
Natural vitamin supplements for athletes are excellent ways to increase the amount of important nutrients for those who train, in order to accelerate healthy muscle growth. These are homemade supplements rich in magnesium, calcium and protein that prevent the appearance of ...
Some types of profound deafness can be alleviated with the use of implants or hearing aids.
Bovine colostrum strengthens the immune system, improves training performance and treats diarrhea and ulcers. See more benefit and learn how to take.
Supplements to burn fat accelerate the metabolism making the body spend the accumulated fat as the main source of energy, but they should only be used under the technical guidance of a trained professional considering its side effects and potential contraindications. Beyond...
Supplements to gain muscle mass such as Whey Protein and Femme, are indicated to enhance the results of the gym, giving a more firm and shapely body. They can even be used for those who want to put on weight without gaining a belly, for example. However, its use ...
Although deafness can begin at any age, and mild deafness is more common in individuals over 65 years of age, in some cases it is curable. Depending on its severity, deafness can be classified as total or partial. According to the structures it affects, it may be deafness ...


Characterized by an inflammation in the connection between a muscle and bone, tendonitis is more common in people who work with computers or write a lot,
See how to fight cramps, anemia and poor circulation in the legs with vitamins that can be prepared at home.
Cold sweat is a body reaction that can occur in situations such as hypoglycemia, hypotension, anxiety or shock. See other causes, what symptoms and what to do
The glomerular filtration rate, or GFR, is important to assess the functioning of the kidneys and, therefore, if a change in its value is verified, the most appropriate treatment may be recommended by the doctor. Understand what the TFG is, how it is determined and reference values
Telangiectasia on the face, also known as vascular spiders, is a skin disorder that causes small red spider veins. Here's what to do.
Prothrombin time is an exam that assesses the blood's ability to clot and, therefore, when it is altered it can indicate health problems.
Elbow pain and lack of strength are symptoms that may indicate tendonitis in this region. Understand how the treatment can be done.
Pain and difficulty in moving the hands are the main symptoms of tendonitis in the hands or wrist. Check out the 6 steps needed to achieve healing.
Weight loss supplements have a thermogenic action, which increases fat burning. See how to take these supplements along with the diet.
Tendonitis in the ankles is an inflammation of the tendons that connect the bones and muscles of the ankles, causing symptoms such as pain when walking, stiffness when moving the joint or swelling in the ankle, for example. Generally, tendonitis in the ankles is more ...


In tendonitis, the tendon is inflamed, but in tendinosis, the tendon is already weakened and may rupture. See how your treatment is done.
Tenosynovitis is the inflammation of a tendon and the tissue covering a group of tendons, which generates symptoms such as local pain and a feeling of muscle weakness in the affected area. See other symptoms and recommended treatment.
Tendonitis in the goose paw is an inflammation in the knee region and leads to symptoms such as knee pain when walking, walking up or down stairs. Treatment is indicated by the orthopedist and can be done with anti-inflammatories and local ice. Find out more about the treatment and ...
Find out what are the remedies, exercises, food and tips to treat tendon inflammation and relieve pain.
Bladder tenesmus is a very uncomfortable situation characterized by the frequent need to pee even if the bladder is not full. Know the main causes of bladder tenesmus and how treatment is done
Teratoma is a tumor formed by several types of germ cells, that is, cells that, after developing, can give rise to different types of tissue in the human body. Thus, it is very common for hair, skin, teeth, nails and even fingers to appear in the tumor, for example. Usually, this ...
Rest, ice and anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated, but physiotherapy and surgery can also be used to treat DeQuervain's tenosynovitis.
This type of therapy can be used to speed recovery and relieve pain from problems such as tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.
The sty, or hordeolus, is an inflammation in the eye, caused by the obstruction of the eyelid glands with fat. Usually, infection of the sty by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is also common, causing a swollen, red and very painful spot, with pus inside.
Rectal tenesmus is characterized by an intense urge to evacuate, even without feces in the rectum. Find out what causes, most common symptoms and how treatment is done
Ovarian teratoma is a type of tumor, which is most often benign, but can also be malignant. Know how to identify your signs and symptoms and how treatment is done in each case.
Telangiectasia are the spider veins that appear on the legs in a red or purple color, and are popularly known as vascular spiders. Find out the difference between spider veins and varicose veins and how to permanently dry these spider veins.
Pain in the calf, near the heel, may indicate tendonitis in the Achilles and the treatment can be done with ice and exercise, in addition to rest. know more
The Coombs test is usually ordered by the doctor in anemia to confirm the diagnosis, but it can also help to identify other diseases. See the possible causes and how to interpret the result.
The 6-minute walk test serves to assess a person's motor and respiratory capacity after a heart attack or major surgery. It helps to determine if the person can walk and is recovering well