
Pulpitis is an inflammation of the pulp of the tooth, reversible or irreversible, caused by infections such as cavities or by knocking on the tooth. See how to treat
The best diet is one that allows you to lose weight without harming your health. The ideal is that it is not too restrictive and that it takes the individual to a nutritional reeducation, so one learns to eat well and does not return to put on weight at the end of the diet. Faced with such a large amount of diets, sometimes ...
Surgery to remove only the ovaries, also called oophorectomy, serves to remove one or both ovaries and is usually done when diseases arise in these organs, such as: Ovarian abscess; Ovary cancer; Endometriosis in the ovary; Ovarian cysts or tumors; Twist ...
Purpura is a condition characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin due to inflammation of vessels, aging or autoimmune disease, for example. See what are the main types of purpura and how is the treatment done
What it is: The chronotype refers to the differences in income that each individual has in relation to the periods of sleep and wakefulness throughout the 24 hours of the day. People organize their lives and activities according to a 24-hour cycle, that is, with certain times to wake up, to enter the ...
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own antibodies destroy blood platelets. See the main symptoms and how the treatment is done
Feeding the baby with solid foods can start at around 4-6 months of age, when the baby is able to sit down and has the reflex of swallowing the food. However, babies do not need solid foods before 6 months of age, as milk is enough to guarantee ...
The presence of a tongue stuck in the baby can directly interfere with breastfeeding and speech development, and surgery to release the tongue is often recommended. Learn about the main types of tongue surgery
The eye test should be done at the maternity hospital, preferably from the 2nd day of life onwards, and aims to check if there are any changes in the baby's eyes that may interfere with his vision. This test can be done by both pediatricians and ophthalmologists and consists of ...
The spots on the baby's skin are very common in the first year of life because the baby's skin is very sensitive and reacts against any type of substance, from the sun's rays to bacteria, for example. They are generally not serious and can be easily treated with creams ...
Strabismus surgery can be done on children or adults, however, this, in most cases, should not be the first solution to the problem, as there are other treatments, such as the use of correction glasses or eye exercises and ocular tampon that can help you get the ...
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that is recommended in cases where it is not possible, through a balanced diet and regular physical exercise, to eliminate localized fat in places such as hips, thighs, butt, neck or belly. However, liposuction is not just ...
To choose the best toothpaste, the amount of fluoride it should be observed on the label, which should be from 1000 to 1500 ppm. See more tips.
Severe pain, loss of consciousness, difficulty moving one side of the body or severe fall are symptoms that need urgent medical treatment.
The baby must be taken to the dentist after the appearance of the first baby tooth, which happens at around 6 or 7 months of age. The first consultation of the baby at the dentist is then for parents to receive guidance on feeding the baby, the most correct way to brush their teeth ...
The baby must go to the pediatrician for the first time up to 5 days after birth, and the second consultation must take place up to 15 days after the baby is born for the pediatrician to assess and monitor weight gain, breastfeeding, growth and development of the baby. baby and calendar ...
The patient with type 1 diabetes, takes insulin through a daily injection to regulate blood sugar levels and is usually given before main meals. Type 2 diabetics should start taking insulin when diet and antidiabetic drugs do not ...
Vaccines are contraindicated in children with a fever above 39ÂșC, who use corticosteroid drugs or who undergo chemotherapy. See more cases.
Keeping calm, safe and following only 1 step at a time are essential tips for teaching your baby to sleep alone in the crib. Check out what to do.
Learn how to recognize a good anti-wrinkle cream, based on the ingredients, how to use it correctly, and which ones not to buy.
At around 12 months the baby already articulates at least four words and at 2 years old he can form a sentence with two or three words, having a vocabulary of about 50 words, which increases to 200 words at 3 years of age. The baby starts by making sounds like "ahh" or "ohh" for ...
The use of weight loss drugs should be recommended by the doctor according to the person's characteristics and the relationship between weight loss and improving the person's health. Thus, the remedies for weight loss are usually only recommended for people who cannot lose weight only ...
Prostheses that have an expiration date as the oldest, should be exchanged between 10 to 25 years. Prostheses that are made of cohesive gel generally do not need to be changed anytime soon, although a review every 10 years is necessary. This review consists of performing only one ...
Sleep is very important to recover energy, optimize metabolism and regulate the function of hormones. See the number of hours that people of all ages need to sleep to develop, wake up well and have a good memory
How many teeth do we have in our mouth? Why do teeth darken? Bleeding gums is normal? Learn the answers to these and other questions about teeth
Hair loss in menopause happens due to the decrease in estrogen production by the ovary, causing collagen levels to fall, which is the main responsible for keeping hair healthy. Thus, the best way to prevent hair loss in menopause is to replace ...


Quinidine is the active substance in a medicine known as Quinicardine. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of heart problems such as arrhythmias and palpitations. Its action blocks some vessels of the heart reducing the number of organ contractions.
Female hair loss, also called alopecia, can occur for several reasons and knowing how to identify them is necessary for the treatment to be targeted and effective. Treatment can be done in several ways, from simple food, intake of dietary supplements, ...
Find out when it is safe for the baby to start sleeping alone in your room and how to make the baby fall asleep alone in the crib.


Quinine is a medicine used to treat malaria due to its active ingredient, quinine, which helps to fight the disease virus. Quinine can also be purchased at the pharmacy under the brand name Mefloquina. Indications of Quinine Quinine is initiated for the treatment ...
Chitosan is a fiber that works by reducing the absorption of fat and cholesterol, and should be used as a complement to a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise. Know how to take and what the contraindications
Hair loss is normal in the postpartum period. Check out 5 natural ways to combat hair loss that guarantee the beauty and integrity of the hair.
Breastfeeding is the best way to feed the baby, but this is not always possible, because there are situations in which the mother cannot breastfeed, because she can transmit diseases to the baby, because she may need to do some treatment or because she uses substances that can pass to the milk and ...
Keloid in the nose is a condition that occurs when the tissue responsible for healing grows more than normal, leading to swelling and hardening of the skin. Treatment can be carried out with the application of ointments. See other treatment options and how to prevent the appearance ...