
The yellow fever vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy, in the case of diseases that decrease the activity of the immune system and in people over 60 years of age, as in these cases there is a greater risk of reactions and decreased effectiveness of the vaccine. Find out more about who should not get the yellow fever vaccine
The fertile period lasts about 6 days and usually happens between 10 to 14 days after the first day of menstruation, in women who have a 28-day menstrual cycle, which is considered regular. This period is considered fertile because it is when ovulation occurs, which consists of ...
Rabeprazole is the anti-ulcer drug substance known commercially as Pariet. This medication for oral use is ulcers in the stomach and intestine, since its action inhibits the secretion of acids in these organs, mitigating symptoms. Indications for Rabeprazole Ulcer ...
Liposuction can be done on almost everyone, however, it should not be used as a single method to lose weight.


Raloxifene is the active substance in an anti-osteoporosis medication known commercially as Evista. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis, its action is to increase bone density and decrease cholesterol levels in the body. Indications of ...
Raltitrexate is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Tomudex. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of colon and rectal cancer. Indications for Raltitrexate Colon and rectal cancer. Price of Raltitrexate A bottle of 2 ...
Chemosis is characterized by swelling of the conjunctiva of the eye, which can be caused by different factors. Find out what causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
Chimerism is the joining of 2 or more DNAs in the same person. know the symptoms they indicate and how to confirm this.
Quercetin supplements have a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power, which strengthens the immune system and fights allergies.


Rapifen is an opioid analgesic that binds to opioid receptors in the central nervous system thereby inhibiting the pain path. Alfentanila is the active ingredient of this analgesic and anesthetic adjuvant for injectable use. Rapifen is not generic but the drug name Alfast has an effect ...


Ramipril is an antihypertensive medication. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals suffering from high blood pressure, since it acts as a vasodilator, decreasing the pressure in the blood vessels and leaving the pressure stable Indications of Ramipril Hypertension ...
Lucentis, a medicine whose active ingredient is a substance called ranibizumab, is a drug used to treat damage to the retina caused by abnormal growth of blood vessels. Lucentis is a solution for injection that is applied to the eye by the ophthalmologist.


Rapamune is an immunosuppressive medication that has Sirolimo as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated to prevent kidney transplant rejection. Indications of Rapamune (What it is for) Rejection of kidney transplant. Rapamune price Rapamune 1 mg box ...
Chitosan is a natural remedy that can help with the weight loss process, regulate the intestine and blood cholesterol levels. See what the benefits are and what chitosan is for.
Strontium Ranelate is a medicine used to treat severe osteoporosis. The drug can be sold under the trade name Protelos, is produced by the Servier laboratory and can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of sachets. Strontium Renelate Price The price of ...
Chiropractic is a health profession, responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of muscle, skeletal and nerve problems through a set of techniques, similar to massage, that are able to reposition the vertebrae, muscles and tendons for the. ..
What it is: Keratosis pilaris, also known as follicular or pilaris keratosis, is a very common skin alteration that leads to the appearance of reddish or whitish balls, slightly hardened, on the skin, leaving the skin looking similar to chicken skin. This change, ...
The plum cake recipe helps in constipation because the plum is a fruit with laxative properties, which facilitate the formation of feces, helping in its elimination. Fibers are essential to regulate constipation and this cake is rich in fibers, containing a total of 14 g of ...
Hair loss is usually not a warning sign, as it can happen completely naturally, especially during the colder times of the year, such as autumn and winter. See the other most common causes and what to do in each case
This easy-to-make tamarind recipe can be used on toast, bread or whole grain crackers. Its large amount of fibers makes this sweet an excellent help for those who need to treat constipation, reducing belly swelling. This tamarind candy can also be ...
Tiorfan has racecadotril in its composition, which is a substance indicated for the treatment of acute diarrhea in adults and children. Racecadotril acts by inhibiting the encephalinases in the digestive tract, allowing the encephalins to exert their action, reducing the hypersecretion of water and ...
Radiofrequency is a treatment that serves to eliminate localized fat and combat sagging skin, eliminating wrinkles and expression lines.
The treatment for hair loss is not indicated by the dermatologist and varies according to the cause. See what are the treatment options against hair loss.
What it is: Free radicals are molecules that arise as a result of normal chemical reactions in the body and the only way to prevent their accumulation is with a diet rich in antioxidants, which are molecules that fight free radicals. Aging is closely ...
Radiofrequency eliminates localized fat and eliminates cellulite without leaving the skin flabby. Find out how many sessions to do and the health risks.
This quick and easy recipe for dukan bread is low in carbohydrates and takes oats, bran and cinnamon. Check out the recipe.
Falls in the elderly are caused by physical inactivity, use of medicines, environment and diseases such as Alzheimer's. Know other risks and their consequences.
This vegetable salad recipe with wheat sprouts is good for weight loss because it has few calories and fibers that decrease appetite. Ingredients: 200 g of small sliced ​​carrots, 100 g of peas, 150 g of broccoli, 6 chopped green onions, 200 g of cherry tomatoes, cut in half, ...