
Testing identifies hearing problems in the newborn but can also be done at other ages. See what it can be when the test changes.
The progestogen test is indicated for women who suffer from secondary amenorrhea, that is, who go through three menstrual cycles or six months without menstruating. Know when to do it and how to interpret the progestogen test results.
What it is: The cholinesterase test is a laboratory test requested mainly to check for poisoning or the degree of exposure of the person to toxic products, such as pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers, for example. This test is more suitable for farmers, since they are in contact ...
The stress test, also known as exercise testing, is a type of test in which the doctor is able to assess suspected heart problems during exercise. Understand more about how it is made and how to prepare it.
Rapid HIV testing can be done by SUS, at the Testing and Counseling Centers, or can be purchased online to do at home.
Gene therapy is a treatment done by modifying the DNA of tissues affected by some diseases. Understand how gene therapy is done and what diseases can be treated
What it is: Hip tendonitis is a common problem in athletes who overuse the tendons around their hips, causing them to become inflamed and cause symptoms such as pain when walking, radiating to the leg, or difficulty moving one or both legs. Generally, tendonitis in ...
The eye test helps to identify problems in the baby such as cataracts and glaucoma, and is done quickly and painlessly in the maternity ward. See more.
What it is: The Schiller test is a diagnostic test that consists of staining the inner region of the vagina and cervix with an iodine solution, in order to observe the integrity of the epithelium of this region. It is usually done during colposcopy, and in some cities, to ...
HIV test

HIV test

The HIV test aims to detect the presence of the HIV virus in the body, being important for treatment to start quickly. Understand how HIV testing is done, what the results mean and when it can give false negative results
Teniasis is an infection caused by the worm Taenia sp., And causes abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea. See other symptoms, how is the treatment done and what is the life cycle of this parasite
For the lactose intolerance test, fast for 12 hours and avoid drinking milk and dairy products. See how to prepare and when the result is positive
Pregnancy tests help a woman to understand whether she may actually be pregnant, but each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Understand the main differences between the pharmacy test, which can be done at home, and the blood test
Testosterone is a male hormone but is also present in women in smaller amounts. Learn to identify the symptoms of lack of this hormone and how to increase
Find out the best day to take the pregnancy test from the pharmacy, but if you are anxious take our online test to find out if you may be pregnant.
Tympanoplasty is a surgery performed to treat perforation of the eardrum and restore hearing capacity. Understand what tympanoplasty is, when it is indicated, how it is done and how recovery is
The tilt test, also known as the tilt test, is an exam to investigate excessive dizziness and episodes of syncope, which occur when a person has fainting. Find out more about how the tilt test is done, preparation and care after the exam
Excessive hair on the face is the main sign of increased testosterone. Learn other signs, diagnosis and how to lower testosterone in women.
Typhus is an infectious disease caused by a flea bite or a louse infected by the Rickettsia bacteria. Understand what typhus is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Stroke is caused by ischemia or hemorrhage that happens in the brain. See how to differentiate the main types and their causes.
Hemiplegia is a type of cerebral palsy that can be classified into 4 main types according to symptoms and severity. See what are the main types of hemiplegia and what to do.
There are several types of shock that can affect the body and leave life at risk, such as septic, anaphylactic or hypovolemic shock. See the signs.
There are several types of anesthesia, such as general, epidural or spinal, which are used to prevent pain during medical procedures. See more.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by viruses, continued use of medications or autoimmune diseases, so there are several types of hepatitis. Find out what are the types of hepatitis, symptoms, what to do and how the diagnosis is made.
There are, so far, 5 known types of dengue, and the types present in Brazil include dengue type 1, type 2 and 3. Understand how they are different, what are the symptoms and other common doubts
According to the cause of meningitis, it can be classified as viral, bacterial or eosinophilic. Learn more about the types of meningitis.
Sugar can vary according to the origin of the product and its manufacturing process. Most of the sugar consumed is made from sugar cane, but there are also products like coconut sugar. Sugar is a type of simple carbohydrate that should be avoided and consumed in ...
Tics are any movement performed repetitively and compulsively, such as blinking your eyes or biting your lips, for example. Understand why nervous tics happen and what to do.
Thyroglobulin is a test widely used to assess the development of tumors in the thyroid, helping the doctor to adapt the treatment according to the results. Understand why it may be high or low
The types of toxoplasmosis vary according to the way in which the disease presents, which can be acute, lymphatic, disseminated, neonatal, ocular and generalized.
Silicone prostheses are structures that can be placed above or below the pectoral muscle and that aim to increase the volume of the breasts or correct asymmetries, for example, having a direct impact on self-esteem. Know the types of silicone prosthesis and how to choose
Hemorrhage is the loss of blood that happens in different places and vessels in the body. Learn how to differentiate each type of hemorrhage and what to do in each situation.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Quervain's thyroiditis, lymphocytic thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis or bacterial thyroiditis are some major types of inflammation that can affect the thyroid.
See how the CT scan of the skull is performed with and without contrast, how to prepare for the exam and who should not do it
Computed tomography is an image exam used to assist in the diagnosis of some diseases, such as cancer and infections. Understand what it is for and how to prepare for computed tomography