Episiotomy is a cut in the groin that facilitates the baby's exit during normal delivery. Know when it can be done and when it is illegal.
Fetal erythroblastosis is an alteration that happens when the pregnant woman has Rh negative blood and has already had a pregnancy in which the baby was born with Rh positive blood. Understand better what it is, why it happens and what can be done to prevent the onset of this disease in the baby
A woman suffering from ankylosing spondylitis should have a normal pregnancy, but she is likely to suffer from back pain and have more difficulty moving around especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, due to the changes caused by the disease. Although there are ...
Pimples in pregnancy arise from hormonal changes in the period, which make the skin more oily. To fight you must keep your skin clean, see how
Stretch marks in pregnancy arise due to the stretching of the skin by the growth of the belly. To avoid it is important to keep your skin hydrated. Know how.
Stress in pregnancy can cause problems like allergies, underweight and heart disease. Know what to do
Delayed menstruation is not the only sign of a possible pregnancy. Answer the questions and take our online test to find out if you may be pregnant. See when there is more risk of becoming pregnant
Tests in the first trimester of pregnancy, which must be done until 13 weeks of gestation, are important to assess the mother's health, the risk of the mother passing some diseases to the baby, identifying malformations and the risk of miscarriage. The complete list of exams from the first ...
The third trimester exams, which comprise the 27th week of gestation until birth, are used to check the baby's development and to make sure that there are no problems during delivery. Check the list of the main exams and when to take them
The exams of the second trimester of pregnancy should be carried out between the 13th and the 27th week of pregnancy and are more directed to assess the baby's development. The second trimester is generally quieter, with no nausea, and the risk of miscarriage is lower, which leaves parents ...
Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles inside the vagina, improving intimate contact, facilitating childbirth, and combating involuntary pee losses. Find out how, when and where you can do these incredible exercises.
Stretching exercises in pregnancy help to relieve back pain, increase blood circulation, decrease leg swelling, and are also useful in bringing more oxygen to the baby, helping him to grow healthier. A stretching class also helps in fighting ...
Some aqua aerobics exercises for pregnant women include walking, running, raising their knees or kicking their legs, always keeping the body in the water and can be done by most pregnant women. Water aerobics, in most cases, is indicated after 3 months of gestation, which ...
The consumption of phenylalanine in pregnancy is harmful to the baby and can cause irreversible damage to the central nervous system, which can only happen in the case of women who were born with phenylketonuria. In women who have developed maternal phenylketonuria, tests to evaluate ...
To facilitate normal childbirth it is important to do exercises such as walking, climbing stairs or dancing, for example, to move the hips and facilitate the fit of the baby's head in the pregnant woman's pelvis. However, the pregnant woman must do several exercises throughout the pregnancy and, not ...
In case of fever during pregnancy, in addition to homemade strategies to lower the temperature, the pregnant woman can take medications such as Paracetamol or Dipyrone, under medical advice.
Flagyl (Metronidazole) is an antibiotic that treats some sexually transmitted diseases. It can be used during pregnancy, but always under medical guidance. This medication is classified by the FDA as being at risk B during pregnancy, which means that it has not been performed ...
When the doctor warns that childbirth will be artificially induced, which happens a few days before hospitalization for induction, the mother can try natural methods to induce childbirth, such as: acupuncture homeopathic remedies doing exercises on the walking ball There are some ...
To treat gastritis in pregnancy, you must make changes to your diet and use natural remedies such as ginger and chamomile tea. Medications such as antacids may also be indicated. See the symptoms and what to do to treat gastritis in this period.
Gonorrhea in pregnancy can cause major complications for the baby, usually including eye damage, blindness and generalized infection if the disease is transmitted at the time of delivery. If the mother with gonorrhea detects the symptoms early, she can have a treatment based ...
Teenage pregnancy is considered a risky pregnancy, as the girl's body is not yet fully formed for motherhood and her emotional system is very shaken. Consequences of teenage pregnancy The consequences of teenage pregnancy can be: ...
Anembryonic pregnancy happens when the fertilized egg implanted in the woman's uterus but did not develop, resulting in an empty gestational sac. This type of pregnancy is one of the main causes of miscarriage. Know what it is, what it can cause and what to do in cases of ...
Spring pregnancy needs to be treated with uterine aspiration and medications to prevent complications like the development of cancer.
Learn to recognize the symptoms of incontinence and urinary tract infection during pregnancy and how to solve these two problems.
Tubal pregnancy happens when the baby is not in the womb, causing complications that endanger the life of the woman, its treatment is usually done with drugs that induce abortion or surgery
In addition to the flu vaccine, pregnant women can take the diphtheria and tetanus (dT) vaccine, also known as tetanus vaccine, however triple viral and chickenpox vaccines are contraindicated. Check the complete list
Despite the benefits of physical activity, not all pregnant women can do weight training during pregnancy, because in some cases there are risks for the baby.
To get pregnant again after a tubal pregnancy, it is advisable to wait about 4 months if the treatment was carried out with medication or curettage, and 6 months if an abdominal surgery was performed. Tubal pregnancy is characterized by the implantation of the embryo outside the ...
The baby is almost ready to be born. See the preparations, important care, last preparations and when the baby will be born.
Some women say that they got pregnant without noticing any symptoms, such as sensitive breasts, nausea or tiredness, even during the whole pregnancy. But is it really possible? And in what cases can this happen? Understand the Truth About Silent Pregnancy
A pregnancy is considered at risk when, after medical examinations, the obstetrician verifies that there is some probability of a disease of the mother or baby during pregnancy or at the time of delivery. know more
Some men become psychologically pregnant, showing the same symptoms as their wife's pregnancy. Understand why this happens and what to do.
Taking missing vaccines, folic acid, not doing exercises that involve jumping or falling are important precautions. See other necessary care
Teenage pregnancy can result in several consequences for both woman and baby, such as depression during and after pregnancy, premature birth and increased blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization, pregnancy is considered early when the girl ...
Check the care, exams, how to relieve discomfort in the second trimester and how to prepare for the arrival of the baby.
This guide presents the main information about the baby's development and the changes in the woman's body in each week of pregnancy. Select your week and understand how the baby is growing and how the mother's body is changing