
Tea is a drink that has numerous health benefits because it contains water and herbs with medicinal properties that can be useful to prevent and help treat various diseases such as influenza, for example. Teas can have calming, stimulating, diuretic or ...
All women who are trying to conceive should take folic acid about 12 weeks before their first attempts. This care helps in the baby's brain development, avoiding serious complications
Dizziness in the elderly is one of the most common complaints from the age of 65, described as a feeling of imbalance and changes in vision, which may or may not be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Learn the causes and how to treat.
Emotion is a personal experience that can generate a feeling of pleasure or discontent from a certain situation, which can be winning a gift or losing a job. Learn about the different types of emotion
The digital rectal exam is requested mainly to assess the prostate, being able to assist in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer. See when requested and how digital rectal examination is done
Although some people think that taking laxative makes them thin, this is not true. The laxative will cleanse the intestine and, therefore, can give the impression of weight loss, because with an empty intestine the belly looks smaller, less swollen. Contact laxatives such as Dulcolax and Lactopurga, for example, ...
Thoracotomy is a surgical procedure that consists of opening the thoracic cavity and that can occur in different regions of the chest, to provide the most direct route of access to the affected organ and a width sufficient to allow a good operative field. Learn more and see which ...
What it is: Congenital torticollis is an alteration that causes the baby to be born with the neck turned to the side and presents some movement limitation with the neck. It is curable, but must be treated daily with physiotherapy and osteopathy and surgery is only indicated in cases where ...
See what types of headaches there are and what are their associated causes and symptoms. Find out what the treatment of each of them consists of
Knee sprain or sprain consists of excessive stretching of the knee ligaments and tendons, which can lead to rupture, causing severe pain and swelling. See the causes, symptoms and treatment
Find out what it is, what are the symptoms and how to treat and prevent trachoma, a type of severe conjunctivitis that is caused by Chlamydia
Transferrin is a protein responsible for transporting iron to tissues. Find out what the normal transferrin values ​​are and when it is increased or decreased in the blood.
The transmission of foot-and-mouth disease to humans is difficult to happen, however when the person has a compromised immune system and consumes milk or meat from contaminated animals or comes into contact with urine, blood or secretions of these animals, the virus can cause infection. Such as...
Swelling of the feet and ankles is a relatively common condition, which is usually associated with poor circulation. However, the swelling can also be caused by health problems like thrombosis or heart failure. See the main causes and what to do in each situation
Washing your hands, taking vaccines and antibiotics if you are familiar with meningitis are the best ways to protect yourself from bacterial meningitis
Toxocariasis is an infectious disease caused by a parasite that can inhabit the intestines of dogs and cats, Toxocara sp, and enter the human body through the contact of people with feces from infected cats and dogs. See what are the symptoms of toxocariasis and how to treat
Oxyurus transmission can occur through contact with the worm's eggs that may be on the infected child's clothes, toys and personal effects or through the consumption of water or food contaminated with this worm. When scratching the anus, oxymorus eggs stick to the nails ...
Human head transplantation is a type of surgery that has been much discussed lately and has benefits, such as improving the quality of life of people with degenerative diseases, and risks, such as total loss of movement and death due to bone marrow involvement. Know more about...
Bone marrow transplantation is done with the aim of treating blood disorders, such as lymphoma and leukemia. Understand what it is, how it is done and possible complications of bone marrow transplantation.
The transmission of dengue occurs during the bite of an Aedes Aegypt mosquito infected with viruses. After the bite, symptoms are not immediate.
Lung transplantation is a relatively delicate type of surgical treatment that can be used to improve the lives of people with severe lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or sarcoidosis. See what other cases it is used for, how it is done and how it is recovered
Kidney transplantation is usually indicated by the nephrologist in case of advanced chronic kidney disease and aims to restore kidney function. See how the kidney transplant is done, what the post-operative is like and what are the possible risks and complications.
Measles is a disease easily transmitted through coughing or sneezing. See the best ways to protect yourself in times of epidemic.
Pancreatic transplantation is indicated for cases of diabetes, in which there are complications, such as renal failure. See how it is done and recovery.
Uterus transplantation may be an option for women who wish to become pregnant but who do not have a uterus or who do not have a healthy uterus, making pregnancy impossible. However, uterus transplantation is a complex procedure that can be performed only on women and that still ...
Dissociative identity disorder causes the person to behave as if he were two or more different people, also known as double personality syndrome or multiple personalities. Learn to identify symptoms and treat.
Food supplements can be used to gain muscle, give energy or burn fat. See what they are and how to use each one.
The transmission of viral meningitis occurs through the air by inspiring droplets of saliva contaminated with the virus or by eating food contaminated with the saliva or feces of the person who has the disease. Check out 5 simple steps to not catch the disease, even during a ...
See exactly what you should do to fight sciatic nerve inflammation at home, while waiting for your appointment.
Stem cells can be used in the treatment of various diseases, since they have the capacity for self-renewal and differentiation, that is, they can give rise to several cells with different functions and that constitute the different tissues of the body. Thus, stem cells can ...
The treatment of acute renal failure can be done with adequate food, medication and in the most severe cases when the kidney is very compromised, hemodialysis may be necessary to filter the blood or even have a kidney transplant. In renal failure, the kidneys ...
Treatment for cysticercosis is usually done in cases where the larva affects the eyes, the brain or the heart, using specific remedies.
Treatment for HIV infection should be done according to the doctor's recommendation, and the use of antiretroviral drugs is recommended, which prevent the virus from multiplying inside the body, helping to control the disease. Understand how HIV treatment should be
The treatment for erysipelas is made with antibiotics such as Penicillin and Amoxicillin or ointments to control skin infection. Know the care you should take and how to recover faster.