
Flu in pregnancy should be treated with rest, fluids and food to strengthen the immune system. See how the flu treatment in pregnancy should be and when to go to the doctor
The woman with autoimmune hepatitis can become pregnant and have a successful pregnancy, as long as she is regularly monitored by her obstetrician and hepatologist to avoid complications, such as hemorrhage or rejection of the baby, for example. Generally, autoimmune hepatitis in pregnancy does not require ...
What it is: Postpartum hemorrhage corresponds to excessive blood loss after delivery due to the lack of contraction of the uterus after the baby has left. Hemorrhage is considered when the woman loses more than 500 mL of blood after normal delivery or more than 1000 mL after cesarean section. The hemorrhage ...
Cold sores in pregnancy do not pass to the baby and do not harm his health, but must be treated so that he does not cause other problems. Here's how to treat.
Genital herpes can be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy, which can cause miscarriage or malformations. See the risks and how the treatment is done
Intimate hygiene during pregnancy deserves special attention on the part of the pregnant woman, because with hormonal changes, the vagina becomes more acidic, increasing the risk of infections such as vaginal candidiasis that can lead to premature birth. Therefore, intimate hygiene in pregnancy should be done 1 ...
Hyperemesis gravidarum happens when the pregnant woman suffers from nausea and excessive vomiting, which prevent her from performing daily tasks. See if you suffer from this problem, what are the most common symptoms and what is the treatment
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy, when not well controlled, can cause problems such as miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight, so it is important that the woman is accompanied by the obstetrician and undergo thyroid exams regularly. See what are the risks of ...
Swelling is not common and expected and can last up to 1 week, but there are simple strategies that can help to eliminate swelling faster. Know what to do and the warning signs to seek medical help.
What it is Veiled insertion is a problem in the connection of the umbilical cord to the placenta, reducing the baby's nutrition during pregnancy, which can cause sequelae such as growth restriction in the baby, requiring more vigilance through ultrasounds to monitor the ...
What it is: Intrauterine infection is a condition in which the baby is contaminated with microorganisms still inside the uterus due to situations such as rupture of the membranes and the pouch for more than 24 hours, without the birth of the baby or due to the transmission of diseases from mother to baby, ...
To cure urinary tract infection during pregnancy and prevent complications in the health of the mother and baby it is important to recognize the symptoms.
Uterine infection in pregnancy, also known as chorioamnionitis, is a rare condition that occurs most often at the end of pregnancy and, in most cases, does not endanger the baby's life. This infection happens when bacteria from the urinary tract reach the uterus ...
Cervical insufficiency is when the cervix is ​​less than 2.5 cm during pregnancy, which can have serious complications such as increased risk of miscarriage or facilitating premature delivery. The cervix is ​​the final part of the uterus and is formed by cartilaginous tissue ...
Women with kidney disease often have a harder time getting pregnant. Understand why and when you can get pregnant.
The use of laxative in pregnancy is a good way to get rid of the accumulated intestinal gases and relieve constipation, but it should not be used constantly, so that the intestine is not accustomed. Thus, the best thing is for the pregnant woman to experience the most natural forms of ...
Excess amniotic fluid can be caused by gestational diabetes, changes in the placenta and gastrointestinal problems in the baby, but most babies are born healthy
The list of tests for pregnant women over 35 years old is slightly longer than that of younger pregnant women because from this age on there is a greater risk of miscarriage or complications in the mother or baby. This risk occurs because the eggs may undergo some changes that increase the baby's risk ...
Staying with wet panties during pregnancy may indicate increased intimate lubrication, involuntary loss of urine or loss of amniotic fluid, and to know how to identify each of these situations, one should observe the color and smell of the panties. Know how to identify and what to do.
The dark spots that appear on the face during pregnancy can be removed with Vitamin C cream. See what else can be done.
Some women need to take magnesium supplements during pregnancy to prevent premature birth. See other benefits and where to find this nutrient.
This is one of the most used techniques to facilitate normal birth, which must be used with care so as not to pose risks to the pregnant woman and the baby.
Massage during pregnancy reduces back pain, tired legs and promotes well-being, but there are special precautions to ensure your safety.
Massaging the perineum is a good way to increase lubrication and stretch the tissues in this region, which helps with dilation, and consequently the baby's passage through the birth canal. Here's how to do it
The fibroid outside the uterus is usually not severe and does not affect the baby but in other places there can be complications.
During pregnancy, you should wear comfortable knitted and cotton clothing, and you can opt for wide dresses, pants with a sash around the waist and shirts with buttons.
The stuffy nose in pregnancy is normal due to the increase in the hormone estrogen and the volume of blood that cause the veins in the nose to swell and to produce more mucus, clogging the nose. The stuffy nose during pregnancy does not harm the baby and, although it may be present soon ...
Massage, hot compress and stretching are some options. Find out what else you can do to fight sciatic nerve pain in pregnancy
What it is: Pain in the rib in pregnancy is a very common symptom that usually arises after the 2nd trimester and is caused by inflammation of the nerves in that region and, therefore, is called intercostal neuralgia. This inflammation happens because, with the hormonal changes typical of ...
In addition to poor daily diet, there are other factors that may be among the causes of childhood obesity, such as changes in intestinal flora and genetic load
Taking Omeprazole during pregnancy should only be done under medical supervision as there are no scientific studies to prove that this medication does not harm the baby. This medicine should only be used when the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the baby.
Flaxseed oil should not be consumed during pregnancy as it increases the risk of premature birth. See how to consume flaxseed in a healthy and safe way.
In order not to put on weight, pregnant women should increase their consumption of vegetables and foods rich in fiber, such as whole grain rice and flour. See example menu.
Labor can take many hours before contractions become more frequent and regular and the woman can then go to the hospital. What can be eaten during this period, while the woman is still at home, and the contractions are still not very regular are light foods ...
After delivery, both the common and the cesarean section, it is common for the woman's intestine to become stuck. This can happen due to factors such as the occurrence of intestinal lavage during the preparation for delivery or the elimination of feces during delivery
To avoid insomnia during pregnancy, it is recommended that the pregnant woman avoid frequenting very noisy and bright environments at night, do activities that promote relaxation, such as yoga or meditation, and lie down every day at the same time to create a sleep routine, the which facilitates the relaxation of ...