
The lymphatic system is the system responsible for draining the lymph into the blood. Understand how this system works, diseases that may be related, anatomies and functions
This very simple soup to cure the flu is very nutritious too, rich in calcium, magnesium and iron. It is indicated to cure or recover from the flu because the ingredients have great anti-inflammatory and decongestant potential. Soup ingredients to cure the flu 4 asparagus ...
Sodium is the main ingredient in common table salt, which is sodium chloride, which despite being important for maintaining blood pH balance, nerve impulses and muscle contraction, in excess can cause high blood pressure
The immune system is a set of tissues, organs and cells that have the function of protecting the organism against invading microorganisms and, thus, preventing the occurrence of several diseases. Understand how the immune system works
Hiccups in the baby are common due to the immaturity of the chest muscles and diaphragm, which can be easily stimulated or irritated, resulting in hiccups. Find out what can be the constant hiccup in the baby and what to do.
What it is: Pepper spray is a tear agent because it is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes causing excessive production of tears, pain and temporary blindness, which is used by security forces for crowd control and in some countries, for defense folks. He is...
Hiccups usually come when you eat too much food or eat too fast, but in some cases they can even be a sign of changes in the brain.
The constant hiccup indicates changes in the stomach, lungs or even the brain, requiring a medical evaluation.
This delicious yam soup with watercress and ginger is an excellent recipe to lose weight and lose belly. Here's how to prepare.
Symptoms of diabetic foot include numbness and tingling, and treatment can be done with antibiotics and dressings to facilitate healing.
Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a gram-positive bacterium found in the urinary system of men and women that causes infection when the immune system is weakened. Learn to recognize the symptoms of Staphylococcus saprophyticus infection and how treatment is done
Soups are excellent allies of the diet to lose weight because they are rich in nutrients and low in calories. See 3 easy and delicious recipes.
What it is: The drug-eluting stent is a spring-like device, coated with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs that serves to unblock the arteries of the heart, brain or even the kidneys. They differ from conventional stents in that they present medications in ...
The benefits of whey include muscle recovery, as it is the source of several amino acids that decrease the feeling of muscle fatigue and favor hypertrophy. Learn about other benefits of whey and how to use
Group B Streptococcus or Streptococcus agalactiae is a bacterium that can be naturally present in the body but can cause serious infections in newborns. Find out what are the main symptoms of S. agalactiae and how is the treatment
Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive bacterium normally present in people's mouth and nose without causing any damage. However, when it reaches the bloodstream, it can cause serious problems. Find out what are the main symptoms, diseases and how treatment is done for ...
Sorghum flour is gluten-free and rich in protein and fiber, making it a great option to include in your diet. See its benefits and how to use it.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a bacterium naturally found on the skin, but it can cause disease when the immune system is weakened, for example, favoring its entry into the body and proliferation. Understand what S. epidermidis is, how to identify and treat it.
Streptococcus is a genus of rounded bacteria that are normally present in the body without any manifestation of disease. Understand what it is and what are the main species of Streptococcus.
Streptococcus pyogenes, or S. pyogenes, is a bacterium that can be easily found in the body without causing any symptoms. However, depending on the person's immune system, disease can develop. Know the main diseases caused by S. pyogenes and the ...
Staphylococci are rounded, clustered bacteria that can normally be found on the skin. Know the main species of Staphylococcus, symptoms of the infection and how the treatment is done.
Soups are great allies of the diet, as they are rich in nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and low in calories. In addition, it is easy to vary the flavor of each soup and add ingredients with a thermogenic effect, such as pepper and ginger, which speed up metabolism and stimulate weight loss
Pink juice, made with beets and other red and purple ingredients, is rich in vitamin C, preventing premature aging. Check recipes.
The excessive production of sweat on the face, which is called craniofacial hyperhidrosis, can happen due to the use of medications, stress, excessive heat or even be a consequence of some diseases, such as diabetes and hormonal changes, for example. In this situation, the glands ...
Calcium supplementation after menopause is not indicated for all women, as it increases the risk of heart problems. See more.
Avocado, papaya, cherry and kale are excellent options to rejuvenate your skin. See more options and how to prepare the best juices.
The rice protein supplement is good, not only to help increase muscle mass, but also to strengthen the immune system, prevent anemia and maintain healthy skin and hair.
What they are: Food supplements are chemical substances specially produced to complement food. They can be composed of all vitamins and minerals and therefore are known as Multivitamins or they can contain only certain substances, as occurs in ...
The most suitable food supplements for those who want to run more, involves multivitamins, whey protein, amino acids and creatine. The targeted supplementation helps the athlete to perform better and run better
Night sweat can indicate from an increased temperature, to serious diseases, such as HIV, tuberculosis or cancer. Know what it means and what to do.