the abnormal growth of the nail and its development under the skin, causing severe pain. Other major causes of ingrown toenails include: Being hit on the foot: ...
When the baby is newborn it is normal for his first stool to be black or greenish and sticky. However, other situations, such as feeding and using iron-based medications, can also make baby's stools darker than normal. See the most common causes
Nebacetin, Bepantol or Colzen are some ointments indicated for the treatment of burns, which help in healing and prevent infections.


Prelox is a mixture of two natural substances, known as L-arginine and Pycnogenol®, which help to keep blood vessels healthy, facilitating blood flow to the genital region, important for maintaining a satisfactory erection. Prelox can be purchased at ...
If your child does not like to talk as much as other children of the same age, he may have a speech or communication problem due to small changes in speech muscles, not necessarily a sign of more serious problems such as autism, for example. In addition, problems of ...
Air pollution, also known as air pollution, is characterized by the presence of pollutants in the air, in an amount and duration that are harmful to health. Find out what types of pollutants, health consequences and how to decrease
Some remedies, such as antiallergic, corticosteroids and even contraceptives can have the side effect of putting on weight up to 4 kg per month, especially when they have hormones or are used for several weeks or months. Although the mechanism is not yet well known, the increase ...
The preoperative of cardiac surgery is very important for the success of the operation. During the preoperative phase, the doctor should make a thorough investigation of the patient's health status, requiring tests and advising to adopt healthy lifestyle habits such as losing weight and ...