Rubella during pregnancy can cause serious changes in the baby such as deafness, blindness and microcephaly. See what symptoms can indicate an infection with the rubella virus, what are the possible complications and how the treatment is done
Nesting is the implantation of the fertilized egg, the embryo, in the uterus, characterizing pregnancy and leading to the appearance of one of the first signs of pregnancy: a slight pink or brown bleeding which is known as nesting bleeding. Learn to recognize nesting bleeding and ...
Bleeding in the postpartum period, whose technical name is locus, lasts an average of 5 weeks and is characterized by the outflow of dark red blood with a thick consistency and that sometimes presents blood clots. As the uterus contracts and returns to normal size, the amount of blood ...
Small vaginal bleeding is normal during pregnancy after intimate contact, but there are other serious causes, such as ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or placental detachment. Find out more causes, when it's serious, and what to do.
Pregnant women are more sensitive due to hormonal changes that occur throughout pregnancy, in addition to the expectation of having a child. Here's what to do.
Strong and constant uterine contractions and pressure in the bottom of the belly before 37 weeks can indicate premature birth. Use the calculator and see when
The main warning signs in pregnancy are vaginal bleeding, severe headache, pain in the lower belly and fever above 38ÂșC. See more.
HELLP Syndrome is a serious situation that can happen in pregnancy and that can be life-threatening for both mother and baby. Understand what HELLP Syndrome is, main symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding are the first symptoms of pregnancy outside the womb. Know how to recognize other signs and what to do.
Before menstrual delay, it is possible that some symptoms may appear that may indicate pregnancy, such as breast pain, excessive tiredness and cramps, for example. Know how to recognize pregnancy symptoms before the delay and when to take the pregnancy test
The pregnant dessert should be a dessert that contains healthy foods, such as fruit, dried fruit or dairy, and little sugar and fat. Some healthy suggestions for pregnant women 's desserts are: Baked apples stuffed with dried fruits; Fruit puree with cinnamon; Passion fruit with ...
Fetal distress happens when the baby is not receiving the necessary amount of oxygen in the womb. See what the alarm signals are.
The swab examination, which serves to identify the presence of Streptococcus B, should be performed on all pregnant women to assess whether there is a risk of the baby being infected at birth
Superfetation happens when a woman becomes pregnant even though she is already pregnant. Understand how this is possible and when it can happen
Having intimate contact after pregnancy can be scary, especially since the woman's body is still recovering from the stress and injuries of childbirth. Thus, it is advised that the woman return to have intimate contact only when she feels physically prepared and ...
The pharmacy pregnancy test can say that it is positive even when the woman is not pregnant, see in what situations this can happen.
Dizziness in pregnancy is a very common symptom that can appear from the first week of pregnancy and be recurrent throughout the pregnancy or happen only in the last months and is usually related to the decrease in blood pressure due to the weight of the uterus on the vases ...
The nuchal translucency is an exam that can indicate if the baby may have Down's Syndrome, and should be performed between 11-13 weeks of gestation. Know how to understand when the result is normal
What it is: Toxoplasmosis is a disease transmitted by the soil, food, water and feces of contaminated animals, which can cause serious changes in the baby when the mother is contaminated during pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis is also known as the 'cat disease' because it is the host of the ...
The treatment of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which is found in raw or undercooked meat, in soil contaminated with animal feces and in cat feces, can be done with antibiotic remedies as follows: Spiramycin for at...
Treatment for eclampsia consists of administering medication in the hospital until it is possible to induce labor. Know what the treatment consists of.
The treatment of syphilis in pregnant women can be done with penicillin or erythromycin and is the only way to protect the baby.
Treatment for cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy should be recommended by the obstetrician, and the use of antiviral drugs is usually indicated. Learn more about treatment for cytomegalovirus in pregnancy and how to prevent infection.
Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy is usually done with antibiotics such as Cephalexin or Ampicillin, for example, prescribed by the obstetrician, for about 7 to 14 days, after the doctor makes the diagnosis through urinalysis. The use of antibiotics to treat ...
HELLP syndrome is an emergency situation that should be evaluated as soon as possible in the hospital. See what treatment options are available according to your gestational age and what the complications might be
This walking training for pregnant women can be followed by women athletes or sedentary and, in most cases, can be performed throughout the pregnancy. In this plan, it is advisable to walk between 15 and 40 minutes a day, about 3 to 5 times a week, but it is important to consult the ...
What it is: Thrombophilia is characterized by a propensity for the formation of blood clots, which can lead to the occurrence of a thrombosis, stroke or pulmonary embolism, for example. This is because the blood enzymes responsible for clotting cease to function properly, which ...
Thrombosis in the placenta and umbilical cord are rare problems, but they can lead to serious complications such as premature birth or abortion. See the main symptoms, why it happens and how the treatment is done
Thrombosis during pregnancy is dangerous, because if it is not detected soon it puts the life of the mother and baby at risk. Learn how to avoid it, symptoms and treatment.
Morphological ultrasound is an image exam that allows the baby to be seen inside the uterus, facilitating the identification of some diseases or malformations such as Down Syndrome. See when it should be done and what other diseases you can identify
In order not to catch toxoplasmosis during pregnancy it is important to choose to drink mineral water, eat well-done meat and eat vegetables and fruits well washed or cooked, in addition to avoid eating salad outside the house and washing your hands several times a day. Generally, the likelihood of infection ...
The abortion vaccine is a type of treatment for women who wish to have children but who have had more than 2 abortions in a row within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and who have no health problems, such as polycystic ovaries or thyroid disease, which justify the various ...
The septate uterus hinders the development of the fetus and may cause miscarriage, but it can be ratted by removing the wall that separates the uterus in 2
Varicose veins in pregnancy appear due to hormonal changes and pressure from the uterus on the veins, leading to symptoms such as leg pain, swelling and heaviness in the legs. See how to treat varicose veins in pregnancy and how to identify