
Treatment of dengue can be done with Paracetamol or Dipyrone and it is recommended to drink 2 liters of water a day to speed recovery.
The treatment for inflammation of the Bartholin's gland, also known as Bartolinitis, should always be guided by a gynecologist and, usually, is only done when symptoms such as pain during daily activities, pus output or fever, for example. The Bartholin gland can ...
The circadian cycle can be altered in some situations, which can cause sleep disturbances and cause symptoms such as excessive sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night, or even cause more serious health problems. See what types of disorders of the circadian cycle and ...
The treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, which causes severe pain in the face, can be done with the use of medications, and in cases where there is no improvement in symptoms, surgery may be indicated. Check out the main forms of treatment
Myelomeningocele is usually treated with surgery to correct the spine and prevent infections or new spinal cord injuries. See more about the surgery
Rubella treatment is done only to relieve symptoms of fever, muscle pain and nasal discharge. See the most used remedies, when to supplement with vitamin A and what are the possible complications.
The treatment for cat scratch disease is done with the use of analgesics, antipyretics and antibiotics, which reduce pain, inflammation and completely eliminate the microorganisms involved in this infection. The most frequently used antibiotics are Rifanpim or ...
Treatment for angioma depends on its location, size and severity. Angioma in the skin does not cause serious complications and can be removed or disappear spontaneously. Cerebral angioma, on the other hand, can lead to complications such as numbness in the arms or legs, and in some cases, ...
Treatment for tetanus should be started as soon as possible when the first symptoms appear, such as contraction of the jaw muscle and fever, after a cut or wound on the skin and consists of the use of medications, such as tetanus serum. Learn more about how treatment is done for ...
Check out how malaria is treated, the most suitable medicinal plants and how food can help you recover faster.
The treatment for hand foot and mouth syndrome aims to relieve symptoms such as high fever, sore throat and painful blisters on the hands, feet or intimate area. Treatment should be done under the guidance of the pediatrician and the symptoms usually disappear one week after the start of the ...
Physiotherapy is very important in the treatment of fibromyalgia because it helps to control symptoms such as pain, tiredness and sleep disorders, promoting relaxation and increased muscle flexibility. know more
HPV treatment is indicated when there are warts and may include the use of medications or even surgery. See treatment in man and pregnancy.
The treatment for nerve bladder aims to decrease the amount of urine and help control the bladder. To facilitate the treatment, the patient needs to reorganize his diet, reducing the amount of liquid ingested, avoiding the consumption of coffee, citrus juice and alcohol. THE...
The treatment of alcoholism involves exclusion of alcohol that can be helped with the use of drugs to detoxify the liver and to reduce the symptoms of alcohol shortage. Admission to clinics for drug addicts can be voluntary or involuntary if there is a risk against ...
Some natural remedies, such as aromatherapy or consumption of foods with magnesium or vitamin D can help in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
The treatment for tonsillitis depends on its cause, as it can be bacterial or viral, in which case it must be treated with different types of remedies. See which remedies are indicated for each case, what to do during pregnancy and what treatment options are available for ...
Treatment for knee osteoarthritis should always be guided by an orthopedist as it is usually done to relieve the specific symptoms of each patient and prevent the development of the disease, since there is no cure for osteoarthritis. So, most arthrosis treatments ...
The treatment for osteoarthritis in the spine can be done by taking anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and pain relievers. Physiotherapy sessions can also be indicated to relieve symptoms and prevent the disease from worsening, and as a last resort, performing ...
Treatment for Stevens-Johnson Syndrome should be started as soon as possible in the hospital, to avoid even more serious life-threatening complications. Understand how treatment is done and what complications can arise
Ozone therapy is a type of ozone treatment that can be used to treat wounds, diabetes, infections, and respiratory and inflammatory problems. Better understand how it works and in which cases it is used more
The treatment for botulism must be done in the hospital starting with the administration of anti-botulinum serum and stomach and intestinal lavage. Understand how botulism is treated and how to prevent it
Severe cases of psoriasis can cause arthritis, causing pain when moving the joints, swelling and decreased muscle strength. See how physiotherapy is done to fight psoriatic arthritis and relieve symptoms
To treat bulimia and fight vomiting without risking weight gain, psychotherapy, medication and dietary re-education may be necessary.
Treatment for osteoarthritis can be done with medication, physiotherapy and surgery, but there are also homemade options that can help. Find out what they are.
Treatment for Congenital Multiple Arthrogryposis includes orthopedic surgeries and physiotherapy sessions, and the use of splints for sleeping. Find out more details of what can be done.
To remove the scar from the skin, increasing its flexibility, you can massage or resort to aesthetic treatments, with the use of braces. Small scars caused by chicken pox, a cut on the skin or minor surgery are easier to solve, but it is also possible ...
Treatment for bursitis in the shoulder, hip or other joint can be done with medication, physiotherapy or surgery. See more details.
Stroke treatment is done with drugs to restore blood flow to the brain, which can range from ischemic to hemorrhagic. Know how.
Find out what are the treatment options for Rheumatoid Arthritis, indicated by the doctor, natural and alternative.
Treatment for dilated cardiomyopathy should be guided by a cardiologist, as it varies according to the patient's symptoms, such as excessive tiredness or difficulty breathing, for example. Dilated cardiomyopathy is a disease that causes excessive dilation of the muscle of the ...
The treatment for celiac disease is simply to eliminate gluten-free foods such as crackers or pasta from your diet. The gluten-free diet is a natural treatment for celiac disease because wheat, rye, barley and oats are excluded from the diet. The individual and the members of the ...
Taking remedies for pain and inflammation, getting plenty of rest and ensuring hydration are some options for the treatment of mumps. Know the treatment.
Breast candidiasis happens especially during breastfeeding, but it can also happen under the breast especially when it forms a fold of skin that is naturally warmer and moist
Bladder cancer can be treated through surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or the use of a substance known as BCG. Learn how they work.
The treatment of septic shock should be started as soon as possible, preferably within the first hour it was detected, using antibiotics, medications to regulate blood pressure, hydration in the vein, in addition to strict monitoring of vital data and tests .
The treatment of vaginal candidiasis can be done with ointments such as Fluconazole, indicated by the gynecologist. Check out more strategies and care needed to cure genital candidiasis faster.
Hot water, massage and exercise may be needed to eliminate muscle contraction. See what you can do at home.