
The increase in prolactin in men can happen because of drugs, diseases or tumor. See the values ​​at which it is considered increased, what are the possible causes, symptoms and how the treatment is done
Most women with mitral valve prolapse have no complications during pregnancy or childbirth, and there is usually no risk for the baby either. However, when associated with heart disease such as major mitral regurgitation, pulmonary hypertension, fibrillation ...
What it is: The mitral valve prolapse is an alteration present in the mitral valve, which is a cardiac valve formed by two leaflets, which, when closed, separates the left atrium from the left ventricle of the heart. Mitral valve prolapse is characterized by a failure to close ...
Pharmacoderma is a set of allergic reactions of the skin and the body due to the use of medication, which it presents in several ways. See which symptoms to watch out for and how treatment is done
Psyllium is a fiber with a laxative effect that absorbs water by increasing the volume and moisture of the stool, stimulating bowel movements. Psyllium can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the name Metamucil, in the form of a powder to mix in water or another drink. Price of ...
Researchers from the United States studied a protein, sestrine, and found that its concentration is increased due to the practice of physical activity, which may be related to the benefits of physical activity. Understand how the study was done and what the results were
The penile prosthesis is an implant that is placed inside the penis to produce an erection, in men with sexual impotence. See how they work, what types there are, how the surgery is done and what the risks are
Proctyl is a remedy for hemorrhoids and anal fissures found in the form of an ointment and suppository. See how to use, effects and contraindications.
Puran T4 is used to replace hormones in cases of hypothyroidism or suppression of the hormone TSH from the pituitary gland and should be taken as soon as you wake up
Infant rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum exits the anus and can be seen as a red, damp, tube-shaped tissue. This situation is more common in children up to 4 years of age due to the fact that the muscles and ligaments that support the final part of the intestine, the rectum, ...
The best children's sunscreen should have a specific formula for babies and children, so preference should be given to trusted brands of children's products. The age to start ironing is over 6 months to avoid the risk of allergy. Here's how to protect the baby ...


Protos is a drug indicated to treat osteoporosis and to reduce the risk of fracture in the spine and hip vertebrae. See how to use this medication and what are the most common side effects
Sunscreen is a very important part of daily skin care, as it helps to protect against UV rays that, in addition to causing skin cancer, also leave skin drier, rough and wrinkled. See what to evaluate when buying a sunscreen for the face and how to apply ...
Prurigo Nodular is a rare chronic dermatosis that causes dark and very painful skin wounds and puffiness and intense itching. know how


What it is: Qsymia is a remedy for weight loss based on phentarmine, which causes loss of appetite, and topiramate, used against migraines and seizures, from the Vivus laboratory, in the United States. This remedy promotes the loss of up to 10% of the individual's total weight in approximately 1 year from ...
The consequences for the baby, the child of a diabetic mother when diabetes is not controlled, are mainly malformations in the central nervous system, cardiovascular, urinary tract and skeleton. Other consequences for the baby who has an uncontrolled diabetic mother may be: Being born ...
Pseudohermaphroditism, also known as ambiguous genitalia, is an intersexual condition in which the child is born with genitals that are not evidently male or female. Although the genitals can be difficult to identify as being a girl or boy, ...
Psychosis is a mental disorder where the person loses contact with reality and starts to have strange, unusual behaviors. See which symptoms help to identify a psychosis and what forms of treatment
Postpartum psychosis is a psychiatric disorder that needs rapid treatment, as it can endanger the life of the mother and baby.
To lose weight in 10 days and in a healthy way, it is recommended to reduce your calorie intake and increase your energy expenditure. Thus it is important to exercise regularly and have a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, for the weight loss program in 10 days ...
Psoriasis is a chronic disease, which means it has no cure yet, but it can be controlled with the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Psoriasis is a genetic disease, characterized by red, scaly plaques on the skin, and one of its most common symptoms is itching in the skin ...
The enlarged prostate is a very common problem in men over 50 years of age, and can cause symptoms such as pain when urinating or very weak urine stream. See what causes this change and test for symptoms
Inverted psoriasis, also known as inverted psoriasis, is a type of psoriasis that causes the appearance of red spots on the skin, especially in the fold area. See what causes this type of change and what treatments are most used
Prolapse is an uncommon problem in adults, but it can happen more frequently in the elderly and children due to weakness of the pelvic muscles. See which symptoms may indicate a rectal prolapse, its causes and treatment options
The pterygium corresponds to the growth of tissue in the eye that can interfere with the person's vision. Understand what the pterygium is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Progesterone is an essential hormone for pregnancy, but it can be altered by several factors. See how it happens and how to treat it.
Psychoanalysis is a type of psychotherapy that can be done by a psychologist or psychiatrist and serves to assist treatment for depression and anxiety. It takes place in an office or clinic and lasts an average of 45 minutes. Learn more what it is for, how it is made and the main types
Mouth-to-mouth breathing is important and necessary in cases of: Drowning cases Trauma cases Children and babies Studies show that firm and rhythmic cardiac massage is sufficient to keep the victim alive until professional help arrives without the use of ...
Adie's pupil is a rare syndrome in which one pupil of the eye is usually more dilated than the other, reacting very slowly to changes in light. Other symptoms include blurred vision or sensitivity to light. See how to treat
Guttate psoriasis forms reddish lesions in the form of a drop on the skin, and appears mainly in children and young people. Know the causes of guttate psoriasis, main symptom and treatment
'Donkey pain', cramps and pain in the side of the knee are common in those who practice running. Breathing properly and strengthening your muscles may be the solution.
The pupils may dilate in situations that require focus or that cause tension, for example, returning to normal shortly afterwards. However, when they remain dilated, it can indicate more serious problems, such as head trauma and heart attack, for example. See what are the 7 main causes of ...
Genital psoriasis, also known as inverted psoriasis, is a skin problem that causes red, smooth and shiny patches to appear on the genital region. Understand what other symptoms can arise and how treatment can be done
Thrombocytopenic purpura in pregnancy is an autoimmune disease, in which the body's own antibodies destroy blood platelets. Know the risks and how the diagnosis and treatment is made
Dental prostheses are structures that can be used to replace one or more teeth that are missing from the mouth or are worn. Know the main types of implants and what care is needed when you have a prosthesis.
Qlaira is a birth control pill that is indicated to prevent pregnancy, as it acts by preventing ovulation from occurring, changes the conditions of the cervical mucus and also causes changes in the endometrium. See how to take and what side effects
Aneurysm rupture is an emergency situation that must be treated as soon as possible in the hospital. See who is most at risk of breakup