What it is: Raynaud's disease is characterized by an alteration in the blood circulation of the hands and feet, and can also reach the fingers, nose, earlobes. The color of the skin varies abruptly, becoming initially pale and cold, turning to bluish or purple and ...
The flu vaccine is generally well tolerated and the most common side effects, such as fever, muscle and headache, sweating and reactions at the injection site, are usually mild and transient. However, in rare cases, serious reactions that require medical attention can occur ...
Yellow fever vaccination is the most effective way to prevent and control the disease and is considered safe and effective, although in some cases it can cause adverse reactions. Find out which are the most common and most serious and see what to do
Radiofrequency acts directly on collagen and is great for fighting wrinkles and expression lines, leaving the face more youthful and beautiful.
This liquid retention soup recipe is made with pumpkin, celery and tomato which are diuretic foods and, therefore, help to fight bloating. Ingredients: 1 large onion 1 leek 4 tomatoes 1 pumpkin 1 celery stalk (with leaves) 1 tablespoon olive oil chives Mode ...
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of cancer that affects the muscles and most often affects children and adolescents up to 18 years of age. Know the symptoms of rhabdomyosarcoma and how the treatment is done.
Fever, headache, swelling or redness at the site are some of the most common side effects of vaccines. See what to do in these situations.
Rasagiline, or Azilect, is a medication to treat Parkinson's, and is being made available by SUS. Know when it is indicated and how to use it.
The tongue scraper is an instrument used to remove the tongue coating and helps to eliminate bad breath and prevent tooth decay. It can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets. Learn more what it's for and how to use it
This brown rice recipe is great for those who want to lose weight or have diabetes or pre-diabetes because it is whole and contains seeds that make this rice an accompaniment to meals, having a lower glycemic index than white rice and potatoes, for example. You can follow this ...
This vitamin recipe for the stuck intestine is good because it has milk kefir, which is a drink with probiotics, which balance the intestinal flora, improving the functioning of the intestine and thus relieving constipation. Ingredients: 100 ml of milk kefir 100 ml of water 125 g of ...
This recipe for dark chocolate cake can be an option for those who like chocolate and have high cholesterol, because it does not have foods with cholesterol, such as eggs, for example. In addition, this cake has no trans fats, but it has about 6 g of saturated fat and therefore should ...
This recipe for gluten-free apple cake is an excellent option for those who cannot eat gluten or for those who want to reduce the consumption of gluten in their diet. This apple cake is also a great dessert for patients with celiac disease. Gluten is present in ...
Ranitidine hydrochloride is used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers and inflammation of the esophagus and can be used in tablets, syrup or injection. Learn more and see how to take and what side effects can occur
The recipe for oatmeal cookies and walnuts can be used both for breakfast and snacks, as oats help regulate blood glucose and cholesterol. They are a good healthy snack alternative for diabetics when diabetes is compensated
See how to prepare this light dessert recipe that can be used in weight loss diets including the Dukan diet.
Learn how to make a great recipe with green banana biomass
White bean flour has benefits such as helping you lose weight, lower cholesterol and regulate diabetes. Learn how to do it at home and how to use it.
This lemon sauce recipe is a good option for seasoning foods in the diet phase to lose weight, it gives a better taste to cooked vegetables and without fatty sauces that are usually imposed in weight loss diets, and does not add calories. This sauce can be used in ...
This diet easter egg recipe is a good option for diabetics, because it is prepared with diet chocolate and oats, which help to control insulin. In addition, it is stuffed with tangerine, which is one of the recommended fruits for diabetes. The textured soy protein used in this ...
This recipe for gluten-free bread is simple to make and although the bread does not look like wheat bread it is an excellent alternative for those who cannot eat gluten, as is the case of those suffering from celiac disease or for those who simply want to eliminate the gluten in the food.
This pancake recipe is great for weight loss and can be used in the dukan diet because it is rich in protein and low in fat and calories.
To make purple bread and obtain its weight loss benefits, purple sweet potatoes, which are rich in anthocyanins, should be used as a base. See the recipe.
A great nutritious and functional recipe for those with high cholesterol is the baked fish with apple on a sheet of parchment paper. In addition to being a refined meal that combines with weight loss diets, good fish fats also protect the heart from cholesterol. However,...
This pancake recipe with amaranth is an excellent breakfast option for diabetes because amaranth helps prevent excess blood sugar and can help prevent complications of excess blood sugar. Thus, these pancakes can also be used in ...
This gluten-free pizza recipe is an excellent option for anyone looking to eliminate or reduce gluten intake from the diet. This pizza is easy and quick to make and is a nutritious and healthy meal alternative for the celiac patient. However, the basic difference of this pizza is that ...
This healthy pizza recipe has about 100 calories per slice and is an excellent option for those who like pizza, but do not want it to be very high in fat and also do not want to eat a lot of calories. To make this pizza, you don't need to have much skill in the kitchen. A good pizza ...
This brown bread recipe is good for diabetes because it has no added sugar and uses whole grain flour that helps control the glycemic index. Bread is a food that can be consumed in diabetes but in small quantities and well distributed throughout the day. The doctor who ...
This dessert recipe is good for diabetes because it has no sugar and has pineapple, which is a fruit recommended in diabetes because it has few carbohydrates. In addition, the recipe has few calories and, therefore, can be added to diets to lose weight when you feel like eating something out ...
This tapioca recipe is good for releasing the intestine because it has flax seeds that help to increase the fecal cake, facilitating the expulsion of feces and reducing constipation. In addition, this recipe also has peas, a food rich in fiber that help in the elimination of feces.
Check out step-by-step instructions to make a delicious light chicken and eggplant lasagna with 1500 calories less than the traditional recipe.
Redoxon is a nutritional supplement of Vitamin C that helps to reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms. In addition, as vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, this supplement can be used to facilitate the healing and maintenance process ...